What astrological sign are you? I’m Aquarius … Moon conjunct Aries, Mars trine Venus.

When it comes to astrology, your personal qualities and what your life is like, you can go for the simple stuff (All Libras are like this …) or you can go for something much more accurate and in-depth. You can get an astrological chart done. There will be plenty of information on your chart that is just right for you.

People’s ideas on astrology usually come from the horoscope pages in magazines and starter spiritual websites. But there is so much more to it than this.

The time, date and place of your birth can be factored in to create an accurate map of the energies and influences around at the time of your birth. Your chart can show up your qualities, your personality, and your approach to things like communication, finances and relationships, and give you guidelines for health. So that is for you.

If you are in a relationship, a good quality astrologer will be able to draw both your charts and compare them to find out what your relationship is like or going to be like. You can use this information to help you with your relationship, and to bring out the best in it.

Astrology can also be used, like a map, to show you key astrological events such as planetary conjunctions, or opposition of planets, and how the energy coming in influences world events and our lives generally.

Should you like to find out more, there are some great websites to take a look at such as Kaypacha on newparadigmastrology.com  and also on Youtube and facebook. There are other people doing charts and readings. A good starting point to learn more about astrology would be http://www.astrologers.com  for the USA, and theastrologicalsociety.co.uk. Other countries might have their own groups.

  There are plenty of books available. You could look at books such as Teach Yourself Astrology by J. Mayo and Astrology and its Practical Application by E. Parker as two examples.

As for date of death, I once read about a man who went for an astrological reading in India. After doing his chart the astrologer was shocked and annoyed and said he couldn’t be who he said he was because he should have been dead. He was a devotee of the Avatar, Meher Baba (more information to be found on the Internet and in books), and Meher Baba had changed his karma so he would still be alive as her was doing useful work. The Avatar and Perfect Masters can change a person’s karma that they were born with in whatever way they want. An astrological chart though, can still be useful, a lot more useful than a horoscope page.