For Prosperity and Success, Meditate!

Success is being in the right place at the right time, and doing the right thing in the right way. You read it here.

By following this you open the door to prosperity. You get the response and the reward from this at some point in time, whether it is right away or at a later date.

We are all individual and unique, with a unique personality, abilities, karma and possible timelines. We all have our own version of the right thing, the right place and right time. Finding the right thing and doing it, and expressing ourselves in this way, can bring a combination of happiness and success. And prosperity.

Right now in this world at an international, national and a local level, life appears to be crazy, and things seems to be falling apart. As Light comes in the old is breaking down. The old ways don’t work so well anymore except for a few. But the Light is also instigating and supporting a lot of positive things happening. A lot of people are trying to make a difference, and are putting into practice new ideas, mostly at the individual and local level. In this way they boost their prosperity.

The ideas and concepts are there, and people who are dissatisfied with how things are have the motivation to open Up and access the ideas and inspiration. Strangely enough, they were born for this, they have the aptitude for it, even if they didn’t know it before, they have the karma for it and the timeline waiting to happen. It is happy days when the penny drops.

There are lots of ways of being open to the inspiration just waiting to drop on them like a bubble of light. Some people have a realisation when they are in a relaxed mood, or when they are involved in an activity where the brain can relax.

Another way is meditation. An analogy here is a radio (the devices people used to use before going online for a digitised sound, which is worlds apart from the richer analogue sounds of radio in years gone by). A radio can recieve a radio signal of a range of frequencies. Imagine some of the lower frequency stations have a lot of talk and chatter, while there are some higher frequency stations that make you feel happier, calmer and relaxed, with alpha brain wave patterns. But also with some rather lovely energy from on High.

Think of it this way. You are a soul, with a particular personality this lifetime so your soul gets to have the experiences for it to develop. The core of you, the soul, came from God. When you meditate it is possible for you to be on the receiving end of a tiny bit of God’s energy. (Too much and you get white-lighted and lose the plot.) A daily top-up is fine.

You follow the steps to set up the meditation, and then go with the flow. You can’t force it. Like in surfing, you are on your board, you see the wave, you go for it, catch the wave and stand up, and go with the flow. You trust yourself and you trust the wave, and respect it if it is a big wave. You can’t force the wave, you just ride it. Same thing with meditation. Then the wave subsides. When you want, you go out and catch another wave.

A meditation, or better a daily meditation, can help you be open to inspirations and insights that can help you do the right thing, in the right way, and in the right place at the right time. Meditation is good to have as part of a successful and prosperous life.

There are meditations in posts on this blog to choose from, and also some recorded ones you can listen to accessible form the side bar.

Explore the new prosperity that is coming through with the new energy coming into the planet by reading the book A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity. Here’s the link:

If you want to find out more about meditation here is a useful link to a blog post listing the meditations on this blog, with links.

Using money with negative intent or loving intent

Be Prosperous in Loving Ways

It is obvious to say that money has an effect in the world. Large amounts of money put into all kinds of activities have effects and also consequences. People choose what to put money into depending on their priorities. Some people just want profits regardless of the consequences, other people might take into consideration the immediate effect on people and the environment and do something that benefits the world.

It is an imperfect world, so there are also people who will try to do something knowing it can have a short term negative effect, but in the big picture, in the long term the effect will be positive.

In old prosperity thinking, no consideration was given to the effect of an activity, or the effect it would have on other people’s health and lives. It was all about the individual getting rich and having a great life. When rich, some people might get involved in philanthropy.

In those older times, there were less people around, there was more space and there was less pollution. The build up of greenhouse gases due to industry, vehicles and ships that would cause problems with our weather later was just beginning.

The notion was that there was the individual and their family, and then there was the world, to use and gain from.

Now, more people realise that they are part of the world. If they want themselves and the people who are important to them to be prosperous, and that includes their children and future generations, then they need to fund and do activities as thoughtfully as possible.

The very notion of what prosperity means is evolving, as our understanding of how we fit into the environment and society evolves.

It is an evolving situation we find ourselves in. It is an imperfect world (or a perfectly imperfect world from a spiritual point of view, which, like the grit in the oyster, helps us develop spiritually, into the equivalent of the pearl). 

A key to being prosperous and creating prosperity in this evolving world is to make choices that seem loving, and to do what you do in the most loving ways you can.

