Interested in intuition and clairvoyance? Here’s some links to articles and meditations

We all have a third eye and a heart centre and other chakras, so we have what is required for intuition and clairvoyance. What else is very useful is some understanding, and some practice using intuition and using clairvoyance. Plus very importantly, being able to clear your energy and block incoming energy you don’t want to connect with, which are skills that can be learnt.

Here’s some links to articles and meditations you might find useful:

In case you pick up energy you wished you hadn’t here’s a useful technique to remove it.

Buttoning up and protecting your chakras and aura

The heart of being clairvoyant or psychic

Developing the third eye

Using intuition to look at a country

Psychometrising: intuitively analysing energy

Using intuition to check out a possible relationship

Want to check out a spiritual teacher, healer or therapist? This article deals with spiritual masters but the same technique can be used on other people.

There is more to people than a body, chakras and aura. So you can use your intuition or clairvoyance in all kinds of ways.

Using your intuition with a pendulum can sort out truth from fake.

Useful basic information about timelines, so you can assess your timeline, timelines of other people and organisations, places, ideas etc. Click here.

Social media is a mix of good stuff and total junk. It is either freeing or part of the Age of Ignorance. Here’s a way to intuitively spot the good stuff. Click here.

Death, Spirituality, Reincarnation And Extreme Weather

I read from a few sources on the Internet recently that over 150,000 people die each day. That seems quite a lot of souls going to the inner planes each day for a rest, to review their life and prepare for the next life. Death is the soul dropping the body so it can go on the next step of its journey.

The number 150,000 plus deaths per day will go up for a while when there are things like epidemics, famines, droughts and natural disasters. Also this figure is human deaths; souls of humans dropping the physical shell and going on. It doesn’t take into account the souls dropping the physical forms of animals, birds, reptiles, fish and insects and so on around the world each day, and remember animals and other creatures also get caught up in natural disasters. For the esoterically minded we could include those souls in plant forms as those plants die or are destroyed, and souls going through the mineral experience.

These souls mentioned above are souls leaving the Earth prior to reincarnation. There are also souls coming into the Earth and taking physical form; there are births as well as deaths. In human terms, the number of births is greater than the number of deaths, and this is for a spiritual reason. Souls want to come here because of the intense spiritual energy at the moment and they want a taste of it.

I mentioned natural disasters as a cause of death. It isn’t the biggest cause over a long period of time, usually. Natural disasters grab the headlines as they are so dramatic.

A big component of natural disasters is the weather, and the weather is becoming more extreme.

There seems to have been more storms, tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons, more flooding, and more high temperatures, winds and fires than before.

Some places which are susceptible to extreme weather and natural disasters may not be good places to live much longer if things become more intense (which is likely).

It is useful to take an energetic look at the weather. From an esoteric point of view air has air elementals in it like small devas. Then if you look at a hurricane you can see the big deva in it. The deva is on a mission and marshals the air elementals to do what the big deva sets out to do, and big devas can carry a lot of power. It is the same with typhoons.

Next time you see a tornado check out the deva and the smaller elementals within it. Notice the intelligence of the deva and try to get a sense of what it is aiming to achieve.

There are elementals in water as well, and in a storm the deva of the storm will orchestrate these water elementals along with the air elementals. With flooding there will be a big deva in charge of the flow of water.

With regards to fire, there are fire elementals. (In old esoteric literature these are called salamanders, not to be confused with the amphibian version.) There will be a fire type deva in charge of the fire elementals  in a fire. The deva drives the fire for its own reason and to achieve its own ends.

From a spiritual, energy point of view, the air, water and fire elementals, with the devas in charge of them are doing a job to change and improve the energy of the Earth. They clean up the energy. For this planet and for humanity to move forward old energy has to be cleaned up so the planet is energetically cleaner than even in the recent past.

The mental and astral energy they clean up can be slow frequency, unpleasant and very old, coming from the Lemurian, the Atlantean and the recent Aryan Root race periods of time. This energy can also be very recent. For instance, as an example, imagine what the vibe or energy of the place was before Los Angeles was built, or before New York was built, or London was built (have to go back way before the Romans arrived). Now get a feel for the energy of Los Angeles, New York and London right now. Which was fresher, clearer, healthier? Before or right now?

