For Prosperity and Success, Meditate!

Success is being in the right place at the right time, and doing the right thing in the right way. You read it here.

By following this you open the door to prosperity. You get the response and the reward from this at some point in time, whether it is right away or at a later date.

We are all individual and unique, with a unique personality, abilities, karma and possible timelines. We all have our own version of the right thing, the right place and right time. Finding the right thing and doing it, and expressing ourselves in this way, can bring a combination of happiness and success. And prosperity.

Right now in this world at an international, national and a local level, life appears to be crazy, and things seems to be falling apart. As Light comes in the old is breaking down. The old ways don’t work so well anymore except for a few. But the Light is also instigating and supporting a lot of positive things happening. A lot of people are trying to make a difference, and are putting into practice new ideas, mostly at the individual and local level. In this way they boost their prosperity.

The ideas and concepts are there, and people who are dissatisfied with how things are have the motivation to open Up and access the ideas and inspiration. Strangely enough, they were born for this, they have the aptitude for it, even if they didn’t know it before, they have the karma for it and the timeline waiting to happen. It is happy days when the penny drops.

There are lots of ways of being open to the inspiration just waiting to drop on them like a bubble of light. Some people have a realisation when they are in a relaxed mood, or when they are involved in an activity where the brain can relax.

Another way is meditation. An analogy here is a radio (the devices people used to use before going online for a digitised sound, which is worlds apart from the richer analogue sounds of radio in years gone by). A radio can recieve a radio signal of a range of frequencies. Imagine some of the lower frequency stations have a lot of talk and chatter, while there are some higher frequency stations that make you feel happier, calmer and relaxed, with alpha brain wave patterns. But also with some rather lovely energy from on High.

Think of it this way. You are a soul, with a particular personality this lifetime so your soul gets to have the experiences for it to develop. The core of you, the soul, came from God. When you meditate it is possible for you to be on the receiving end of a tiny bit of God’s energy. (Too much and you get white-lighted and lose the plot.) A daily top-up is fine.

You follow the steps to set up the meditation, and then go with the flow. You can’t force it. Like in surfing, you are on your board, you see the wave, you go for it, catch the wave and stand up, and go with the flow. You trust yourself and you trust the wave, and respect it if it is a big wave. You can’t force the wave, you just ride it. Same thing with meditation. Then the wave subsides. When you want, you go out and catch another wave.

A meditation, or better a daily meditation, can help you be open to inspirations and insights that can help you do the right thing, in the right way, and in the right place at the right time. Meditation is good to have as part of a successful and prosperous life.

There are meditations in posts on this blog to choose from, and also some recorded ones you can listen to accessible form the side bar.

Explore the new prosperity that is coming through with the new energy coming into the planet by reading the book A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity. Here’s the link:

If you want to find out more about meditation here is a useful link to a blog post listing the meditations on this blog, with links.

New Ideas of Prosperity which are good for the planet and yourself

As spiritual energy flows into this planet it brings new concepts to help us create a new, more vibrant and loving future. It is as if energy flows in from the future to give us the stepping stones into that future.

Here you can find links to some of the new concepts and also meditations.

If you find you like the concepts, there is a book, with some great energy, about prosperity called A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity by Jonathan Barber, available on Amazon.

You, the World, Change and Prosperity

A meditation to listen to: A Golden Glow of Prosperity

If you would like to buy the book A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity click here:

New Prosperity means thinking about others as well as yourself

Old books on prosperity reflected thinking and attitudes of the time. Nowadays, ideas about prosperity are different because we see the world and our place in it differently.

In old books prosperity was all about the individual getting rich. There were a lot less people around then, there was less demand on resources and also less of an impact on the planet. For instance, there was no plastic if you can imagine that (and somehow, life still went on). There were less cars so there was less need for oil. There were no computers so there was no need for energy hungry computer servers for an internet.

Now we know that there are finite resources on this planet. We know that we have impact on the natural world. We know now that how we treat the natural world, ends up affecting us, because we live in a closed system we call Earth. It’s not hard to figure out.

In years gone by it was harder to assess the weather and predict with accuracy what the weather was going to be. Now, we can model the weather with powerful computers. The science of meteorology has developed a long way which means we can predict more accurately the weather, and we have more up-to-the-minute information on weather. So we now have more awareness of the weather than in those times gone by. We notice more the weather patterns and the kinds of weather events that happen. We notice the effect we have on the air and oceans and how there is much more energy in global weather systems than before, and how this changes the weather and affects us.

We have become better at understanding systems, which can be weather systems, financial systems, and economic systems where the resources are not abundant. We recognise that what happens in a distant part of the world can affect us. We recognise what happens in our country and our local area affects us, and in return we may be able to affect them.

We are able to see the bigger picture and our place in it. We can know about the systems that affect us and which we can in turn, affect. If all parts of a system are doing OK then we can get to do OK. If one or more parts of a system are not doing well, then at some point this will affect us.

Here’s an example. We all use banks and there is a banking system. If the customers of one bank start taking out their money then the bank might not survive, and this can severely damage other banks and financial markets, and sometimes other banks then go out of business even in other countries, affecting their customers.

In an inter-related system, all parts have to be reasonably healthy or else the whole system suffers, which affects all concerned prosperity wise.

So these days, we can focus on our own prosperity for sure, but we also have to bear in mind the prosperity of those around us. The wellbeing of all involved in the systems that touch us ends up at some point influencing our prosperity. If a system becomes too damaged it can fail, affecting ourselves and others. Actually, there are a number of interacting systems, which end up affecting each other.

Here’s some examples. In the UK, the attempted invasion of a country, Ukraine by Russia about one and a half thousand miles away affected our energy prices. So we are paying the energy companies more. They are taking advantage of the situation and so, people have less money to spend on other things. So other areas of the economy are negatively affected, and businesses can go out of business, and the price of other goods goes up, increasing inflation. So an energy company executive, though they might be given a bonus as profits are up, they end up paying more for food, and due to inflation, the value of their savings goes down, and to top it all, their favourite restaurant has to close (for example).

Being greedy affects the interacting systems in a negative way, which comes back to affect us, and that is not being prosperous.

We live in an international interconnected world. In fact, our modern world is perhaps too interconnected and fragile.

We can be prosperous for ourselves, but we rely on our local community, and national and international communites. It really helps to support others to be prosperous. Would you rather live in a community with a lot of prosperity and all the benefits that brings, usually in an attractive place, or would you rather be one of the few prosperous people around in a run-down looking place with a less well off population?

I’m trying to suggest here that it is good to think about yourself, yes, but putting out prosperity thoughts, energy and actions for others, say, starting in the local community, is a good thing for all including yourself.

I have seen examples of this. In one village, I saw how the community had got together to create a hydroelectricity scheme to provide energy for homes and businesses. This meant they were less reliant on the energy companies that have been happy to charge more. They also planted communal orchards. Some good will, choosing to work with supportive people, innovation and intelligent action are great for all in a community, as is taking back power from those people who would exploit you. Behaving like this increases your prosperity and the prosperity of others.

I wonder if these people will set up their own bank next?

All souls come from God, and as souls, we are all part of the Oversoul, the collective Up in the inner planes. This is an aspect of our Divine Home, where there is a vast amount of Light and Love.

This Light and Love is something that can be reflected down here, but for the most part, it isn’t. What we have had is the spirits of selfishness, greed, desire for power, and fear, and perhaps hatred. For many people, though not all, these energies, these spirits are part of their energetic makeup, and influence how they think and act. Even in countries where there is awareness of karma many people will act in ways that are less than loving. But there is a price for everything.

Now with more Love and Light pouring in, things are changing. This means that some people will have in them energies or spirits that are more Love-based and positive and for the Higher. So there is less selfishness and instead there is generosity and goodwill. There is more a sense of respect for others and for Nature and the environment. There is more the spirit of responsibility.

For a soul, this is a good thing. In karma, there is balance, carried out by the Law of Opposites. So if someone has a lifetime where they are very wealthy, and their soul has the experience of a personality down in matter living and learning from a life of wealth, the next lifetime, the soul gets a life of poverty to experience and learn from the opposite, as a balancing experience.

Sometimes a wealthy person can considers that a poor person is not worthy of help, and that it’s their karma to experience that life. But maybe it is appropriate to help them. Does one’s thoughts and actions come from a place of selfishness and greed, and sense of superiority (which doesn’t make sense because we are all part of the same Oversoul), or do our thoughts and actions come from a place of love and a desire to do the Higher actions?

Sometimes helping someone might be robbing that person of the experience they need and it gets shoved onto another lifetime, in which case no help is best. Sometimes helping them by sharing one’s prosperity of time and / or money might be the right thing. You can usually tell. An action done from a feeling of guilt is generally not the right action. If helping someone comes from love, you feel it in your heart, and you know it is the right thing to do. Karmically, you are doing the right thing, and karmically, they are doing the right thing by receiving the assistance. Its like there is a connection, soul to soul, and you feel it, because your true nature is Love.

There are wealthy people around who are generous and help others and they will end up with future lives that reflect the love. However,there may be philanthropy because the wealthy person wants to look good in the eyes of society. They are in effect trying to buy respect and prestige, so the aim is essentially selfish and without love, and the next lifetime or lifetimes will be a bit rough as karma is balanced. The soul doesn’t mind however, as it is just experience of one life out of a great many, and what needs to be learnt, needs to be learnt. Doesn’t mean to say it is enjoyable for the personality though. When you know about this, it’s a bit more incentive to learn about being loving.

As more Light and Love comes into humanity, it is becoming easier for more loving energy, spirit and inspiration to come in to influence our thinking, actions and prosperity, so we can not only improve matters for ourselves, but also for those around us and our communities, and for the planet we call home.

There are plenty of ideas available, like bubbles of energy, waiting for people to touch and absorb. So a bit of spiritual prosperity practice can open up brand new timelines for oneself and others.

Listen to a meditation for prosperity

If you would like to buy the book “A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity” click here

The Future Is Yours

I haven’t posted in a while. Life has been busy with its up’s and downs and mostly enjoyable and virtual stuff has been kept to a very happy minimum.

The world seems to be going crazy, which is good, as all the Light pouring in has flushed up a lot of the junk and old karma that has been previously hidden. And the Light is chewing through the junk. I’ve written about the Light bringing up to the surface what needs to be brought up for negation in previous posts.

People don’t like to change, but humanity has got to where it is by carrying on in ways that are unsustainable, and in ways based on greed, selfishness and sometimes hatred towards others.

Lightworkers can choose to tune into the energy, the Light coming in and go with the flow of it, and life can get easier as they make the necessary changes. There are previous posts which explain how to open that big heart, connect with intuition, and become aligned with the Light, so as to make changes in life. It’s all about getting onto the best timeline, which tends to be less about what we as personality-individuals think we want, but rather about what God wants for us, that will make us happy. It is all about what we need rather than what we want: as individuals and as humanity as a whole.

Anyone can, if they choose to, tune into the Light and the Love to have insights into what they can do to change as a person, and what the most loving thing they can do to make life better for themselves and also for others. The Light works through people to bring about Loving changes. You usually know what needs to be done because it feels important to you.

There are people who are happy and comfortable with how things are in the world, who don’t want the change, and who will try (ha, ha) to oppose it. The Light comes from an Infinite source, so guess whose reality is going to be created.

There are a lot of changes that need to happen and life will look very different in, say, even fifty years. Someone called Meher Baba said that around the beginning of the Twentieth Century the energy was 75% dark and 25% light, and that by 2069 it needed to change to 25% dark and 75% light, and He did the energy work and set the timelines for this to happen. So hang on to your hats.

Even the grumpy ones should be happy with the improvements after that.

After that change, there will be more, as humanity and creation will keep evolving in a spiritual sense. To give you an idea of what that means, the human system of mental body, astral body and physical body, will be able to handle more refined energy and in larger amounts. Which also means more chakras. So in future lifetimes there will be upgraded energy systems and different karma to go with that. All souls are on a journey. To where? (Mentioned in previous posts.)