Also hold in mind that even as there is a lot of Light stirring up and clearing the old, that Light is also bringing in new ideas and supporting energy. That’s the good news. 

New prosperity starts with being open to the wonderful new energy coming in, and letting it grow inside. When ready, it can be expressed in the world.

Here’s a meditation on prosperity you might like to listen to:

A meditation to listen to: A Golden Glow of Prosperity

If you would like to buy the book A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity click here:

Intuition, Navigating Life and Prosperity

Life for many if not all people can seem chaotic, crazy, unpredictable and for many, stressful.

The old ways of doing life as we know it, are based on old values, such as greed, selfishness and fear. Sometimes anger and hatred come into it, as people have smashed into the ecosystem with a total lack of respect in order to gain short-term wealth. Think of over-fishing, the lumber trade in rainforests, the clearing of forests for beef production in South America, the continued production of plastics and the petro-chemical industry. The present financial system is based on greed and fear, and on the exploitation of individual customers. Politics and government have to change as well.

Basically, the qualities of greed, selfishness, hatred and anger, along with exploitation have to go. Anything built on these qualities has to go as well.

So in comes the Love and Light, speeding up the karma, bringing the old ways to the surface, and change is now in process, to break up that old energy.

At the same time, the Love and Light is sparking positive change, and seeding new ideas based on a more loving approach. There is positive stuff happening, though people and organisations who have done well under the old, dark regime tend to fight to stop it or undermine it, as they want to maintain their power, which is slipping through their fingers like sand.

God does actually have a plan or Plan to work things out in God’s way, rather than how people would expect it to work out. But then God has Infinite Mind, while people only have a personality mind, which is definitely not infinite.

So what is going on in life can seem to make no sense. But, there is a Plan, and God does give out clues, whispers and sometimes shouts. It is the people who can create moments of quiet, of inner silence and stillness, who can pick up the hints, using their intuition.

This is a really good time to be learning about intuition, because using intuition means you can safely navigate the seemingly stormy seas. It’s like the path, moment by moment, becomes clear, as long as you also have enough spiritual oomph to trust God and trust yourself.

What has this got to do with prosperity? Well if you are being quiet on the inside, and listening or viewing the steps, or feeling your way, and taking the necessary timely (very important, the timing) actions, then this can open up life so you become prosperous in new ways, based on Love, and the good of all, as well as yourself.

Rather than see craziness and uncertainty, see the Love and the opportunity, and Godspeed.

New Ideas of Prosperity which are good for the planet and yourself

As spiritual energy flows into this planet it brings new concepts to help us create a new, more vibrant and loving future. It is as if energy flows in from the future to give us the stepping stones into that future.

Here you can find links to some of the new concepts and also meditations.

If you find you like the concepts, there is a book, with some great energy, about prosperity called A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity by Jonathan Barber, available on Amazon.

You, the World, Change and Prosperity

A meditation to listen to: A Golden Glow of Prosperity

If you would like to buy the book A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity click here:

New Prosperity means thinking about others as well as yourself

Old books on prosperity reflected thinking and attitudes of the time. Nowadays, ideas about prosperity are different because we see the world and our place in it differently.

In old books prosperity was all about the individual getting rich. There were a lot less people around then, there was less demand on resources and also less of an impact on the planet. For instance, there was no plastic if you can imagine that (and somehow, life still went on). There were less cars so there was less need for oil. There were no computers so there was no need for energy hungry computer servers for an internet.

Now we know that there are finite resources on this planet. We know that we have impact on the natural world. We know now that how we treat the natural world, ends up affecting us, because we live in a closed system we call Earth. It’s not hard to figure out.

In years gone by it was harder to assess the weather and predict with accuracy what the weather was going to be. Now, we can model the weather with powerful computers. The science of meteorology has developed a long way which means we can predict more accurately the weather, and we have more up-to-the-minute information on weather. So we now have more awareness of the weather than in those times gone by. We notice more the weather patterns and the kinds of weather events that happen. We notice the effect we have on the air and oceans and how there is much more energy in global weather systems than before, and how this changes the weather and affects us.

We have become better at understanding systems, which can be weather systems, financial systems, and economic systems where the resources are not abundant. We recognise that what happens in a distant part of the world can affect us. We recognise what happens in our country and our local area affects us, and in return we may be able to affect them.