The same can be said for any built up human habitation around the world, with its layering of astral energy and mental energy as people exude or pump out their emotions and thoughts, and carry out actions filled with the energy of their intentions.

We live in a material age which is fairly selfish and animalistic. This age isn’t noted for a way of living based on principles and loving respect for others and the environment. Such an age would create a different astral and mental residue to the one humanity has recently been creating. Hence there is some clearing up to do, and this is one of the roles devas and elementals do. They aren’t concerned what humans think about this. The Earth needs to change, and they are making sure the change happens.

Who do you think has told them to clean up the Earth?

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Give Your Computer, Tablet and Phone an Energy Spring Clean, Now

Spring in the Northern hemisphere, flowers are appearing and it’s a time for spring cleaning. Open the house or flat, let in the fresh air. Dust, clean, polish and throw out what is old energy (and recycle).

Get rid of the residues of old stagnant energy, and let in fresh, lively and vibrant energy. Buy some flowers and lift the energy of the place. It’ll help your energy feel a lot better and you’ll feel happy.

Your phone. Your computer (laptop, tablet). What about the energy of these? Do they ever get a clean?

We wash clothes so they are clean. People will do what it takes to clean crystals and recharge them. The electronic devices, we recharge, but cleaned? Usually not.

If you are sensitive, intuitive and / or your third eye is open, then take a moment to feel into or look at your phone, laptop etc. If you can sense lovely energy or negativity in a place or a person or objects, then you can sense it in these.

Your laptop, phone, tablet or computer is a physical object, and physical objects can hold energy. People use their phones to access the internet and the websites on this. They store apps on their phones. They make calls and receive calls from people and organisations.

In the physical world, if you have a working relationship with someone else, or a friendship, or a dislike, or a deeper relationship with them, then you will have some karma with them. You will also have cordings between you and the other person. The quality of the cordings will depend on the kind of relationship and how loving (or otherwise) it is. if you imagine you have, say, nine circles around you, then that person will be on one of the circles, either close in, or further away. The closer they are, the more they have access to your system, and the more you are in their energy field as well. As you could imagine, some people can have very full circles, with people having access into their emotions, thoughts and energy, so that their space isn’t their own. This can make it difficult to get quiet mental space and space for meditation. A person with a full space can have a lot of input coming in that isn’t theirs but which is really somebody else’s. This is why doing healing meditations to clean up your aura and chakras, and space around you is so important, as is practising buttoning up chakras and protecting your aura.

This physical world was the situation before phones and before computers and the internet. The life we now live has changed.

We know that physical objects can have energy, including computers, etc.. But so too can things in a virtual world or in cyberspace (can’t use the word “objects”, but I could perhaps use the phrase “virtual entities” because it describes them so well).

When someone has an idea for a website or app or service they have firstly a mental idea, which is mental energy. They work on their concept and put in mental energy and also put in some emotion, which is emotional energy. The concept becomes a virtual reality and has in it mental and emotional energy, which builds and builds. It literally becomes an entity. As more energy is built up, it can form a basic intelligence and spirit, and emotional qualities and can exist on the astral levels. As the concept goes live on the internet and has more and more users who bring in their own mental and emotional energy, the entity grows and morphs, developing it’s own nature. You can sense the energy of a website, app or service intuitively, with your third eye, or imagine it as a ball or cloud of energy, and you can look at it and notice how you feel about it.

Some apps, websites and services are benign and look and feel good. The cordings from them, like coloured strands or ropes will look and feel OK. Other websites, apps and services don’t have your best interests at heart. They may not be what they seem. It could be the case that you are the product and they want your data, perhaps the site has been designed to hook you in, or that it is addictive to be on, or your opinions are surreptitiously being swayed or nudged. Or it pushes negativity. Some sites and apps can act vampirically and take energy from you for a little snack (astral entities particularly like emotional energy or etheric life energy). These will intuitively feel and look awful, and the cordings will look unpleasant as well.

Things in cyberspace and in the virtual world have mental and emotional energy and are real.