The future is yours.

You, the World, Change and Prosperity

These are “interesting” times we live in. So much is changing, including how we think about things and what we do.

There is a huge amount of spiritual energy flowing into this planet right now and this flow is going to keep on coming in. Before about 1900 or so, there wasn’t so much spiritual energy flowing in, and life on this planet ticked along, with some advances in human life. A lot of values, ways of thinking and ways of behaving within humanity changed very little.

Then in order to get humanity on the right track (right timeline) and up to speed in humanity’s spiritual development and that of Creation, a lot of spiritual energy was injected into the world. Some people might think that this would be like waving a magic wand and then all of a sudden everything would become love and light and harmony. The evidence so far of how changes happen in this world shows that such people didn’t really understand how things happen.

For instance, lovely spiritual light comes in to bring about change for the better to create a more loving world. But that means that a lot of people who have done very well with the old ways of doing things and who have amassed a lot of wealth, power and influence will find all of that diminishing. They won’t be so powerful, they won’t be so wealthy and will lose influence as more people have a say, as more of the population has a better level of prosperity (whatever that now means) and may… may have more power (whatever that becomes to mean). Plus those with wealth may find the old ways of amassing wealth are no longer allowed.

Even as the new spiritual energy pours in, those with wealth, power and influence based on the old ways of doing things won’t want to change and they will put up a fight, as they follow their selfish desires.

For example, people are realising that some basics of prosperity are clean air, clean water, minimal pollution and freedom to be themselves, as well as an income. Now, the people who own and run the petrochemical industries will do whatever they can to keep going as they want to keep making money. So they will lobby and where they can buy their way into governments they will do so. They will attack and discredit scientists and those that promote change. They will come up with schemes to make it seem OK to keep developing uses of oil. For instance, the notion that making plastic is good because it can be recycled was one of their ideas, which was a half-truth at best since most plastic isn’t recycled, but it made people feel okay about oil. This trick is still working.

The people who have shares in petroleum companies would also would also be against change. So many right wing, conservative politicians will have shares in oil and plastics and they are going to lobby and vote for what is going to build their wealth out of self-interest, rather than their nation’s interest, or humanity’s interest and long-term prosperity. How many governments in the world are funding research into alternatives to plastic and are passing laws limiting the actual production of plastics?

In basic terms, the Dark is feeling threatened by the Light and so is putting up a fight.

The spiritual light pouring in stirs everything up that is old, or outdated, or twisted. It flushes it up so that it can burn itself out or be burnt up in a spiritual sense. This then leaves something that has a spiritual basis. This means that life can be lived in a more spiritual way (whatever that means for each individual) and really this is still the beginning of all the changes so we are not at the point of really knowing what spirtuality really is.

But happily, God does know. And also happily, God, who is always full of surprises, is in each one of us.

This flushing up of the old, does make life seem chaotic and crazy, and seem out of control. But for those that can trust God, there is a path through, and it is possible to know true from false.

Spiritual energy speeds up old karma so that it can be balanced and used up. This tends to make life more intense and full of change. As old karma is used up or burnt up, old energy goes. This means new karma can come in and new energy can come in.

At the same time as the old, or Old Law way of doing things is cleared away, new ways that will benefit humanity, the planet and Creation generally, are being introduced and stimulated by the spiritual energy. So the good news is there is a Plan.

To know your part of the Plan it helps to trust God, build a relationship with God say through meditation, or simply by service to others and/or the planet, let go of what you need to let go of, and do what feels right to do in your heart.

People who are Dark orientated, who like having power, or wealth, or influence and control over others, will work hard to maintain and build these things. There is so much of this going on at the moment and it happens in all kinds of ways at all kinds of scales.

There are governments in the control of one person or a group of people, who then intimidate and suppress their own population or sections of it, and are aggressive to other countries and destabilise them.

There are businesses (and criminal groups) who knowingly act in ways that are destructive to the planet and do harm to people.

There are people who want to limit what people can think, feel, say and do in order to fulfil their own desires. They will do this by attacking others that disagree with them, by shutting them down, by trying to make them feel guilty so they can manipulate them, and by influencing politicians to do this for them. At a deep level, they have a lack of respect for other people. There is a lack of love here.

Often, people aren’t in a position to do something about the negative influences on their lives, or don’t seem to be, even when they know that something isn’t right or feels wrong.

But there are those who have the means and a calling to expose what is going on and there are people with the means and drive to do something about the various Old law-based individuals and groups.

Developing your spirituality is a great thing to do. It can really help you bring in the new, and it can help with dealing with anything Old Law or twisted trying to get into your life to push you off track.

The Divine is in us all, and so if someone starts to meditate, if they clean up their energy and protect it, if they connect with their intuition and pay attention to their feelings, notice what is going on in life around them, and if they listen into their heart to know what is right and what isn’t, they can ask inside themselves what it is they need to do. And then do it.

Progress in life happens because people think about things, make plans and then do what needs to be done. With the spiritual energy flowing in and stimulating people, people’s actions, including yours, can be fueled by spiritual energy.

©2022 Jonathan Barber

If you want to know more about new prosperity, there is a book, “A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity” available from Amazon by Jonathan Barber

Other articles and a meditation on Prosperity:

A meditation for you to try: A Golden Glow for Prosperity

Oh, and remember to Smile!

The tide has changed.

It used to be the case that life was fairly predictable and it was a safe bet that we could be comfortable with the familiarity of an existence where we knew that tomorrow life would be rather like today. The same kind of life would be happening, and there may be some surprises but not too many to destabilise our ideas and expectations about life.

In a spiritual sense, life was heavily influenced by our karma so life trundled along in its own way. There was a steady familiairty as old institutions and organisations that were based on old values and old energy held sway.

But now, on a personal level, on a societal level and a national level, and also on a global level, the old energy is being ripped up and new energy is being injected into life on all levels. Change on all levels needs to happen and it is happening. The old guides to life and the old ideas don’t work in this new world, where the old energy is being demolished and the new energy is coming in, no matter how hard people try to fight to hang onto the old ways and the old energy, a lot of which was quite slow frequency and also twisted anyway.

It is to be expected that people will try to hang on to the old life, to the old structures in life and to the old ways of living. If that has served them well in the past and if it all they know. But for them, alas, it will be to no avail.

For those people who were already disillusioned with the old ways of doing things then all this change is likely to be embraced, and the new, emerging aspects of life will be accepted.

As new energy flows into this emerging world the old maps of how to live life won’t work. What does work is paying attention to your intuition and trusting.

Everything is changing, and though it isn’t possible to understand the changes, there are new opportunities emerging as the old ways of living change. Life looks messy at the moment. However, the new energy coming in that is ripping up the old and creating the new is also offering the new information required to live in this world and to be part of the change.

All you have to do is trust everything is going to work out, and use your intuition to go with the flow. And Smile.


The Planes of Consciousness, and their link to meditation

We live and have our being in this physical reality, which is part of Creation. As a soul when we incarnate in Creation for the very first time, we drop down from the Divine levels where we experienced Divine Light.

There are levels or planes of consciousness in Creation, in fact there are seven planes. The zeroth plane (0th) has the lowest level of consciousness, and as we go through the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th planes of consciousness, the level of consciousness increases. So the bottom of the zeroth plane, where souls come into Creation for the first time, has the very lowest level of consciousness. The top of the 6th plane has the highest level of consciousness in the 6th plane.

A soul comes into creation at the bottom of the zeroth plane and spends time as a mineral, as rock, and has the consciousness of a rock. After a while, the soul comes out of that existence, and goes into the experience of being a different kind of rock with a very minute increase in consciousness. So time and time again, the soul has different experiences in the mineral kingdom, going through different rock forms and then metal forms, and each time has a very minute increase in consciousness. This goes from 0.0 to 0.2 on the zeroth plane.

At about 0.2, the soul then comes out of the mineral kingdom, and starts on the many lifetimes in the plant kingdom, as some form of plant life. There is a pattern of a plant dying and the soul coming out of one form of plant life, to go into another form of plant life. On and on the soul goes through the plant kingdom, each time experiencing a very minute increase in consciousness and awareness. The plant kingdom goes from the 0.2 level of consciousness to the 0.4 level. As the soul experiences a death for the last time in the plant kingdom, the soul moves on to take a form in the animal kingdom.

The animal kingdom goes from 0.4 to 0.6, and the physical forms or bodies in this kingdom can support a higher level of consciousness and awareness than the plant form. (The kinds of forms in the animal kingdom change over time, which shows up as animals becoming extinct and new animal forms coming into existence. This happens to provide the right physical vehicle for the soul to experience Life and to support the soul’s level of consciousness. Everything changes.)

After many lives building consciousness on the zeroth plane, the soul has a first life as a human on the 1st plane of consciousness.

The quality of astral light, and mental light is quicker and a bit brighter on the 1st plane than the zeroth plane. The level of consciousness is higher than on the first plane.

After plenty of lives on the 1st plane of consciousness, the soul, now in human form, has a first life on the 2nd plane. The astral and mental light on the second plane is brighter than on the 1st plane. Also there is less astral light and more mental light, and the consciousness is quicker.

Physically it isn’t possible to say what plane someone is by looking at their body. It is all in the energy, and level of consciousness. Nor is there an obvious link to the job or role someone has in everyday life.

After enough lives on the 2nd plane of consciousness, the person dies and their soul moves on to form another human body and this time they are on the 3rd plane of consciousness. The level of Light and consciousness is higher on the 3rd plane than the second. There is little astral light and more mental light.

After more and more lives, a person will have lives on the 4th, then the 5th and in the 6th plane of consciousness. These are the mental planes of consciousness as there is only mental light and no astral light. The Light on these different planes have different qualities which show up in the inner lives and sometimes outer lives of the people on these planes. The Light on the sixth plane is dazzlingly bright. In these planes there is inner awareness of God.

At some point, a person near the top of the 6th plane will become God Realized with the help of a Perfect Master usually on the inner planes. Their consciousness then goes through a massive change so their consciousness is on the Divine levels.

This is all a very brief description of the planes of consciousness which all souls go through (so it isn’t about one soul being considered better than another soul as it is a journey all souls go on).

People on the different planes have different inner qualities to each other and will require different experiences. Usually souls / people build up karma through the 0th, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd planes of consciousness and then attempt to balance it all in the 4th, 5th and 6th.

All souls will radiate out energy and Light, and often this is to contribute energy and to offer something that has a healing effect which can help move other souls along. Take singers for instance. There are some singers on the 1st plane whose light and energy can have a positive effect on people on the zeroth plane. But not on people on the 2nd plane and above. There are a few singers on even the 5th plane who can sing and as their energy and Light goes out to the listeners, people on the 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st and 0th plane can be positively affected.

The same goes for musicians, artists, TV presenters, teachers, writers, people involved in films and so on. Everyone interacts with everyone else. (Healers and those with a spiritual teacher role will similarly effect others on lower planes than themselves, but not those on higher planes. Also, because someone is a healer or spiritual teacher does not mean to say they are on a high plane, and it is important to dispel that particular glamour.)

When a person meditates, they are in their aura, and so in their energy field. Some auras are bigger than others. But also, say if you are on the second plane, a meditation teacher on the 1st plane won’t be providing you with an energy field that can take you up. A meditation teacher on the 3rd plane or higher can do that, and the experience you have will be different to trying to meditate with a first plane teacher (who would be good for people on the zeroth plane). This applies to online meditation as well as meditation in the same physical location. Now if you get to meditate with someone like a Perfect Master, or someone who has a Perfect Master on the inner planes overshadowing them, or if they have an active Divine guide, then the sky’s the limit.