We are able to see the bigger picture and our place in it. We can know about the systems that affect us and which we can in turn, affect. If all parts of a system are doing OK then we can get to do OK. If one or more parts of a system are not doing well, then at some point this will affect us.

Here’s an example. We all use banks and there is a banking system. If the customers of one bank start taking out their money then the bank might not survive, and this can severely damage other banks and financial markets, and sometimes other banks then go out of business even in other countries, affecting their customers.

In an inter-related system, all parts have to be reasonably healthy or else the whole system suffers, which affects all concerned prosperity wise.

So these days, we can focus on our own prosperity for sure, but we also have to bear in mind the prosperity of those around us. The wellbeing of all involved in the systems that touch us ends up at some point influencing our prosperity. If a system becomes too damaged it can fail, affecting ourselves and others. Actually, there are a number of interacting systems, which end up affecting each other.

Here’s some examples. In the UK, the attempted invasion of a country, Ukraine by Russia about one and a half thousand miles away affected our energy prices. So we are paying the energy companies more. They are taking advantage of the situation and so, people have less money to spend on other things. So other areas of the economy are negatively affected, and businesses can go out of business, and the price of other goods goes up, increasing inflation. So an energy company executive, though they might be given a bonus as profits are up, they end up paying more for food, and due to inflation, the value of their savings goes down, and to top it all, their favourite restaurant has to close (for example).

Being greedy affects the interacting systems in a negative way, which comes back to affect us, and that is not being prosperous.

We live in an international interconnected world. In fact, our modern world is perhaps too interconnected and fragile.

We can be prosperous for ourselves, but we rely on our local community, and national and international communites. It really helps to support others to be prosperous. Would you rather live in a community with a lot of prosperity and all the benefits that brings, usually in an attractive place, or would you rather be one of the few prosperous people around in a run-down looking place with a less well off population?

I’m trying to suggest here that it is good to think about yourself, yes, but putting out prosperity thoughts, energy and actions for others, say, starting in the local community, is a good thing for all including yourself.

I have seen examples of this. In one village, I saw how the community had got together to create a hydroelectricity scheme to provide energy for homes and businesses. This meant they were less reliant on the energy companies that have been happy to charge more. They also planted communal orchards. Some good will, choosing to work with supportive people, innovation and intelligent action are great for all in a community, as is taking back power from those people who would exploit you. Behaving like this increases your prosperity and the prosperity of others.

I wonder if these people will set up their own bank next?

All souls come from God, and as souls, we are all part of the Oversoul, the collective Up in the inner planes. This is an aspect of our Divine Home, where there is a vast amount of Light and Love.

This Light and Love is something that can be reflected down here, but for the most part, it isn’t. What we have had is the spirits of selfishness, greed, desire for power, and fear, and perhaps hatred. For many people, though not all, these energies, these spirits are part of their energetic makeup, and influence how they think and act. Even in countries where there is awareness of karma many people will act in ways that are less than loving. But there is a price for everything.

Now with more Love and Light pouring in, things are changing. This means that some people will have in them energies or spirits that are more Love-based and positive and for the Higher. So there is less selfishness and instead there is generosity and goodwill. There is more a sense of respect for others and for Nature and the environment. There is more the spirit of responsibility.

For a soul, this is a good thing. In karma, there is balance, carried out by the Law of Opposites. So if someone has a lifetime where they are very wealthy, and their soul has the experience of a personality down in matter living and learning from a life of wealth, the next lifetime, the soul gets a life of poverty to experience and learn from the opposite, as a balancing experience.

Sometimes a wealthy person can considers that a poor person is not worthy of help, and that it’s their karma to experience that life. But maybe it is appropriate to help them. Does one’s thoughts and actions come from a place of selfishness and greed, and sense of superiority (which doesn’t make sense because we are all part of the same Oversoul), or do our thoughts and actions come from a place of love and a desire to do the Higher actions?

Sometimes helping someone might be robbing that person of the experience they need and it gets shoved onto another lifetime, in which case no help is best. Sometimes helping them by sharing one’s prosperity of time and / or money might be the right thing. You can usually tell. An action done from a feeling of guilt is generally not the right action. If helping someone comes from love, you feel it in your heart, and you know it is the right thing to do. Karmically, you are doing the right thing, and karmically, they are doing the right thing by receiving the assistance. Its like there is a connection, soul to soul, and you feel it, because your true nature is Love.