You can receive positive energy form an app, site or service, or message or email, and this projects positive and loving energy into your system. And it will feel pleasant to wonderful. You can receive negative energy, and that goes into your system, as you are likely to be wide open energetically sitting in front of your laptop. And you will feel that negative energy.

There is a lot of things on the internet that carry some negativity, or that can host negative emotional and mental energy, and negative astral entities. It is very easy for a pristine new phone, laptop, computer or tablet with clean energy to build up negative energy in the circuits and develop into an astral home for the astral critters or bigger astral entities. The astral space can seem bigger than the physical space the object takes up. Doorways can be formed in the astral space as well, letting in uninvited guests.

It is really worth cleaning up devices that connect to the internet, every now and again, and also after going onto a site with a negative feel, or after being on the receiving end of some negative energy.

A negative input of energy can happen if someone has placed malware onto your device or hacked into it, as this will form a negative cording and a conduit for downloads of negative gunk from a negative source. It’s a virtual jungle out there.

It is possible to clean up the energy so that your experience of being on your device is positive. The first step is to identify what is going on in your device, and you can be creative about how you do this in a way that is easy to pick out information from.

Imagining your device as a house. What does the building look like? What are the rooms like? Are the doors open or closed? Are there a lot of doorways or just a few? How tidy and how clean is the house? Are the rooms well furnished? Plenty of light in there? Or dark and full of shadows? A fresh smell, or a musty, old smell? Any old files stuffed in the attic or down in the basement? What is the atmosphere like in the house? Fresh and vibrant? Calm and peaceful? What’s it like? Pleasant sounds? Is the house clear, or do there appear to be things living in it that you would prefer not to be there? Any blobs? Any faces? Any ghost like shadows?

Perhaps some changes need to be made, rooms cleared, curtains opened, and windows cleaned so the light can flood in. Doorways can be closed, and sealed if need be, and cut flowers in vases placed on tables. (In physical life flowers actually do radiate positive energy freely and selflessly out into the world.)

Can you imagine what your device would look and feel like if it was cleared and cleaned? What would your experience be like of using such a device?

Here is a meditation to help clear up the energy of your device. The first step will be to adjust your own energy first before working on the device. The second step will be to use a blue rose to bring in the right kind of energy to clear and protect your device.

Read this first then try it. In a quiet enough place and in a comfortable position, close your eyes. Take several long and gentle breaths, gently exhaling with each.

Imagine roots growing out of your feet, as deep as they can go into the earth.

Allow nourishing and healing energy from the earth to flow up your roots and into your feet. Allow this energy to flow up into your body, in its own time, all the way up to the top of your head.

Now let gentle and soft very bright white light flow down from high up, directly above you, as if from a white sun. Let this light flow onto your head. Some of this light will flow over you, and some will flow in, down through your centres or chakras in your head. The very bright white light feels very pure, still, and silent (like being in a gentle snowfall).

The very bright white light keeps flowing down your body, down through all your energy centres. It keeps on flowing, down in to your legs, and down to your toes. The very bright white light keeps flowing down, adjusting your energy, dissolving what shouldn’t be there and lifting your energy.

Down through this white light flows a white rose, with the petals open. This white rose flows down to your heart centre in the middle of your chest and stays there, radiating out its essence into you on all levels.

For the next part, have your device in front of you. Read this first and then try.

Again close your eyes. The very bright white light keeps on flowing down. Within this flow of light, flows down a beautiful blue rose, with petals open. It is filled with blue energy. The blue rose comes down to settle in your heart centre in the middle of your chest. One copy of the blue rose, like a hologram, flows through your arm to your hand, and another copy of the blue rose flows down the other arm to the other hand. Placing your hands over the device, imagine these roses flowing down forming a single blue rose which lands on and then goes into the device. Imagine the blue energy from the rose flowing out and around your device, covering it, and then flowing through all parts of your device.  As it does this, it clears, dissolves or moves out astral energies, doorways, entities and qualities. The blue rose and its energy clears, removes, and resets the energy. Imagine the blue rose and it’s energy at work for a minute if you can, as white light continues to pour through you. If the blue rose and its blue energy seems to disappear, let another blue rose come down through the very bright white light, and let another round of cleaning and resetting occur.