(This is just a very brief description of the planes of consciousness and what people are like on those planes and what their inner experiences are like, and how, like those on the 5th and 6th planes, affect everyone else on the planet. If you want to know more I would suggest checking out God Speaks by Meher Baba, which is now also available as a pdf download if you look online. This book is the go-to source, and also has a very nice energy (watch out!).)

Here’s a link to some notes about the planes of consciousness for souls coming into Creation.

Here’s a link to FAQs about meditation.

I can’t come in today, I’m feeling too good.

I woke up early to a glorious June morning. The London weather was warm, and the sun was shining. Coming to full awareness, I realised I felt good, really good, in fact better than usual. I felt unusual, strange, really happy and excited. There was no apparent reason. The reason was not obvious to everyday thinking. But then, there is more to life than everyday thinking, and I felt it was time to embrace new possibilities.

I felt so good that I didn’t want to waste this feeling doing the usual, I wanted to see what this day would bring. That meant breaking out of the usual routine of going to work so that something unpredictable could happen.

I phoned work, “I can’t come in today. I’m feeling too good. I should be in tomorrow.” An unusual thing to say, and I figured afterwards, they had heard that I wasn’t feeling good instead.

Breakfast, and then ready to go out. “What shall I do?”, I thought to myself. “I’ll just go with an open mind and with what feels right”. So out of the house and a walk down to Brixton tube station. That felt right.

A few minutes into the walk, I came across a rather cool looking guy, over six foot, black with some dreadlocks down to above his shoulders, with what looked like some strands of gold in them. We just struck up a conversation out of nowhere about all kinds of things and got on well. I suggested we hang out for a while. He was happy about the idea, and agreed on going to Kew Gardens, several miles away, by bus as neither of us had time limits. It was a pleasant way to travel through South West London on the upstairs deck of a bus rather than go by Tube.

Recollections are hazy, what I do recall is that he was a DJ and split his time three ways. He spent time in London, New York and Ibiza (Spain). I think we connected because of the way he lived with spiritual energy being part of his life. He hadn’t followed a path or read books or had a spiritual teacher. He was a creature of energy.

On the way to Kew he told me how he was sensitive to people’s energy, and the time he was in a restaurant, and someone had walked by him who had liver disease, and that he nearly keeled over with the pain he could feel in that person’s body. (Nowadays I would have taught him how to button up his aura and chakras and build some layers so he could turn his sensitivity on and off as required).

He mentioned how he lived his life by trusting and manifesting what he needed. He said one of his favourite manifestation methods was to write a message and put it in a bottle, then cast it out into the ocean.

Kew Gardens is a beautiful place. On one side is the curve of the River Thames. The river has deposited fertile sediment that makes up the soil over a long time. It’s a botanical gardens and there are plants from all over the world. It is a wonderful place to walk around. Plus it has some spiritual significance that I didn’t know about at the time (more information can be found by researching online the terms Meher Baba and Kew Gardens should you be interested).

We talked for ages. One thing this guy said was that only sleeping four hours a night was a good thing to do, good for your energy.

After our long walk, as Kew Gardens has many paths, we caught a bus back to Brixton, changing at Clapham Junction.

That night, having had an exceptional day, I slept and automatically woke up after four hours. I was definiltely surprised. I felt good. The same thing happened for the next few nights, and I would get out of the house and into the nearby Brockwell Park to do T’ai Chi with no one around, feeling the connection with the ground.

My sleep pattern went back to its usual after that, but it made me think about how powerful that guy was energetically.

It was about six months later that I saw him again. I had learnt some things about spirituality and also therapy since our earlier meeting. He seemed in some emotional pain, the roots of it being in his earlier life. I suggested a breathing technique that was useful for moving emotions. He came to my place a few days later and I guided him through the breathing process. With everyone else I had so far done this with the process had felt gentle. This guy had so much energy in his system, and so much spiritual energy, that everytime he breathed it was like being on a boat on an ocean swell.

After that session I didn’t see him again. What had struck me from the first meeting was his heart of gold, the kindness of his energy, his natural spirituality and his sensitivity.

Sending out happy thoughts!

Feeling God in Everything

What a night!

Every cell of my body seem to vibrate and to be full of life-energy. The nerves on my hands and fingers feel super-sensitive. My eyes are open staring at everything in amazement.

It was October 15th 1987. Several months previously I was a crashed party-animal in crisis. Now I was into spirituality and whatever helped me move on into what looked more and more like a wonderful world. I had been reading and working with a book called A Course In Miracles which contained a lesson for every day of the year. Today’s lesson was number 29, “God is in everything I see”. This made sense to me as God is everywhere. So I would look at a chair, and say to myself, “God is in this chair”. I would look at the floor and say “God is in this floor”, and so on. It all seemed quite easy and a bit of fun.

Being autumn in the Northern Hemisphere twilight started quite early. I was really getting into the lesson noticing God in everything around me, and in all the things that I could see out of the bedroom window which overlooked a park in South London with it’s grassy space and large, old trees. “God is in that tree”, “God is in the grass”, “God is in the window”.

Then the sensitivity in my nerves built up, and my body felt as if it was filled with a vibrating electricity, and I mentally went into a different mental blissed-out space. It was as if I could sense the atoms of whatever I looked at vibrating away and being filled with God, and I could connect with it.

As the evening progressed and became darker outside, the energy outside built in strength, the winds picked up speed and howled, the trees started to bend and sway impossibly. All the while the intensity of energy built and built in my body. My mind didn’t hold a single negative thought. All I could connect with was the God in everything vibrating away. In fact, there were no thoughts going through my head, all I was doing was feeling an inner peace and connecting and observing, with all senses ablaze.

Saying “God is in …” kept on transporting me deeper into this strange state of sheer wonder. Outside the wind screamed and battered the building, and the trees kept on bending one way then another.

Time went on for hours. The storm went on through the night, and my body and mind were just vibrating, with the occasional phrase of “God is in this…”.

In the midst of the storm I was so relaxed and at peace I slept.

The next morning I felt normal-ish, while remembering how I had felt last night. Internally I was happy. I went to work.

Outside was a surprise. Big trees down, signs blown down. Later estimates reported that about 15,000,000 trees in the South East of England had been blown down, in what came to be known as the Great Storm.

For more on the crisis beforehand take a look at crisis and meditation in London and beyond

Time for a new prosperity

The world has changed a lot over the past several decades, and particularly in the last twenty or so. Right now there is a lot of change happening. There is more to come, as spiritual energy, Love and Light, pour into the Earth and humanity to bring about change. For humanity right now, it is a lot about getting rid of the old, based on old energy, and creating the new, based on new energy. Today, we are in the midst of this change (some people might prefer the word turmoil).

There are people who are invested in the old, and who are trying to hang on to it. For instance, those people who have made a lot of money from oil and the industries based on oil such as plastics will do anything to make sure it keeps going. Think of how slow governments are in dealing with the issue of plastics. This is just one example from many possible ones.

Several decades ago, spiritual prosperity thinking would have been OK with making money running an industry in steel, coal, oil, chemicals and so on, which polluted the planet, and involved dangerous working situations for people, or exploitative ones. The people making the money would have been held up as shining examples of how to be prosperous. That was the old prosperity, the old way. Some people still want to live this way.

There are businesses based on exploitation of people and the environment. There are businesses that are to do with sex that exploit women, and also children. There are businesses based on drug addiction. There is the harvesting of personal details and data on the internet. These businesses are based on greed and control and often violence.

There are other possible examples, such as cryptocurrency mining which uses up huge amounts of electricity to produce and so uses up the earth’s resources and contributes to global warming.

These are all ways this world currently goes on. Ways that are not exactly based on Love and Light. They can touch people we know personally. They certainly touch our communities and societies. Does making money through these ways mean it is being done prosperously?

Turmoil and change is making humanity (well some of them) learn from the state of the world and the consequences of past actions. These caring people think there has to be something better than the old ways.

And there is.

On a spiritual level, the insights and new creative concepts have already been flowing in. There are many people at the leading edge bringing in new technologies, developing sustainable ways of doing things, and having ideas about how to live more intelligently. It’s a time of creativity and experimentation.

As is often the case in spiritual matters, spiritual energy comes in to create situations in life for individuals and groups of individuals that they then go through and learn from. Life itself is the teacher, and people come to realise what is important and what isn’t, and use their ingenuity to find solutions to problems. With the spiritual input, life changes, and people change because of it. (Who did you think was in charge of Life, the Universe and Everything?)

For those people who want to do things in a new way, they can access new insights and ideas that are already flowing in. People can just be open to them, or they can go a spiritual route and deliberately work with the Divine (the Father aspect or the Mother aspect; both work), and embrace the new spiritual ideas of Prosperity coming in. It’s like tapping into a wave that is flowing in from our new, improved future, which is very different to the old one that we are leaving behind. The book “A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity” is all about this.

In the past, the old spiritual approach to prosperity was heavily focused on money and wealth and having lots of it.

The new spiritual approach to prosperity does include money as it is still useful as a means of exchange of energy. But in life, we have learnt that having clean air and clean water massively adds to quality of life. So does nutritious food, which given pollution, turbulent weather, increasing population and the quality of food produced by factory farming, is becoming an issue. We have learnt that being able to spend time with other people is important, simply being able to be held and hugged is important. Having privacy is becoming important as the tech companies collect and sell data about us, without respect for people. Having an environment where we can access some greenery or Nature is important for people. Having employment, as setting up and running businesses is not for everyone, without exploitation but rather with respect is important.

The very nature of how money is used will need to change. Currently, people go into banking and finance because they want to make lots of money. The financial system is set up to run so that money comes from the customers, and the money flows to those who work in Finance so they can become rich off these customers. There is plenty of scope for innovative thinkers here.

A spiritual approach to prosperity has always relied on some understanding of how focused thought works with spiritual energy. The roles of visualisation and intuition still applies, as does timely right action. What is different now and in earlier times when prosperity books were written is that there are many more people around who have an awareness of spirituality and the world, and who visualize and meditate. What else is very different is the phenomenal spiritual energy flowing in from the Divine for people to access and work with to be prosperous, and bring in the new.

Jonathan Barber

To buy the book “A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity” follow the link There are also more articles and a meditation on prosperity:

A meditation for you to try; A Golden Glow for Prosperity

Why are things the way they are?

We live in times of unprecedented change, upheaval and uncertainty. Often people wonder why, and why if there is a God does He allow this to happen? Particularly this is the case if there is suffering, death or hardship involved. Why bother to be spiritual if God is like that? For instance, there are enough people who practice some form of spirituality in places like California, Australia and Florida who could try to use the idea that their thoughts create their reality. Yet they still experience fires or floods and lose their homes. So what is going on?

Some spiritual knowledge and understanding helps.

There is some knowledge that either isn’t known or isn’t understood in the West, or even in the East for that matter.

Generalising, a lot of New Age ideas came about in America and then spread around the globe. But modern America didn’t have all the knowledge. The initial immigrants to America came from Britain and Europe. Their spiritual or religious background was Christianity, and modern America was based predominantly on Christianity (though the Founding Fathers as they were called also had spiritual knowledge from their Freemason tradition, but as this was secret, it wasn’t expressed openly). The Native American traditions and knowledge were not taken up by the Europeans.

In Christianity there is no concept of reincarnation. There is no concept of karma. There was nothing about meditation. There was the notion, based on the Bible, about using thoughts through prayer, focus, and affirmation. Out of this spiritual foundation came ideas for the New Age, with some ideas thrown in from people in the hippy culture who had travelled to India and surrounding countries.

The New Age culture had the idea of thoughts determining reality, and a lot of new ideas blossomed about healing, therapies, psychology and relationships that many people have found useful. But important concepts were missing.

There is the concept of a soul, derived initially from the Christian background. But there is more to the soul than what is stated in Christian teachings.

Briefly put, the soul is literally a piece of God. The soul initially experienced itself to be totally connected to God, existing in a place that is Divine Love and Light, that can be called The Beyond or Reality.