There are wealthy people around who are generous and help others and they will end up with future lives that reflect the love. However,there may be philanthropy because the wealthy person wants to look good in the eyes of society. They are in effect trying to buy respect and prestige, so the aim is essentially selfish and without love, and the next lifetime or lifetimes will be a bit rough as karma is balanced. The soul doesn’t mind however, as it is just experience of one life out of a great many, and what needs to be learnt, needs to be learnt. Doesn’t mean to say it is enjoyable for the personality though. When you know about this, it’s a bit more incentive to learn about being loving.

As more Light and Love comes into humanity, it is becoming easier for more loving energy, spirit and inspiration to come in to influence our thinking, actions and prosperity, so we can not only improve matters for ourselves, but also for those around us and our communities, and for the planet we call home.

There are plenty of ideas available, like bubbles of energy, waiting for people to touch and absorb. So a bit of spiritual prosperity practice can open up brand new timelines for oneself and others.

Listen to a meditation for prosperity

If you would like to buy the book “A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity” click here

The Point of Prosperity (Or What is Prosperity For?)

It’s been raining a lot here and I’ve been feeling cranky with a dose of self-pity. Then I see in the news a picture of an old Hollywood film-star who has been living a reclusive life in their $85 million mansion, and they look terrible.

This is an ideal mix to get thinking about prosperity. Having an $85 million mansion and millions of dollars in the bank might be what lots of people want. Having lots of expensive, status-symbol cars might be what people want. It might make them happy. Then they might reach a point after a while that having a massive house or massive car collection and the presumed status doesn’t deliver the happiness. For instance, when people die, how many of them say at the end, “Well, I had a big house”, or “I had a great car collection.” (or the biggest and tidiest lawn, or a Picasso on the wall, or a high status career, or millions in the bank.)

The actor in the news looked terrible, and not at all happy. Prosperity should make you happy, I said to myself.

Then I thought there is actually a first level of prosperity where a person recognises that they can be happy, they can be joyful. Then they can live by being happy, and bringing joy to what they do.

With the weather, and looking at some mess that could do with being tidied up, I reminded myself how I look at this depends on me. I could choose to look through a lens of self-pity, or I could look through a lens of happiness and joy.

One train of thought goes I can only be happy if I have the new car and big house and so on. Another train of thought, I told myself, was that I can be joyful and happy because I have joy and happiness inside my heart. The external stuff around me has nothing to do with this. I like to think of myself as spiritual, whatever that means, and that I have joy and happiness inside me because I have God inside me, who is the source of joy and happiness. As well as being Infinite, and Infinitely abundant, and knowing exactly what I need externally to be happy.

Prosperity is internal in the first instance. When we recognise that, things change. When we recognise we have joy and love and happiness inside us, that alters how we think about ourselves, and alters how we see others and the world around us. It changes our behaviours and what we say and do. If we realise that love and strength is deep inside us, it alters what we think we can do, and then what we do.

Imagine two versions of yourself going about the day. One version of you thinks the place I live in is horrible, life is boring and hard, I’m fed up, and nothing I do matters. I don’t think much to myself. How would you live that day? What would you think? What would you say? What would you do? How would your day go?

Imagine another version of you that believes that joy and love and happiness are inside you, and that you have the strength inside yourself, because God is in you if you like, to keep doing and trying, and to keep on. How would you live that day? What would you think? What would you say? What would you do? How would your day go on this timeline?

What energy would you be radiating out into the world, out into the Universe from your chakras and aura? How would you impact on the world around you, and what if you did that every day, what would be the effect on your life? Would you be happy?

The Universe responds to what we think, feel, and do, and it gets reflected in the external around us.

At a basic level, as well as recognising the good stuff inside myself, I find that enough sleep, a decent diet, and enough exercise does wonders for my wellbeing and energy, and really helps me to be positive and effective. So my image of prosperity doesn’t include all-night, champagne soaked parties like some playboy. I do like a cup of tea however, a bit of yoga, and walking in Nature and the occasional trip to the beach.

The actor in the news looked like he needed some basics to improve his wellbeing. Sometimes when we get so low though, it isn’t easy to do it for ourselves, what really helps at that point is some kindness, love and support from others and maybe a hug, and some telling that they are OK and loved.