If you get tired, stop have a break, and go again when you are ready.  Repeat if you need to.

When the blue rose and the blue energy have cleaned up your device, then become aware of your own energy, and light the very bright white light flow down for a short while, and let the earth energy flow up at the same time.

When you feel complete, let the images of your roots and the white light fade, and open you eyes.

If you want to be really thorough, you can imagine your device as having nine layers, and with the blue rose and blue light, you work on each layer in turn from top to bottom. Rest as you need to.

Another variation is to visualize blue energy from the rose flowing out from your device to wherever on the internet negative energy came from.


Cleaning up your energy

Keeping your aura and centres clear and clean is a good idea in order to stay healthy and happy. In some jobs it can be too easy to accumulate negative, slow frequency energy and twists from others. There are also places that are littered with old energy that just hangs around, which can easily be absorbed into the aura and centres of people.

If someone works as a therapist or counsellor, or healer listening to other people’s problems, they have in front of them someone who is shedding negative energy. This can be absorbed by the therapist or counsellor, or it can simply fall on the floor.

If the intervention is more hands on, resulting in old negative energy being displaced from the client, it can also be absorbed by the person helping, or again end up in the space being used.

There are a number of simple ways of cleaning up the room, or the space used.  The simple physical act of vacuuming the floor, wiping and polishing objects, shaking cushions and so on can shift the energy. Having the window open to allow through a breeze is good. Having a tap (fawcet) open so that water is running seems to pull away negative energy and help clear a space. An open fire is great for burning off negative energy. A candle, lit with the intent of clearing negative energy can work well.

Below there is an meditative way of clearing negative energy from within and around a person. It’s worth mentioning though, that there are physical things that can be done to shift negative energy. A great way is to go for a swim particularly in the sea, especially if there is some surf. Physical exercise or dance gets the body and the energy within it to move. Or go and walk in the wilds when it is very windy to have the wind blow through your aura. A more sedentary way is to relax in front of an open fire, or have a sauna.

Sometimes though, the negative energy absorbed is very sticky and virulent. Sometimes an astral entity has jumped from one aura to another. Then a  powerful  meditation technique is required. This is one such. Read it first to familiarize yourself with it before trying it out.

In a comfortable position and with eyes closed, imagine yourself sitting on thick, verdant green grass. Rain falls on you, only it is rainbow coloured rain, that shines brilliantly. It lands on your skin, immediately soothing away negativity on the surface of your body. Any negative cordings with other people simply
fade away. Any shards of negative energy, or objects holding negative energy melt off. The rainbow rain washes away the negativity, like washing away clumps of black energy.

The rainbow rain washes through your head and body, bringing rainbow rain to wash through your blood supply, your nerves, muscles and bones. The rainbow rain washes through your organs, carrying with it any old, slow frequency energy and spirit.

Just let go and relax, let the rainbow rain wash you through.

The rainbow rain washes down your legs and arms, and down through your hands and feet. The water drips off, to fall onto the ground.

Imagine your aura that surrounds you is made up of three layers, an outer, middle and inner. Outside these, there is a layer like a skin that acts like a barrier. Use your imagination to take a look at each layer in turn. Look for blobs of loose energy, which can be the thoughtforms of others, or their emotions which have ended up being shared with you. Also look for shards of energy, like splinters, and any other spots of energy. Look for any holes or tears or doorways in the outermost skin-like layer.

The rainbow rain falls gently through your aura. Now comes down from above you, multiple flashes of lightning, touching and removing whatever it touches. The lightning flashes around the inner layer. It flashes through the middle layer. The lightning then flashes through the outer layer.

The sun comes out (a divine Sun), and shines brightly on the outermost layer of your aura, while a breeze (a divine breeze) also blows healing energy to close up gaps, holes and doorways.

A deep, rich light flows up from the ground and through the grass into your body. This brings about a balancing, and a harmonizing of your internal organs and nervous system.

Feel the green grass under you. Feel the sun shining on you and warming you. Feel the breeze on your face. When you are ready, open your eyes.


For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.