A simple description of what happens then is that the soul drops down, and falls asleep as it drops (usually). And it drops into Creation (or the Illusion). It drops to the very bottom of Creation, then starts to have its first lifetime in mineral form, with zero consciousness. In its next lifetime as a different kind of mineral it has an ever-so-small increase in its consciousness. With every next lifetime there is a tiny increase in consciousness, and also later on, awareness. The soul builds up a great experience of Life. It also gets to learn what it is not, as it leaves behind the old form. But it doesn’t know what it is.

When you really look into reincarnation and past lives, you discover that we all have had a huge number of past lives as humans. Going further back there are the many lifetimes in mineral form, plant form and animal form before the human lives.

When the soul reaches the human lives, in some of those lives, the personality the soul has incarnated as, asks questions such as, “Who am I?”, and, “What is the purpose of life?”. There is still some waking up to do, and when it does, the soul and the personality perhaps, get to wake up properly and know themselves, really know themselves as God, as a living experience. (Easy words to write, but to really know it is something else.)

What makes each lifetime different to the one before?


Just by being, even doing nothing, all souls build up karma as they experience each lifetime.

There is positive karma which is built up by being positive, and which we experience in a happy way. Negative karma which can feel uncomfortable or extremely painful is built up by negative thoughts, feelings and actions.

In the lives we have, as well as creating karma, we balance it, use it up, neutralise it. Before each incarnation, on the inner planes we have a discussion with our Higher Selves and perhaps guides and arrange what karma to go through for that life to balance things up. Often as we arrange to incarnate at the same time as other people it literally is that “all the world’s a stage”, and we play roles. In one life someone can be an enemy, in the next a friend, in another they can be brother or sister or mother and so on. In one life we can be very rich and to balance karma in others we can be poor. Its all a balancing act.

The karma, positive or negative, that we experience can come from many lifetimes ago.

To make the picture more complicated or richer depending on your point of view, there is also karma linked to any family and group you are in. There is also karma to do with your village, town or city, and area. Each country has its own karma that affects everyone living in it. Each larger region has its own karma. There is planetary karma, which the whole planet experiences, and also solar system wide karma. There is galactic karma, too (ever seen pictures of two galaxies colliding?), and Universe level karma.

Life is a process where karma gets balanced. In these times, there is a huge amount of Love and Light pouring into the planet Earth and creation. This is to move things on to a more loving and light filled time. But before this can happen, the old karma is being stirred up, and brought to the surface for rapid balancing.

Hence the upheaval and uncertainty. But if you sharpen your intuition and focus on being in your heart, you can navigate these times.

© Jonathan Barber 2021

If you are interested in karma, here are some links to other articles on the blog:

How experiences are influenced by karma and the Law of Opposites.

About karma, gender and sexuality

About karma and mental illness

About karma and spiritual path

About karma and relationships

If you would like more on reincarnation, here are some links:

If reincarnation was true, how would you live your life

Notes for a soul coming into creation

In-depth, detailed information about reincarnation and the soul and so much more can be found in the book God Speaks by Meher Baba.

A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity

We have the ability to be prosperous by applying spiritual understanding and techniques to improve our lives.

This book helps you to understand the spiritual basis of prosperity. It shows you how to use the abilities that are already in you to work with the energy of prosperity, to create results in your life. These techniques used to be called secrets but they are available for us to use with some learning and practise.

Because new spiritual energies are flowing into the planet, humanity is developing and the meaning of prosperity is changing. This new book works with the up-to-date energies that are flowing in. Think of prosperity ideas flowing in from the Divine in the future. This is what this book works with. Rather looking backwards into the past, this book is open to the future, and the new spiritual energies coming in. We can create a new world that is prosperous in new ways.

To buy the book “A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity” from Amazon click here. You might also like to listen to the meditation, A Golden Glow for Prosperity. Enjoy.

The Truth Shall Set You Free (as long as it actually is the truth)

There is a lot of Light and Love pouring into this planet and the rest creation. This brings about huge change, as you might have noticed, with the aim of bringing about a more loving, peaceful and happier Life for all, after a bit of shaking things up. Humanity has a huge role in all this as they are on the receiving end of some of this love and light. It is humans, individually and collectively, who can feel emotions, think thoughts, construct ideas which become beliefs, and do something and take action. This can affect life for the individual, for their locality, for their nation, and for the world. Humans affect the course of the Future.

People can have thoughts, feelings and beliefs that they hold to be true, and act from these. These may be big acts, or it may be their beliefs affect every decision, and the ways they live their life, down to the details such as what they feel towards others, where they shop, what foods they eat, and their politics and so on.

People can also be on the receiving end of other people’s ideas which influence their own ideas. What other people tell or show them can be information and truthful, or it can be misinformation.

Spiritually in the world, there have been two different forces (just like in Star Wars!) attempting to hold sway over humanity and so affect the course of humanity to fit in with their beliefs. They have been exerting their influence ever since humanity has been around.

There is the Dark Lodge, who like to have control over people and who use and who support tyranny, oppression, misinformation, violence and criminality. They like to keep people oppressed and subservient so they can live luxuriously off these other people. (The name of the lodge refers to how the colour of the spirit looks like on the inner planes and how it looks to the third eye. If you looked at their heart centres, these would be dark.)

Then there is the White Lodge, they are bound by their own ethics in how they behave, and they like people to be free, to be happy, to be fulfilled, to be healthy, and to be developing spiritually. (White energy around them, and heart centres with white light in them.)

Both Lodges have beings on the inner planes who can be thought of as Dark guides and Light guides, and they have people on this planet who can be thought of as their agents, getting things to happen. If this was a game of chess, which is a good analogy, then the inner plane beings and the agents can be thought of as the main pieces. Then there are ordinary people who lean to either the Dark Lodge, and who are influenced by them and do their Dark bidding, or who lean to the White Lodge and do their more love-and-light inspired bidding. These ordinary people are like the pawns in chess.

The Dark Lodge will attempt to influence people to do things that are not good for them, and / or are not good for other people or the planet.

The White Lodge will attempt to influence people to do something that is good for themselves, for others, and the planet. They try to inspire and appeal to people’s best nature. Basically, they will try to support people to move forward along their spiritual journey, while the Dark Lodge will find ways that get people to be blocked from moving forward on their spiritual journey.

The dark Lodge wrote the play book on how to negatively influence people: brainwashing, torture, extortion, exploitation, making dependent, abuse, bullying, lying, using temptation, appealing to people’s laziness, indifference, hatred, prejudice, pride, self-righteousness, desire for rage, desire to hurt, insecurities, their likeing for glamour, their lust, their greediness, their fear, sometimes their need to belong and be accepted, their need to escape life (eg getting out of it, getting high or drunk or both), and their need to feel special or different.

Spiritually, people have a soul, a piece of God quite literally, within them. This prompts and helps them move along their spiritual journey. When people do the right thing there is a feeling of rightness, of certainty and love. The Dark Lodge try to block that, or distort and twist it at least. A bit like muddying the water, making things less clear.

The Dark Lodge can take an idea and twist it a bit by putting something in to appeal to humanity’s worst Nature. Take for example the idea that respecting a group of people is a good idea. At this point there is love and light in the idea. But how about then pointing out that people who don’t respect are bad, evil or “less than” and should be blocked, punished or hurt, or at an extreme level, killed? The Dark Lodge type people can take a good idea, hijack it, and turn it into something that achieves their own ends. The people who came up with the original idea feel like what it has morphed into is not what they wanted at all.

So, imagine there is a post on social media saying it is a good thing to respect a certain group of people. That’s positive. Then someone, with dark Lodge affiliation, comes along and makes a post saying this group of people should be respected, that they are victims of another group of people who are not worth anything and should be attacked. The good idea has been hijacked and dark twists introduced that can inflame people’s prejudices and emotions, and so people who see the post act from these twists, rather than from love. As people are fed posts with these twists, many of these people will be taken in by them (not everybody though, some people have a good sense of what feels right to them).

Social media has on it positive posts, but it also is deliberately flooded with negative posts, and positive ideas that have been hijacked and polluted, as well as some downright negative posts.

We live in a time of truth and untruth, of information, deliberate misinformation and ignorance. The untruths and misinformation are basically the product of the Dark Lodge and its pawns. It can seem difficult to know what is true and what is fake, what is positive and what is twisted or negative. If you have a third eye that is really fired up and a good intuition, it is easy. If you haven’t, there is another age old way. A pendulum.

Used by people for a very long time to answer questions with two answers, usually yes or no. There are links to training and books about using a pendulum below.

You can look at a social media post, and use a pendulum near it and ask, “Is this post positive?”, “Is this post loving?”, or “Is this post good for me?” If the answer is “yes” the pendulum will swing in one direction. If the answer is “no” it will swing in a different direction. That is a simple way to ascertain the truth.

Sometimes though, answers might not be so clear cut, as an idea might be generally good, but it has been polluted with one or more dark twists to pull the energy off the right track. It has become a mix of truth and untruth, where it can be hard to get to what’s really important.

Here you could use a scale, like a thermometer, going on one side from zero to five where five is very truthful, and on the other side, zero to negative five, where this is totally untrue. If there is a post and you use the pendulum on it, you can ask, “Is this post above zero in the amount of truthfullness?”. Then you can home in on just how true it is. For instance, ask “Is this post above three in its level of truthfulness?” You can keep going and ask if the post is above four and so on. If the original answer was that it was below zero, you can ask if the post is below negative one, or two etc.

In this way, it is possible to NOT be taken in by social media posts. The same approach can be applied to people’s opinions. In this day and age, people give their opinion frequently, and other people are influenced by them. Opinions are only opinions and they are not facts. If there is a situation, a person will perceive it through their own beliefs, prejudices and knowledge or lack of knowledge about the situation. Using a pendulum works great on people’s opinions so you know who to listen to.

Who do you trust? One time, I saw a demonstration on TV which had people demonstrating outside a meeting of defence ministers from various countries. The people were demonstrating against war and against military involvement. I thought it was good they were demonstrating as less, and then no war would be great. I checked the heart centre of one of the protesters. I was shocked to see it was very dark! This was more complicated that I had previously thought. Their intention was not actually light filled or loving, and there was another agenda going on. Also, they had a lot of hatred in them, which was a surprise. I had to take a look at the bigger picture, literally a more global picture, and look at the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. This is a complicated world, not simple, and the right action that needs to be taken isn’t usually the simplistic one. It’s more like a game of chess. That demonstrator would have given a certain opinion on the situation, and a pendulum would have been useful to figure out the truth in it. I have now developed the habit of checking out a person’s heart centre for the amount of light or dark when I see them on TV or in real life. If it is dark, I know not to believe them, no matter how much they smile, or how much they try to deceive with charm. I trust the ones with light looking heart centres, even if they occasionally mess up (that’s a thing about being human).

The idea of using a pendulum and a scale, positive one side and negative on the other side, could also be used to check how truthful a book is, or how truthful a TV programme is, or a TV interview (now which one could that be?), or a documentary, or an advertisment, or how truthful the pronouncement from a government spokeperson is, or from a spokesperson from the local government or from a company, or from a spiritual teacher (checking these can be a bit surprising).

A scale and a pendulum could also be used to assess how much love and light there is in an idea, belief, business, website, app, person, organisation, product, therapy, spiritual teacher and so on, as this gets behind any facade to the core of the situation. The truth can set you free, if you want it to.

Something that is deeply untruthful and deceitful, and completely lacking in love and light are deep fakes. These do the work of the Dark Lodge to lie to people and con them. They are produced by people aligned to the Dark Lodge. But these Dark Lodge types are limited rather than clever. Real people that you can see and hear when you are physically around them have a soul, they have chakras, an aura with an astral body and a mental body. These aspects of a person can’t be copied by any AI, by any quantum computer. All they can produce is a hollow fake. So, with a pendulum and looking at a picture or video of a person, you ask, “Is this a real person?” Job done. If your third eye is up and running, you can look at an image to look form the chakras and so on. Whereas the ears, eyes and mind can be fooled, a pendulum and intuition will know the truth.