PS Prosperity is a choice everyday, and I do have to make the effort to remind myself that joy, love, happiness and strength are inside me. Life isn’t some fake effortless Instagram life.

For a meditation on prosperity, click here.

For information about the book A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity, click here.

If you would like to buy it, click here.

You, the World, Change and Prosperity

These are “interesting” times we live in. So much is changing, including how we think about things and what we do.

There is a huge amount of spiritual energy flowing into this planet right now and this flow is going to keep on coming in. Before about 1900 or so, there wasn’t so much spiritual energy flowing in, and life on this planet ticked along, with some advances in human life. A lot of values, ways of thinking and ways of behaving within humanity changed very little.

Then in order to get humanity on the right track (right timeline) and up to speed in humanity’s spiritual development and that of Creation, a lot of spiritual energy was injected into the world. Some people might think that this would be like waving a magic wand and then all of a sudden everything would become love and light and harmony. The evidence so far of how changes happen in this world shows that such people didn’t really understand how things happen.

For instance, lovely spiritual light comes in to bring about change for the better to create a more loving world. But that means that a lot of people who have done very well with the old ways of doing things and who have amassed a lot of wealth, power and influence will find all of that diminishing. They won’t be so powerful, they won’t be so wealthy and will lose influence as more people have a say, as more of the population has a better level of prosperity (whatever that now means) and may… may have more power (whatever that becomes to mean). Plus those with wealth may find the old ways of amassing wealth are no longer allowed.

Even as the new spiritual energy pours in, those with wealth, power and influence based on the old ways of doing things won’t want to change and they will put up a fight, as they follow their selfish desires.

For example, people are realising that some basics of prosperity are clean air, clean water, minimal pollution and freedom to be themselves, as well as an income. Now, the people who own and run the petrochemical industries will do whatever they can to keep going as they want to keep making money. So they will lobby and where they can buy their way into governments they will do so. They will attack and discredit scientists and those that promote change. They will come up with schemes to make it seem OK to keep developing uses of oil. For instance, the notion that making plastic is good because it can be recycled was one of their ideas, which was a half-truth at best since most plastic isn’t recycled, but it made people feel okay about oil. This trick is still working.

The people who have shares in petroleum companies would also would also be against change. So many right wing, conservative politicians will have shares in oil and plastics and they are going to lobby and vote for what is going to build their wealth out of self-interest, rather than their nation’s interest, or humanity’s interest and long-term prosperity. How many governments in the world are funding research into alternatives to plastic and are passing laws limiting the actual production of plastics?

In basic terms, the Dark is feeling threatened by the Light and so is putting up a fight.

The spiritual light pouring in stirs everything up that is old, or outdated, or twisted. It flushes it up so that it can burn itself out or be burnt up in a spiritual sense. This then leaves something that has a spiritual basis. This means that life can be lived in a more spiritual way (whatever that means for each individual) and really this is still the beginning of all the changes so we are not at the point of really knowing what spirtuality really is.

But happily, God does know. And also happily, God, who is always full of surprises, is in each one of us.

This flushing up of the old, does make life seem chaotic and crazy, and seem out of control. But for those that can trust God, there is a path through, and it is possible to know true from false.

Spiritual energy speeds up old karma so that it can be balanced and used up. This tends to make life more intense and full of change. As old karma is used up or burnt up, old energy goes. This means new karma can come in and new energy can come in.

At the same time as the old, or Old Law way of doing things is cleared away, new ways that will benefit humanity, the planet and Creation generally, are being introduced and stimulated by the spiritual energy. So the good news is there is a Plan.

To know your part of the Plan it helps to trust God, build a relationship with God say through meditation, or simply by service to others and/or the planet, let go of what you need to let go of, and do what feels right to do in your heart.

People who are Dark orientated, who like having power, or wealth, or influence and control over others, will work hard to maintain and build these things. There is so much of this going on at the moment and it happens in all kinds of ways at all kinds of scales.

There are governments in the control of one person or a group of people, who then intimidate and suppress their own population or sections of it, and are aggressive to other countries and destabilise them.

There are businesses (and criminal groups) who knowingly act in ways that are destructive to the planet and do harm to people.

There are people who want to limit what people can think, feel, say and do in order to fulfil their own desires. They will do this by attacking others that disagree with them, by shutting them down, by trying to make them feel guilty so they can manipulate them, and by influencing politicians to do this for them. At a deep level, they have a lack of respect for other people. There is a lack of love here.