So live life, get your pendulum, and swing into action!

Links to help you:

For pendulums from British Dowsers (also do dowsing courses)

Book on using a pendulum from British Dowsers

Pendulums from the American Society of Dowsers (also have books and a lot of info)

This are just two sources of pendulums and information. There may be a society / organisation in your own country. There are other websites with courses and videos on how to use a pendulum to help you get the swing of it.

Imagine God has a restaurant


It is easier than people think to use their intuition. Imagination is the key. You just have to imagine you can smell something, taste something, feel something, hear something and see something. Over time you get to trust yourself and your ability to use your intuition. Your abilities can just grow,

Being able to sense something intuitively is called psychometrising. You can get quite analytical with it, and use it in all kinds of situations. There is an article about psychometrising on the blog.

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

A New Start. Letting go of an old relationship

Moving on into a new phase of life means you can feel alive and be open to life’s new opportunities. To really open that door fully to a new life it helps to clear out and release the old. When it comes to relationships there is a time to clear out the debris for a fresh start. This meditation helps to deal with the internal issues.

Read this through first, then try it.

Close your eyes, and take several relaxing breathes.

Now imagine standing in a garden looking at a house, which represents your relationships with people. There is one roomfor each relationship. You are going to focus on the room that corresponds to the relationship you want to release and have closure on.

As you stand in the garden, notice the sky and the weather, which can reflect the energy of the relationship you are to deal with.

Imagine walking inside the house, and walking to the door of the room which represents the relationship you wish to release.

Open the door and take a look inside. Does the room feel fresh or musty, or is there another smell. Are there curtains, and are they drawn or closed. Is the room tidy or a wreck. The room holds in it items that represent the good and bad of the relationship; the ruined expectations, the promises kept and the promises broken, the good acts the unkind acts, the loving words and the hateful words, the happiness, the sadness, the times of loyalty, the betrayals, the broken dreams, the hurts, loss and grief, the angers, the lies, the misunderstandings, the things you wonder why they happened, the remnants of love, the good memories, the bad memories. Look at the items in the room and feel what they represent.

They are all going to go. You are going to clear the room entirely, take the items into the garden and create a huge fire to burn and release them.

See your self taking items out, and placing them to make a pile for a fire. Take out the hurts, the pain, the lies, the angers, the betrayals, the lack of love and the hate. Go back to the room and take out more items. Take down the curtains, bring them out to burn. Brush the floor, and take the sweepings and place them on the fire.

Clean out everything, and place it on the fire.

Go to the now empty and clean room. Close the door, and lock it. This is not an ordinary house, but one that represents your thoughts and feelings about relationships. This mean that the room can begin to shrink, and even disappear if need be.

Imagine walking back out to the garden, and notice the sky. In your hand is a lighter or match, which lights up. Place the flame to the pile of items and set them on fire. The flames grow and spread around the items. The flames burn them all, thoroughly, and the old energy goes up in smoke.

The flames leave only ash, which can over time be absorbed by the ground and reused by the garden. The old is gone.

Walk out of the garden, let the image fade.

Take several relaxing breaths, then open your eyes.

Should you feel you need to repeat this meditation, then you can.

There will be a room in the house which represents your relationship with yourself. You could go and place fresh flowers in that room and if you feel like it, redecorate and refurbish the room. You can be as imaginative as you like. Your subconscious mind can respond to that. (You can also improve other rooms representing other relationships as you wish.)

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

FAQs about meditation and online meditation

What if I’m new to meditation?

Meditation is fairly straightforward and in an online meditation you will be given verbal prompts as to what to do. You will soon pick it up.

What does meditation involve?

This depends on the kind of meditation. All meditations have a beginning and an end sequence, and these can be similar for each meditation.

For the beginning, you make yourself comfortable, and close your eyes. You can then focus on your breathing. Just notice your breathing, and observe it for several breaths. This relaxes you, calms your focus, and reduces mind chatter. You can then become aware of the energy of the meditation, relax, and just observe that.

What happens then depends on the kind of meditation. If it is a meditation held in silence and stillness, you allow yourself to notice the peace and calm. Or if there is an energy flowing while you are being silent and still, you relax, and just notice or feel the energy that is flowing in the meditation.

If the meditation is a guided visualization, you relax, listen and go with the flow of any images, feelings and sensations you might notice. It is like being taken on a journey, where you can relax and enjoy.

Towards the end of a meditation, you once again become aware of your breathing, and stay with that for a few breaths at least. You then become aware of your body, and perhaps notice your fingers and your feet and toes. Then when you are ready, you open your eyes.

What clothes should I wear?

The general idea is that you are comfortable. People will often wear loose clothing. Sometimes people like to wear some clothes that for them means they are going to meditate. It’s rather like having a protocol to follow that tells the mind, “Right, this is a special time, it’s time to step away from distractions, the outside world and busy thoughts and feelings, and meditate.” The clothes set the tone for some people.

How should I sit?

Some people like to sit in a traditional yoga lotus position which goes with Indian based meditation techniques. They would also hold thumb and (say, middle) fingers together to allow the flow of prana through the body. It is worth bearing in mind there are other meditation traditions where this won’t be considered a necessity. Some people like to have their hands, palms up, in their laps.

Some people like to kneel, partly sitting on a cushion, and other people are happy to sit in a chair. I find that sitting in a chair works for me as when the energy comes in during meditation, it accesses various chakras in a way where the lotus position and hand positions aren’t the important factors, whereas just being comfortable and open to the energy are important.

Should I eat or refrain from eating before meditation?

It is personal choice. However, in some kinds of meditation, there can be a lot of energy flowing through, and the body responds by using up resources. Generally it is helpful to make sure blood sugar levels are high enough, and having enough minerals in the diet is also helpful. It is better to feel stable and grounded rather than weak and faint, so a decent diet helps as does food after a meditation if it seems to be necessary. The type of diet depends on what helps your body feel nourished.

How long should I meditate?

As a beginner, 20 minutes or so is a good start for a week or so. Then 40 minutes, then an hour. It depends on the kind of meditation.

Working with energy though, it is possible to notice a start, when the energy starts coming in, a period where the energy of the meditation keeps flowing, and then the energy recedes. In this situation, the amount of time for the meditation then depends on when the energy stops, rather than being a set time.

In everyday life, a maximum of an hour a day is OK, as life is for living and loving and learning, and meditation can be used to support this, rather than be a way of avoiding life (with the caveat that sometimes meditation might be required as an escape and a healing respite for a while).

What benefits are there to meditation?

Once you have a feel of how much meditation to do a day feels right to you, meditation can be beneficial. There has been a fair bit of research done on the beneficial effects of meditation. It has been found to reduce stress and anxiety, and physically to lower blood pressure. People seem to become calmer and more relaxed, and happier. Being more relaxed supports creativity and focus, and so improves effectiveness.

I have found that meditations with a focus on self-esteem improve self-esteem. Also with meditation it is possible to improve body image. People can feel better about themselves with the help of meditation, though this can be achieved in other ways, too, (e.g. doing something you can do well at such as sports, singing, a hobby, learning a new skill, public speaking, finding a job you enjoy, and therapy if required).

As I work with chakras and the aura, I have found that meditations that focus on these help to clean up a person’s energy (so they feel better), and I have found it is possible to improve intuition (we all can do it, just needs a bit of preparation and practice).

Meditation can open up someone to the layers of their spirituality, and there is a lot to explore about spirituality through meditation.

Can children meditate?

Yes, though perhaps for shorter times than for adults.

When is the best time of day to meditate?

Any time that suits you or that you can fit into your life if it isn’t possible to prioritise a time. It helps to do meditation when you are not too tired as you might just fall asleep otherwise. Some people like early morning, some people like to meditate at noon, at lunchtime. It is what suits you and when meditations are available if you are doing them online.

There are meditations and articles about meditation and spirituality available on my blog through this link.

How I Got Into Meditation by Jonathan Barber

The author, Jonathan Barber, chilling out.

I started on the path to meditation in the middle of the 1980’s. The first step came about because I was a science teacher in inner-London interested in ways of learning. I came across a book that took a powerful learning technique from Eastern Europe and added in Western style ideas, including creative visualization.

I tried out some of the creative visualisations, liked them and incorporated guided visualization into my science classes. The students loved them, saying they helped them deal with stress. The guided imagery helped too, with learning. In the 1980’s and early 1990’s you didn’t need a certificate or a diploma from some organisation in order to use guided visualization or meditation, and the organisations didn’t exist then anyway.

For myself, I found the techniques really useful for working with the subconscious mind for creativity, and for accessing good ideas.

For the next step, a healer suggested that I should do some Om-ing. I did this, and found that my ability to meditate was deepened. From then on I meditated by sitting in my attempt at a lotus position with eyes closed. First of all I focused on my breathing, become silent, before going into the flow of the meditation.

The meditation work changed me. It opened up my intuition. Along with doing T’ai Chi it helped me become aware of spiritual energy, and it opened up my healing ability.

I started doing healing work, and using breathing techniques and visualization with drug users who wanted to overcome the addictions.

I also accidentally started giving Tarot card readings but without the training. After a while, as I was giving the reading faster than I was looking at the cards, I stopped using them which was somewhat freeing. I put the development of intuition down to the meditation.

Working with people and the energies they brought along which they would release, meant it was necessary to learn and use guided visualizations to clear my aura, polish up my chakras, learn how to protect my aura and chakras, and see off any negative energies, and stay grounded. I would then teach these techniques to others when required.

I found that working with the heart centre helped all the other centres and I worked with the third eye centre, too. This led onto giving Develop Your Intuition workshops, since if I could do it, so could others. Teaching people to use their intuition was a great way to help people find their purpose if they needed to, make better decisions, assess situations, people and their own timeline ahead.

Moving out of London, I kept on meditating and learning more about spirituality, energy, and the possibilities of meditation. I would teach meditation techniques as and when required. I found that the right guided meditation, along with the requisite energy would flow in as I worked with people at that time on a one-to-one basis.

Now in the present moment, wave after wave of new energy is flowing in, which can be expressed through new guided visualization techniques in the moment, brand new; fresh.

I found that spirituality is not static or stagnant. Like a flowing river it is always changing, and each wave of spiritual energy coming in is different just as each wave coming in to the shore is different, and always original. Spirituality is always changing, always fresh. Truth is many layered (think of an onion as a basic analogy). People as spiritual beings are many-layered and always developing spiritually. Newer and newer energies are coming in, and guided visualization and meditations are a way of working with these energies, as the same energies impact on the world around us, bringing change.

I find that using meditation, it is possible to have healing, the right energy and an intuitive sense of the steps to take in life, and an understanding of the order within apparent chaos. Makes life more like surfing a wave rather than falling in it!

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

Like Meditation? Here Are Links to Meditations and Articles On This Site

There are many different meditations for different purposes. Try out some of the meditations on this site. Some recorded meditations can be found in the side bar by clicking on them. The three colour meditations are explained in the article “The colours in the last three meditations – what they mean. Enjoy.

A Basic meditation technique:

Gold Light Meditation

White light Meditation

Blue Light Meditation

The colours in the last three meditations – what they mean

Getting grounded recored meditation: This can be found in the side-bar

Here is one to bring in some enegy for prosperity:

A meditation to listen to: A Golden Glow of Prosperity

A healing meditation filled with light:

We pick up negativity in our daily lives. Here’s how to shift it:

An important meditation for protecting chakras and aura, can be done in the morning and at night:

A Healing Energy Detox to Deep Clean Your Organs and Bones:

Find out how the heart centre is an amazing chakra to meditate on, and how it is connected to soul:

Want to make some big changes? Experience Unconditional Love to handle maximum change:

Meditation to love and accept your body:

How to work with your Higher Self to improve how you feel and improve self-esteem:

New Dawn, new day meditation:

Gain that Inner Sparkle: Meditation for Clearing and Healing Centres or Chakras:

There is silence and then there is Silence! Silence is more than golden:

Cocktails Meditation. Try not to get too drunk on Light:

Starlight meditation. (Lovely):

A Promise, A Rose, A Meditation. The symbol of the rose can carry a lot of energy:

You can work with your Higher Self to improve your self-esteem amongst other things:

Give the third eye an update. Purple light meditation and changing the third eye chakra:

Here’s a nice healing meditation:

If you let your awareness go through your heart centre, where do you go to?:

You want to learn to meditate, where do you start?

Why We Need Balance in Meditation

What is it deep inside people that makes them meditate?

Ten Tips for Fulfilling Meditation

Meditation enhances your life

This is where meditation gets really useful

How I got to start meditating: Crisis and meditation in London

Sending Love Around the World

If you want to listen to the meditation it is in the sidebar.

I was feeling that there is a lot of hate, anger, intolerance and lack of respect going on. Hardly surprising with people drowning in the energy flowing in which stirs everything up and brings it to the surface.

Rather than get caught up in the emotional swirl, I thought it would be great instead to send out some love and light to the world, and thought maybe other people would like to do that too.

There are positive and loving people in the world, it’s just that usually, they don’t make the headlines. But they are there.

The meditation:

Sending Love around the world

This is a lovely heart-warming meditation to do.

Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

Take a breath, let it go, and relax

Breath gently

Image a beautiful, fragrant white rose appears in the middle of your chest in your heart centre.

Let yourself place your awareness on it and observe it. It is filled with some healing and powerful light and love.

A similar white rose appears in your third eye, just above and in between your eyebrows.

Again, observe this white rose, which is filled also with healing and powerful light and love.

Now this white rose in your third eye, and the white rose in your heart, both open up, and radiate out bright, rainbow light.

The white roses hold a huge store of this rainbow light, which now shines out around you.

The bright, rainbow light spreads out into the space around you, and just keeps on flowing.

Imagine this rainbow light radiating out of your third eye and heart centre, like bright searchlights, spreading the rainbow light out through any building you are in, and out into the neighbourhood.

Imagine the rainbow light from the roses in your heart centre and third eye flowing out and spreading out hundreds of yards or metres, so all the area around you is covered in a layer of rainbow light.

Now imagine seeing the world from very high up, and see you below, and a wave of rainbow light is flowing from the white roses in your heart centre and third eye.

This rainbow light keeps on flowing out and the layer of rainbow light spreads further and further out from you in the centre of this wave.

Feel the rainbow light in your head and in your chest as it keeps on flowing out from you to the world.

You might be able to feel it flowing through people, through places, through plants, animals and birds, and through the minerals and soil in the ground, and flow through any streams, rivers and lakes and even the sea if you are near the sea.

Imagine the rainbow light keeps on flowing out of the white roses in your heart centre and third eye, and that you can see or sense the rainbow light flowing and flowing.

Imagine a wave of rainbow light spreading over the world, so a good sized area of the world is covered, and you sense the rainbow light flowing out more so that about a quarter of the world is covered.

The rainbow light keeps flowing out from your third eye and heart centre.

See the layer of rainbow light expand to cover more than a quarter of the planet…

…and then half the planet. So half the planet glows with rainbow light.

As rainbow light flows out of the white roses within you, see or sense the layer spreading out more, to cover more of the planet, then more and more, until all of the planet is covered in rainbow light filled with powerful and healing love and light.

This love and light heals and mends and brings about change in the way it needs to.

Notice how your heart centre feels and how your third eye feels, and notice how the rest of you feels. You might notice rainbow light all throughout your body. You might notice it going out through all the cordings you have with the people you know and meet, and see this rainbow light flow into these people and through their cordings to the people they know, and so on.

Notice how the rainbow light feels around and in you.

Now the white roses in your third eye and heart gently close up, though the rainbow light that flowed from you is still around for a while to soak into everything to help healing change.

The white roses gently fade and go back to where they came from.

Notice how you feel.

Notice your body.

Take a few deep and gentle breaths.

And open your eyes.

There are some other lovely meditations if you would like to try them, on this website.

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

You’ve got to have faith. But how do you do that?

There is such a thing as the Law of Faith which you can use in a situation to get a good outcome, even in seemingly impossible situations. The Law of Faith though, needs to be used in the right way.

Which example do you think is right?

A person is faced with a difficult, or a potentially dangerous situation, or a situation that seems confusing with too many unknowns. The person prays or meditates or simply offers up the issue to God, then gets quiet and waits, knowing they will recieve an answer. The advice might come in words, or images or as a feeling. They might get an answer immediately or when their mind is relaxed as the answer cannot be forced (answers often pop in my head when I’m washing the dishes!). The advice might involve doing something in a new way, so a change in thinking and behaviour is required. The person follows through with the advice, having faith it will work out. They have certainty instead of doubt, as they allow the energy to focus in the right way by having faith.

A different person is faced with situation and just goes right ahead doing what they want to do, while saying (at least to themselves), “It’ll be alright, God will sort it out (or protect me or make sure whatever outcome I want happens)”.

In the last example it is more the person’s will being done, rather than asking what God’s will is in the situation, as God’s will might be different.

Which approach is going to work? Which approach will help that person be on the best timeline?

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

“Know Thyself” means what?

An ancient axiom of spirituality was “Know Thyself”.

Seems obvious and essential, plus profound and a worthy soundbite which is and was always dramatic enough to make an impression. Also, in the days of carving words into stone, it didn’t take long to carve this phrase.

It is the kind of phrase that can mean whatever you want it to mean, and the limit on it is the questions you know that you can ask, and the issues you know about. Also, there can be a point to knowing yourself. But what “to know” depends on where you are at in your life.

For some people it is enough for them to know what kinds of friends they like, what people they like to follow on social media, the music they like, the fast food they like and don’t like, the political views they like (and don’t like) etc. Life is such for these people that they haven’t had to consider other issues ( a big yet), including more life and death type issues; the kind that force people to re-prioritize their lives.

People who set up businesses, if they write a business plan, often do a SWOT: Lists of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. All useful stuff in a business context, and which can helpfully spill out into everyday life.

There are jobs where making good decisions and taking the right actions can be critical. For instance surgeons often have to consider how they make decisions and why they make the decisions they do. If they make mistakes they have to learn from them. So surgeons have to learn and reflect on how they make decisions, and know this about themselves.

Even in sport, even though the outcomes can be less crucial, sports psychologists will help elite sports people get to know their thinking processes and decision making, so that they make better choices. This is soemthing that can be useful in other aspects of life. It is something that many people would find helpful.

Part of knowing thyself in an elite sports context, and also in high pressure situations is knowing how you cope in an extremely stressful situation, on your own and with others in a team. In some walks of life this can prove invaluable. For instance, if someone works in an emergency department in a hospital, or as a paramedic, or when helping out in a birth, or in sea rescue, and so on. All a bit different to sitting there in meditation and just trying not to think.

“Knowing thyself” can mean exploring your preferences more deeply to get to your values. You can find what really, deeply you think and feel, and particularly feel what is important. Then explore why and get down to the issues and articulate them. Taking the time to do this is powerful. But doing this won’t make you popular because it means that you will know your own mind, and that you won’t necessarily end up following the herd from one emotionally highly charged issue to the next, and the angry self-righteous will dislike you. But if you know what’s important to you, you probably won’t care about them trying to make out that (in their opinion) you are “wrong”, as you will know in your own mind you are right.

Issues and morals are an odd thing though. Even though they seem important right now, in years to come they will all change, and what was important will seem really unneccessary.

For myself, and I know others who use their third eyes, we feel into or look at issues with our third eyes. In this way it is possible to evaluate and energetically analyse an issue, or someone’s beliefs, or their opinions on an issue. In this way it is possible to sense what issue or belief or opinion is worth paying attention to, and what to disregard, and in a healing way, what issue needs some healing energy to deal with any twists or embedded negative energy. This approach is unconventional, and definitely means not following the herd, but doing what seems right from an energy point of view.

Knowing yourself in a spiritual context. That can mean a number of things depending on where you are at, and what feels right to you at whatever point you are on your spiritual journey. It might be what has been written about above is what is required.

It could mean knowing that from a spiritual and energetic point of view that you are a soul that is immortal, which reincarnates time and time again into lifetimes, each time with a new body and new personality, with new karma just right for that lifetime. That is something pretty big to know about.

In this context it helps to know that you as a soul came from God, from the Divine, into creation. So from the Light, to the relative darkness. Now why would you have done that? Why go through all the pain and suffering, all the emotion, and experience love and joy in all its forms? Why?

Well after a great deal of lives, and all that experience and learning you will know why, because God, who is Infinite in anycase, isn’t experienced in books and the Infinite can’t be learnt about intellectually. God is learnt about by living and experiencing what Love isn’t and what Love is. There is much more to this but why spoil the ending to your story when you can find out for yourself? Live, and Love.

In another spiritual context, knowing yourself can mean knowing you are a soul in a physical body, inside an etheric body, inside an emotional/astral body, inside a mental body, and that you are inside your aura, which has an outer coating as a protection. Inside all these bodies there are chakras or energy centres with different qualities and functions, though all of them let in energy, do something to that energy, and radiate or send out energy of different qualities. Many people still think there are seven main chakras, but times have moved on and there is change all around in the world, as there is change in people’s energy systems. So there are more chakras. You might notice these, or might not. Don’t worry if not. As a general rule, it is always good to focus on and meditate on the heart centre, as everything else gets affected by this. It is still good to learn how to clear and protect the centres from third eye down, and the other centres will make themselves apparent as and when. The heart centre is where it is at, spiritually.

In yet another spiritual context, it helps to think of things in terms of spirit, which can be thought of as an energy that pushes, influences and motivates in a particular way. Spirit can also be thought of as a flavour. You are a collection of spirits. So if you want to know yourself, you can think of yourself as a combination of the spirit you incarnated in with, a spirit from your father, a spirit from your mother, a spirit from your family, a spirit from the area you were born in, and a spirit from your country of birth. Then overlaid over these core spirits are the spirits you gather according to how you live, how you were treated when you were a child, what you experienced, from the things you are involved in and interested in, from the people you associate with and who you think are important, from your job if you are working…

Even moods and habitual thoughts can be thought of as spirit. So each lifetime, we are a veritable zoo of spirits, or perhaps an orchestra. Now is that orchestra producing a symphony or a cacophony or something inbetween? You can think of spirituality as knowing what spirits are there in your system, and getting rid of those you don’t want, and collecting up the spirits you do want (divine spirit anyone?) like some living version of a computer game where you can gain rewards and move onto the next level (or drop back to the start as in the spiritual game of snakes and ladders).

Each lifetime, we start over with another hotchpotch of spirits for the experiences we require, but with our intrinsic spirit having grown a bit.