Often, people aren’t in a position to do something about the negative influences on their lives, or don’t seem to be, even when they know that something isn’t right or feels wrong.

But there are those who have the means and a calling to expose what is going on and there are people with the means and drive to do something about the various Old law-based individuals and groups.

Developing your spirituality is a great thing to do. It can really help you bring in the new, and it can help with dealing with anything Old Law or twisted trying to get into your life to push you off track.

The Divine is in us all, and so if someone starts to meditate, if they clean up their energy and protect it, if they connect with their intuition and pay attention to their feelings, notice what is going on in life around them, and if they listen into their heart to know what is right and what isn’t, they can ask inside themselves what it is they need to do. And then do it.

Progress in life happens because people think about things, make plans and then do what needs to be done. With the spiritual energy flowing in and stimulating people, people’s actions, including yours, can be fueled by spiritual energy.

©2022 Jonathan Barber

If you want to know more about new prosperity, there is a book, “A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity” available from Amazon by Jonathan Barber

Other articles and a meditation on Prosperity:

A meditation for you to try: A Golden Glow for Prosperity

The Flow of Prosperity

What we know, and our attitudes affects how we approach life. They affect our approach to prosperity as part of our approach. What we know and our attitudes can be influenced by our concepts of spirituality.

Consider two people. One of them thinks they are the most important person on the planet, that they are free and can do and say whatever they want because they are important and free. They practice the idea that their thoughts create their reality. Life is about making themselves happy and doing and having whatever they want so they can live this life. They use their wealth to get things to happen the way they want. Though what is really happening is that they are following their karmic path but in a way their personality likes.

In the past, in the West there were people whose idea of prosperity was all about getting rich and richer. It was these kind of people who brought about industry; the petrochemicals industries, the agricultural industries and so on. They got rich but the effect on environment has been terrible, nor did their exploits help prosper the communities who worked for them. This approach to life and prosperity unfortunately goes on around the world even now.

Consider another person with a different spirituality. For sure their own individual karma will influence what they do and experience. But say this person knows they are one out of many, many souls, and that everything and everyone is interconnected. Plus they know that what they think, say and do has an effect. They know that they are part of something bigger than them. They are aware of an energy that connects all things, and they are aware of energy flowing into their lives.

As an example, lets say they learnt about Chi energy. They have practised some form of exercise that involves Chi energy, where they learnt to feel the movement of Chi energy, and they can sense it.

Chi energy flows around, and is a good example to show that people can become aware of spiritual energy flowing into the planet and flowing around and into their lives.

It is possible for a spiritual person to be aware of some kind of energy flowing in their life and in Life all around them. This energy can be called all kinds of things (think of Star Wars and the Force if you like). Being aware of the spiritual energy coming in and flowing around is like tapping into an aspect of God. It is possible to be aware of brand new energy flowing in, very much as if the energy was flowing in from the Future. Think of it as if the energy flows in and lays stepping stones into an unfolding future.

A spiritual person with this kind of awareness can have a feel of what it is that is right to do, of what direction in Life to go, and when to wait and when to stop. The energy flowing in can carry ideas, creative inspirations and the emotional motivation to birth these ideas and inspirations into physical reality. In quiet times one’s imagination can receive these. Receiving and acting on ideas and inspirations is very much part of a spiritual approach to prosperity as they can change your life and the world around you.

Living like this requires a trust in the energy, and a trust in one’s own ability to feel the energy. It requires calmness and peace on the inside, and an ability to be patient and then to move quickly when required.

Life has a rhythm to it, and spirituality and prosperity becomes about feeling this rhythm and going with it as best as possible. It’s like being on a seashore and watching the waves rolling in in their own time as they can’t be pushed or slowed. With a bit of practice you can sense the incoming waves of inspiration as they roll in from the future.

Trust, peace and awareness.

For more on A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity, some articles and a meditation…

A meditation for you to try; A Golden Glow for Prosperity

Begin to change your thoughts, begin to change your life

Imagine this scenario, a soul is taking a well earned breather having completed a life incarnated in physical life as a person. They are discussing with the Higher Self and guides their next lifetime. “Well, I have this karma to go through and balance and some to possibly create. I would like to have these kinds of experience to build up my overview of life so I want this to happen and I’m going to need some thoughts to go with it. What do you think?”