“Know Thyself” in a spiritual context can mean knowing what we think. There is a spiritual saying that goes “energy follows thought”. Some people believe that we create our reality with our thoughts. This is only partially true as anyone who believed this notion and yet still found their house burnt down in fires, or totally destroyed or flooded in storms, or still ended up dying from some illness would have found out to their dismay. That’s it put bluntly. Thoughts have some influence, but usually karma wins out, as does the will of more powerful beings. If thinking is aligned with karma, any positive outcomes are usually attributed by the proud, happy person to their positive thinking. There are times though, when the karma is of the opportunistic type, where it can go positive or negative. Here, a person’s thoughts and their ability to focus and concentrate on putting out that thought can make something out of an opportunity. Also, some people know about spiritual matters such as the Law of Love, the Law of Faith, and what to do, what to think and what to avoid thinking, and how to take physical actions to bring about what they see as the most loving outcome. So what do you think about yourself? What would be the best to think of yourself? What do you think of others (what attitude do you have towards them)? As this affects the energy you radiate. Many thoughts need exploring as they are tucked away in the subconscious, and are very much worth knowing about. What are your thoughts about relationships? About your mother? About your father? About their relationship? (These we use as models in our own relationships.) What do you think about health? What do you think about money? About work? About success? About the future? About God? And so on. Sometimes our old thoughts don’t help us, and happily we can take on board new ones and focus on thinking those instead. Some thoughts we hold can be fairly neutral, emotionally. But when we think, we feel, we generate emotional energy. Some old thoughts and issues can have a lot of emotion bound up with them. Before we can realistically adopt new thoughts, we have to deal with the emotional energy. It is really worth exploring how to use forgiveness in this case. Sometimes with painful issues therapy of some sort is very helpful.

This is by no means a definitive exploration of “Know Thyself”, as there is more, as we all shall find out in due course.

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If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

Spiritual energy flowing in equal CHANGE!

Humanity has to change so change happens to it, as change happens in everything else, too. The Old is done away with and the New, more conscious, more developed, emerges.

When karma is sped up, change for humanity can be a bit bumpy when people are on the wrong timeline. Fine, when people are on the right timeline. (There are plenty of posts on this site about timelines and about using intuition to get on the best timeline for anyone who wants to know.)

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If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

Kinds of Karma

Souls incarnate on this Earth, in Creation, and as they go through Life through many lifetimes, they create karma, experience karma and balance karma. There are different kinds of karma. The karma molds the experiences they have and what the soul in physical form does.

Souls in physical bodies create karma all the time. Even just by being, such as when people are breathing, and standing still, as well as by thinking and doing things.

Consider humans, not only can they create, and balance and go through karma individually, they can do this as a family, for instance eating a meal, or going someplace.

People can create and go through karma as a group, for instance a group of fans watching sports match or a music concert, a group of people demonstrating, working for an organisation, and investing in a certain stock.

Then there is regional karma where something is experienced or done by an entire population of a region. One example would be New York and the recent pandemic.

There is national level karma that is created by a nation and experienced by a nation. For instance, one nation goes to war against another nation, a nation experiences having a political leader, or having sanctions applied against them, or they all (or most) have a day off work in a nationwide holiday.

There is global karma where the entire planet creates karma, such as by creating pollution, and experiences karma as a planet, such as experiencing a global pandemic, or rising sea levels.

So there is individual, family, group, regional, national and global karma. There is even solar system karma. For instance, the solar system may experience cosmic rays from a quasar, or there is an increase in solar activity. There is even galactic karma that applies to a whole galaxy. There are some galaxies that are crashing into each other, for example.

For each of the above there is positive karma, which is experienced as something happy and pleasant. There is negative karma which tends to be experienced as something unpleasant or horrible, but when it is gone into in detail, it always turns out to be something that is balancing out another experience, or balancing out negative energy from a previous life or lives.

Then there is opportunistic karma that can go either positively or negatively, depending on choices perceived, positive or negative attitude, and decisions made.

We are not only physical beings, but we have an astral body which relates to emotions, and we have a mental body, which relates to thoughts. So through what we do, feel and think, we have physical level karma, astral level karma and mental level karma. And these are positive, negative and opportunistic.

In our lives, we balance out karma from the past, sometimes from distant past lives, and we usually create karma, which gets carried over to be balanced in some future lifetime. As mentioned in another article, the karma gives us something to experience and learn from at soul level, and so develop in consciousness over many lifetimes.

For more on karma, try these:

About karma and mental health

About karma and gender and sexuality

About karma and relationships

About how karma and the law of Opposites helps you grow

Your past lives, karma and spirituality

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

Finding a good spiritual teacher to help you grow

Learning about spirituality is different for everyone, depending on what they as individuals need to experience for their spiritual growth. Who we learn from can make a big difference.

A stage that lasted a few years for me was to go and learn some basic aspects of therapy and spirituality. Being part of a group that was friendly, positive, supportive and loving was great, and it was enjoyable. Plus I found it did me a lot of good as I changed and felt a lot happier about myself and life. After a year or so I became involved in helping to make sure the workshops and events ran smoothly. I enjoyed that to very much.

After a while though, the learning slowed. The spiritual information that was being taught was the same all the time. One month was very much like another. I gradually became restless and my interest dropped off.

The people in the organisation who did the teaching were still happy and enthusiastic about what they were teaching. The spiritual stuff they believed and taught was enough for them, and gave them a view of the world that worked as far as they were concerned. But I wanted more. I had some friends who were becoming less happy about what was being taught because they also wanted more. One friend commented that what we had learnt in the organisation was kindergarten level spirituality, that it was time to leave, and learn more at a higher level.

With smiles the organisation tried to persuade us to stay. When we still said no, they were unfriendly towards us, as we no longer wanted to give importance to what they considered important. In a way it was like rejecting them because we rejected a key part of their identity. It wasn’t meant as that, we just wanted to move on to finding out about more aspects of spirituality. And I was very grateful for what I had learnt and how they had helped me change.

One thing I realised though was the people in the organisation I had left were satisfied with what they did and what they knew, but they had stopped asking questions, stopped learning, and stopped growing. They were happy and successful in their comfort zone, and stayed in it.

Myself and the others found some other sources of information and other teachers and learnt about spirituality, life and ourselves at another level. We found some teachers who like us kept on learning and developing, and this meant we were learning new things all the time, and being given the opportunity to change and grow as people.

I realised that some people who are therapists, workshop leaders, authors or “spiritual leaders” don’t learn and don’t change, and come out with the same old, same old. Which is fine for those people who want to learn a bit, and then stay in that comfortable place.

Then there are therapists, workshop leaders, authors and “spiritual leaders” who do keep learning and growing spiritually. These people are great for spiritual adventurers who want to keep learning and growing, learning something new, and then replacing it with something newer, again and again, as there is always More. We live in a time when wave after wave of spiritual energy comes in to transform humanity, the world and creation. Each wave of energy brings a new level of knowledge to match how humanity keeps changing with that energy. Each wave brings a new level of truth to supercede the old (think of layers of an onion as an analogy if you like). So there is continual change and growth. And this will keep happening.

Keeping with the same old teacher who teaches the same old stuff is like treading water in a becalmed sea. Learning with a teacher who keeps learning is like surfing an ocean wave that changes shape and demands you go with it.

I know what kind of learning I like.

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

God’s plan for peace and harmony

As the twentieth century ended and the twenty first century started as the calendar went into 2000, there was a worldwide sense that everything was going to get better and there would be peace and prosperity for all and there would be more harmony. That is what a lot of people thought, and did it happen?

There is a massive difference between what humanity thinks and what happens spirituality. Another way of saying this is that humanity doesn’t understand life in a spiritual way. There is a lot of religion, but that is old bits of information, which tends to be interpreted in the ways that people want to interpret them.

Most human thinking is driven by desire. Desire to be “safe” and comfortable, have enough food (which can be different to nutrition), have money and in some cases huge amounts of money, and have things go on in predictable ways without too many challenges, and often have things happen around them the way they want things to happen. People like to stay in their comfort zone.

Harmony and peace are part of God’s plan for this planet and the rest of Creation. How humanity has carried on up to this point has very little to do with harmony and peace. To get to a proper state of harmony and peace requires change.

Our planet is polluted. To make life convenient we took to using plastics big time. The result being that all manner of creatures are being damaged and killed by plastics, and we are all contaminated by microplastic from our food, from the water we drink and even from the air we breathe in cities. And we still make millions of tons of plastic every year while the politicians do nothing to stop them being made. Still, we must have convenience. Our way of life is all about consuming, and then getting rid of things. Even the environmental activists will have their iPhones and smartphones, and will happily replace them with the latest version and throw away the old model. Because we consume and throw away, the huge number of people all doing this is a problem for the planet.

Even our use of the internet affects the planet. Servers require electricity, and electricity production can result in CO2 emissions. Servers also produce a lot of heat, which ends up in the air and water. The production of cryptocurrency requires a vast amount of electricity. New ideas like this aren’t always great.

God has a plan to bring about peace and harmony. The bad news for humanity is that current way of doing things and living has to change to something better. So it is change or be changed.

An aspect of spirituality that people don’t get is karma, taking into account the big picture. To get an idea about this it helps to know about root races.

Humanity has been around for a very long time, and this is only a brief description of root races of humanity. There has been 5 root races so far, the Adamic, the Hypoborean, the Lemurian, the Atlantean, and the Aryan root races. Each subsequent root race had a more evolved chakra system. The last three still have an influence on what is happening now. There have also been sub-root races, when certain developments needed to happen in humanity. A few examples of these are the Romans, the ancient Chinese, the Native American Indians. Sub-root races come in with a certain spirit to do things in a particular way and have a particular effect on humanity and life.

People have many, many lifetimes, so they are likely to have had Lemurian, Atlantean and lifetimes in the Aryan age. So people have karma from these root races. (Remember with reincarnation, people get to experience a diversity of different genders, different skin colours, different cultures, different levels of wealth, intelligence, physical welbeing, family set-ups, types of personality, mental health, beauty etc. so what you are like now is different to how you have been.)

There is a new root race that is due to come in, the sixth root race, where humanity has a more advanced chakra system than the current set up, and so will feel and think and handle energy in a more advanced way to the current way. There are also going to be some very advanced souls coming in to move things along.

It is the end times for the Aryan root race. And all the karma from the Lemurian, the Atlantean and the Aryan has to go. This means it has to be gone through and balanced. Karma includes individual karma, group karma, national karma, regional karma and planetary karma. Rough news for anyone wanting a comfortable, predictable life. Good news for anyone willing to get into their heart centre, tune into their intuition, and do what seems to be right.

Rather like when you go inside a very old building, and can feel the atmosphere, the residue of the old energy of their activities, the people in the old root races left behind some energy which is like a residue of energy on the land, which needs to be cleaned up. So the energy of the land needs cleaning up and uplifting.

I have mentioned before in the blog about weather systems having devas in them that drive the weather to shift old negative energy. This is a big clean up time for the planet, and humanity may want to find ways to adapt to it.

People who have read the books of Meher Baba will have come across the idea that in the early twentieth century, the general mix of energy was 75% dark and 25% light, and people in those days were used to that. He stated that by 2069 the energy needed to be 25% dark and 75% light. That is a lot of change to bring about in about 160 years, affecting all life, including humanity in all ways. People orientated to the light will like it.

There have been times in the past when humanity has faced challenges and adapted. God has a plan to change a lot of things down here to vastly improve the energy, to bring in the next root race with its higher level of vibration, to bring through a higher level of spirituality (there are always more levels!), along with more peace and harmony.

It is going to be an interesting journey to get there.

© 2020 Jonathan Barber

The Accidental Tarot Reader (Or I didn’t see that coming!)

Life can take us to places we don’t expect or plan for, but which turn out just right.

I had developed a decent ability in healing, and wanted to make my services available in central London. So one day I visited a shop that I knew had rooms above to hire. I began to talk to the manager when a tarot read came down stairs followed close behind by a client. The tarot reader exclaimed to the manager that they couldn’t read for the client, that it just wasn’t working. Without thinking, I said, “I’ll do it!” The client said, “Yes”. The manager gave me an annoyed look, gave me a pack of tarot cards, saying, “I hate people who interfere.” The customer and myself went upstairs to a room with a few other tarot readers in cubicles.

We sat opposite each other at a small table, the client, a woman about forty years old or so, shuffled the cards, gave them to me and I laid them out in a pattern.

I had a deck of tarot cards at home but the pictures were more a complicated collage of images, more Californian than traditional. Old style images didn’t give me too much to go on and strictly, I didn’t know their meanings in a traditional sense. I had practised a little on friends before with my pack, though hadn’t considered doing readings as a job.

I went for it anyway, and told a story based on the feelings and impressions I picked up from the images on the cards. The reading was fun and it was a great success. The customer was happy and I got paid. The Wednesday after the manager phoned me up and asked me if I would be a tarot reader in the shop. The next Wednesday, I was there.

This all started with not having an open third eye, nor was I aiming to open it.  I was given some advice by a healer to chant Om as an exercise to clear all my system as well as my chakras. First 20 minutes a day for a week. Then 40 minutes every day for the next week, and then for an hour.

I was in no rush to open my third eye. I had heard stories of people pushing it too far and ending up seeing much too much energetic phenomena, which for the unprepared mind can be scary. The astral levels can be split into the lower, middle and upper. Experiencing a lot of lower astral level phenomena due to an open third eye and no training in tuning your third eye (rather like tuning into different radio frequencies), is something to be avoided.

With chanting and meditation, I began to just “know” things about people and situations, and see things around them. Friends would ask me to tune in about issues for them.

To give readings in the shop, I experimented with different patterns of cards so that I could tune into specific information in depth, such as relationship issues, or issues to do with business and projects, or the qualities of individuals and organisations.

Working with clients, at first I found I was taking on board any negative energy they brought along. They were getting a healing while I got that energy. I soon learned how to clear negative energy and offer it up for transmuting and releasing. I learnt how to protect my aura better. Working as a tarot reader was a great opportunity for me to get good at handling energy. I also learnt how to clear and close my third eye and give it a rest.

I tried to apply positive thinking rather than be fatalistic. I didn’t give a reading with the mindset of, “it’s fate and this is the result”. I looked for options and the best scenario. To my way of thinking, if I was giving a reading about a client, I regarded them as having an actual timeline, and also some probable timelines that could happen if they put some time and effort, basically energy into them. I also considered they had some parallel timelines that were slightly different.  It was like giving a reading but saying, “and here is the small-print, and this is what can be altered and changed with some application…these are the options”.

A basic spiritual rule is, “energy follows thought”, and putting energy into something creates a small, or a large result.

The readings told people what the current situation was, what were the available options, what seemed to be the best option, then we looked at what steps needed to be taken in what they thought, and what practical steps should be taken, to get onto the optimal timeline.

It’s like looking down a path, considering what it is like, then seeing how it splits into different paths, and choosing the best path and identifying how it needs to be traveled, to create the best possible future.

It was very enjoyable. After a while, I was giving the readings faster than I was turning over the cards to see the pictures. So I gave up using the cards.

After that, I started to run workshops to help people to develop their intuition, and showed them how to look after their energy should they choose to work with other people.

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I’ve got a feeling

A demonstration was often used in an Aikido class I went to. A volunteer was asked to firstly think of times when they were unhappy, low on confidence, upset, or irritated and angry. They then walked past close by the Sensai (instructor) who put his arm out in front of their chest to block their progress, and the volunteer ended up being stopped. The volunteer was then asked to remember happy times, when they felt great and really confident, and when they had achieved a goal. They walked by the Sensai again, who once more put his arm out to try to stop them, but this time, they could keep on walking and brush him off.

Part of the Aikido training was to build up the capacity to stay centred, calm, positive and confident. When this happened the Ki (or chi) energy could keep flowing like a torrent. This was useful in the Aikido class, but it was also useful in daily life, as there are things that happen in life that can knock us off centre, there are things that people can say or do, that can send negative energy our way. Having that ability in the first instance to stay confident and centred is really great. As is the ability to get back quickly to the point of balance having been knocked off our emotional balance.

I remember times when I have felt happy and confident in the past, and from an energy point of view, that has helped my positive energy flow, and then I have surprised myself in what I have achieved, which has made me realise that perhaps at times I have limited myself. I can recall times when I have felt down, and lacking in confidence, and then really, I didn’t do much, and slid into feeling the victim, and being self-pitying, and then going into blame and resentment. All of which are fairly useless things if you want to get on with life and enjoy it, and live the way you really want, as it places the power to be yourself and be happy outside of yourself, which means you can’t change things. When you own it, you can change it.

The aikido, and many other lessons in life have taught me that how we feel is up to us. The power to have positive feelings is not “out there” with someone else, but inside us. With a change of heart, and a change of mind, we can have positive feelings and confidence, and let our positive energy flow. If you like, it helps us connect with our Ki (or Chi), or however else you would like to phrase it.


I’m sure there are people who actually believe that. In many situations it is simple to shift your feelings and thoughts. But in other situations something else has to happen. If a child is upset do you tell them that they have everything inside them to change the feeling and thoughts and be happy, and leave it at that? If someone is struggling in water do you shout at them and tell them they have the power to save themselves? If someone is depressed do you say something like they only have to choose happiness or some other facile words? If someone is knocked to the ground in an accident do you say to them they have all they need inside themselves so they can get up?

With upsetting or angry or sad or depressing feelings, or just feeling down, sometimes people need a hand rather than a simplistic answer. Emotions is emotional energy in a person’s aura and chakras. Sometimes there is a lot of it, sometimes the energy is very sticky, sometimes it is attached to a doorway onto a memory that is repeating in a loop as with trauma. Help is required. Comfort, and time needs to be given. With a child, they sometimes need holding and soothing words for the energy to shift and for them to be happy again. A common sense solution from someone with the spiritual capacity to share some love is what is required in this and other situations.

Someone who is down or depressed can greatly have their spirits lifted by someone giving them some support. It could be simple support, like being taken out into Nature, out of the usual environment, or given the chance for physical movement which can help shift the energy.

With past trauma, then continual support might be required, along with healing or therapy to shift the emotional energy, and heal the past trauma and close the door on it.

When feelings are not influenced by past issues, how we feel is affected by what we think. People who think positively, or who deliberately use positive affirmations, will have emotions that match that. Conversely, anyone who thinks negatively will have emotions to match that. So if someone habitually thinks they are a victim, or think that other people (the government, “they”, the media etc) are in control of their lives, or who think something terrible is going to happen, or that the world is an unsafe place, then their emotions will be the output from their thoughts. But people can be in charge of their own minds, and are free to deliberately think the thoughts they want to.

There could be two people in the same room, one with positive thoughts about life, and one with negative thoughts, and as far as they are concerned, life accurately reflects back to them their thoughts, as they focus on what they believe to be true and ignore that which doesn’t match their thoughts, as they simply can’t perceive it. Same planet, but apparently different realities.

Thoughts and feelings do affect health as well as how much life energy people express, and so affect life and what it reflects back to them. Also, on a spiritual level, energy follows thought, which shows up in everyday life.

What do you feel about that?

Asking God or the Universe can make you happier

Spirituality can be very practical and it can encompass all aspects of life. It doesn’t need to be compartmentalized away from everyday life, and many people know this, and work with their spirituality in life all the time.

There is a lot of information and knowledge that people consider is spiritual in nature, though it might not apply to everyday life. For instance, how does knowing that energy is all around us help or influence how we live and what we do? Some people talk about portals, gateways and vortices, and consider information about them as important, or regard themselves as being “awakened” or “enlightened” (and others not). There are a whole bunch of other ideas to be found under the umbrella of spirituality, and people take on board those ideas they want to and reject those they don’t agree with.

What I’m interested in right now is how spirituality is linked with everyday life and how it helps people live and be happy and fulfilled. If you go on social media, it is easy to come across people on spiritual groups who are depressed or feeling miserable, or who are angry and some who are aggressive and attacking others.

The way I see it, if following some spiritual ideas make your aura grow and glow and look vibrantly healthy, then they are great ideas. If they help you to approach life in a way that your life works and you are happy and fulfilled then they are great spiritual ideas. We are here in physical reality for a reason, and when we have great spiritual concepts to live by, then we look energetically great, and life works. Life is a great place to test ideas out to see if they actually work. Caveat: if we have some negative karma to go through and so balance out from previous lives, we might not feel good and life might be bumpy, but at least we are going through the process of balancing, which is healthy in the end.

Even in cases of going through the negative karma, useful spiritual concepts can help us get it that it’s not all God’s fault, and we avoid just basically showing we don’t understand about karma. Useful spiritual concepts can instead help us to have inner strength and recognise and bring in the support that is actually available.

This isn’t new stuff, and it isn’t a secret (although if anyone wants me to wrap it up in mystique and say it’s exclusive and charge them a lot for it I can).

Basically there is God, and in fact our souls are all bits of God (which is why after a while, a long while of being through many lifetimes on the spiritual journey, the soul actually really gets it and thinks “I AM God”, but the focus right now is on everyday life).

Gods loves us totally though it might not feel like that because of karma and how rough it feels sometimes as we go through the negative karma, although unpleasant and painful situations can focus us on God. If life was pleasant all the time, the usual result so far has been for souls, for people, to forget about God. Perhaps this might change.

With God loving us, we can ask God for things. We can ask for advice. God knows us better than we know ourselves. God also knows what it is we actually need in order to be happy. God knows what physical things we need, and why. God knows the best ways to be to be as happy and as healthy as we can be. God knows the job or jobs we need to do in order to be happy and “successful” whatever that is going to mean for us. If you run your own business, well, there are people who consider God as their go-to business partner for ideas and solutions. People ask for things in meditation, and notice any responses which may be visual, or something spoken, or an image mixed with a feeling. They don’t force a response, they just open, relax and wait, or let the response pop in as they go through their lives. It helps to have the space and time to be receptive, so being on the smartphone all the time is the opposite of smart.

Some people find it difficult to relate to God, so they put out their request to that nebulous idea of “the Universe”, and let “the Universe” give them feedback. Makes you wonder if “the Universe” is something to do with God, perhaps.

The above is deliberate and conscious asking. Putting the thought out deliberately. But there is something else happening at the same time. There is a lot of thinking going on that isn’t deliberate. There might be habitual patterns of thinking happening as well, all…the…time. There might (will) be thinking going on subconsciously. These thoughts might be at odds to the deliberate thinking and requests going out.

Now energy follows thought. So when you think something strongly, and particularly if you think something habitually and repeatedly, a lot of energy goes out with that thought to God, or if you prefer, to the Universe. God, or the Universe if you like, gives you back what you think. So if you give out mixed messages, then the results coming back are not going to be clear.

Unhelpful habitual and subconscious thinking is like a long train travelling at speed. It keeps on going. As do your thoughts. You can change your thinking by deliberately thinking more helpful thoughts, repeatedly and over a long period of time. It’s a bit like putting the brakes on that long train. It takes a while for it to slow and stop, then go in the direction you want. It’s not impossible, and other people have done it, by being persistent and never giving up.

The other way people have quick results regardless of what they think about the situation or themselves is by believing. They believe that for God, anything is possible (so long as they ask for what God knows is right for them). They have faith. They know that God can deliver. Without necessarily knowing about it, the use or invoke the Law of Faith, which overrides any negative thinking and, it is done. So people who have faith in some kind of Higher Power are likely to have a life where things just happen for them. They ask for something, let go of the situation, and let God get to work, knowing God does it in the right time and right way.

Having this knowledge and this ability to Trust, to have faith, makes life a whole lot more fun, and relaxing. The key to this is just discussing things with God or the Higher Power or the Universe, and then asking, then letting go of the how and the when, and being happy and trusting. Is that so hard?

Now there are other things that make a person’s aura grow and glow. I’ll mention them here but maybe discuss them later. One, no gossiping, which discolours your aura and gives you unpleasant cordings and a bad case of low vibrational aura. Two, thinking positively of people and yourself brightens things up. Three, forgiveness. Four, gratitude; count your blessings. Five, giving, which might be money, gifts, a smile, positive words, or some help. Six, give yourself time to recharge. Seven, do the things that you enjoy and make you feel happy and excited.

Time for a New Prosperity

There is a new book about Prosperity. Click here to find out more…

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