Each lifetime a person has is different, and with different thoughts to go with their unique experiences. As a personality there will bits of life we enjoy and bits we don’t like. For the soul, it is experience that helps it grow in consciousness. For one soul, through many lifetimes, that means they have many personalities. So in one life, the soul can have a life as a royal person and have the personality and thoughts that go with that experience, along with one or two problems to make life interesting. In the next life, the soul might want to be a different gender, living an unexciting life (to the personality) in a small town in the middle of nowhere. They will have the thoughts to go with that, along with the appropriate karma.

The karma is there for a reason, and so too are the thoughts.

The thoughts get amplified and built on in life. A baby will be born in a particular setting, with particular people around, with a certain culture and ways of thinking and doing. They will also treat the baby a certain way, reinforcing the thoughts the child has subconsciously.

As the child grows up in a particular setting, while the aura and chakras are easily impressed upon, with people treating them and talking to them in a particular way, and as they experience life, the child will take all of this on. They will hold certain unconscious thoughts about themselves, about other people, about relationships and about various aspects of life. They will also hold some conscious thoughts about all this that they think about.

This unconscious and conscious learning from life’s experiences can keep going even through adult life.

The thoughts a person has about themselves from all this absorbing and conscious and unconscious learning affects what that person thinks they are capable of doing, how they should expect to be treated, and what they deserve in life. These thoughts affect how much that person likes themselves and loves themselves, and how capable they are of looking after themselves.

The thoughts affect how they behave not only towards themselves, but how they behave towards others, and what their expectations are like in relationships. Their thoughts affect what they think life is like, which affects how they approach life.

All areas of a person’s life are affected by their subconscious and conscious thoughts.

There can come a time when part of the karmic set up of a soul, is for the person to find out that thoughts can be changed. (Like now.)

Though a person might have had a very tough time (thank you soul!) this lifetime (and a cushy one before!), thoughts can be improved.

This means how a person likes and loves themselves can be improved, which means they can look after themselves better. They can think themselves capable of more than they did before, which alters their expectations and their behaviour, which ends up bringing about a happier, more fulfilling life.

Their relationships can improve as they have better expectations and standards of how people treat them, and they behave better towards others.

Thoughts can improve in all areas of life, literally then bringing about a better life, as good quality thoughts are followed up by the right actions to bring them to fruition.

There are steps to bring about a change in thoughts. Though there may be some other issues that it can be helpful to take a look at as well, such as energy, aura and chakras.

I mentioned earlier about the child having an aura and chakras, and that energy both negative and positive can be impressed into them. As this is about improving, let’s assume that the input of energy has been negative, as negative mental energy, emotional energy and possibly negative physical energy. This can come about by being on the receiving end of critical or abusive words and treatment, or by neglect, or by physical abuse. Also, just by living and being places it is very possible to pick up negative energy. (Sometimes a place can be described as being a bit of a dive, for instance.)

This can also go on in teenage and adult life (including through online experiences).

The chakras and aura can carry this negative energy throughout life, and negative energy can be stored in the body too.

That’s bad news, and it is also good news because it means something can be done about it. There are ways to clear the chakras. It might take time but it is worth it. There are ways to clear the aura as well. There are meditation techniques for this and healing methods. For easily shifted energy, exercise and being out in Nature are simple ways to shift negative energy. For stickier, deeper negative energy, healing techniques are one option.

Years ago I found deep tissue massage, which I’d say was a bit painful at some points, really helped to shift negative energy held in the body. I found out later there are some gentler techniques, though once the negative energy is gone, it’s gone.

Along with clearing the negative energy, which links to the thoughts, and thoughts in chakras and aura itself, it is easily possible to then button up and protect the chakras and aura.

Daily cleaning the chakras and aura with a simple meditation, and then buttoning up and protecting them is a great thing to do. You clean your teeth, and it is a good idea to clean chakras and aura as well, and this can really lift your mood.

Now about the thoughts.

Sometimes the soul decides to give the personality a rough time so that the person at some point decides to sort themselves out and change all kinds of things about their lives, including their thoughts. Through this experience the personality gets stronger and the soul gets spiritual brownie points for getting the personality to do something. Then that person is in a position to help others. It’s training and strengthening.

Sometimes a person has strongly negative thoughts about themselves, and about other issues in life. Starting with thoughts about oneself is the key place to start as this brings about the biggest change. Let’s see what can be done.

Imagine someone you think of as being absolutely amazing. It can be a musician, a singer, a sports star for instance, or a writer or artist. The thoughts just thinking about them can go something like; “Wow, they are amazing, utterly wonderful, such a nice person, really talented”, and so on. Your eyes light up as you think or talk about them and you’ll have a big smile on your face, and possibly your body language will come alive, and your chakras will light up.

Now, can you think the same kind of thoughts and have the same kinds of emotions about yourself?

If not, you know what kind of thoughts about yourself to aim for.

Imagine thoughts about yourself are on a set of stairs. At the top are the kind of thoughts described above. Right down on the bottom step the kind of thoughts someone might have are to do with self-disgust and self-hatred, and other thoughts are on the steps in between the top and bottom. A person might think to themselves that these thoughts are so bad that they might as well not try. They get depressed even thinking about their thoughts. (Been there.) Sometimes it is hard to even imagine thinking amazing thoughts about oneself, so intermediary thoughts can be used to take a step up. In a situation when the thoughts are really negative and crippling I would suggest some counselling or therapy that focuses on verbally expressing the thoughts and then dealing with the emotional energy. Dealing with the emotions is important. You can still work on the thoughts yourself if you wish.

Otherwise, if the thoughts are down towards the bottom of the stairs the first step is going to be self-forgiveness and reconciliation with oneself, plus possibly forgiveness of others. (Forgiveness is explained in another article.)

The next step, would be to use positive affirmations which are positive thoughts we repeatedly think, say and write to affirm them. Typically, an affirmation could be written out 10 times. Three times in the first person, “I” form. Three times in the second person “You” form as if someone was saying it to you. Three times in the third person as if someone was saying it about you, and another in the first person.

A basic starting point would be to start by saying you are willing. For example, I (your name) am willing to appreciate myself, and I (your name) am willing to love myself. You may find this too weak and so you move on to the next step. Otherwise, you could write this 10 times, breathing as you do, and if any mental comments are triggered and come to light, write them down. The breathing helps to shift energy so you can get rid of it. You could write a set of these affirmations once a day for a couple of weeks or until the affirmation feels true to you.

The next step goes from being willing to; I (your name) appreciate myself, and I (your name) love myself completely.

Depending on what was going on what thoughts about yourself you have inside you, you could work with thought like:

I (your name) am good enough, I (your name) am innocent, I (your name) am loving, I (your name) am loveable…attractive…wonderful…beautiful…capable…talented…clever enough…valuable…worthwhile. Or, I (your name) am good at … .

If you were shut down by others or trauma, you could try; I (your name) have a right to express myself, I (your name) express myself clearly / happily / with confidence. You choose the ending.

The thoughts you have about yourself are just thoughts, and you can think new ones if you choose to.

You can work with more than one thought if you want.

A good milestone is when you can think and affirm several positive thoughts altogether so you have a statement like; I (your name) am good enough, I am strong enough, I am attractive and what I express is worth hearing.

Put in your own adjectives. You can affirm this, and you can also put it on a card in places you will see it to affirm it. Visualise yourself like this repeatedly, daily if you can. Then you can be rating yourself just as highly as that talented person you thought about earlier in this article.

(There’s an article on forgiveness earlier in the blog.)

Time for a new prosperity

The world has changed a lot over the past several decades, and particularly in the last twenty or so. Right now there is a lot of change happening. There is more to come, as spiritual energy, Love and Light, pour into the Earth and humanity to bring about change. For humanity right now, it is a lot about getting rid of the old, based on old energy, and creating the new, based on new energy. Today, we are in the midst of this change (some people might prefer the word turmoil).

There are people who are invested in the old, and who are trying to hang on to it. For instance, those people who have made a lot of money from oil and the industries based on oil such as plastics will do anything to make sure it keeps going. Think of how slow governments are in dealing with the issue of plastics. This is just one example from many possible ones.

Several decades ago, spiritual prosperity thinking would have been OK with making money running an industry in steel, coal, oil, chemicals and so on, which polluted the planet, and involved dangerous working situations for people, or exploitative ones. The people making the money would have been held up as shining examples of how to be prosperous. That was the old prosperity, the old way. Some people still want to live this way.

There are businesses based on exploitation of people and the environment. There are businesses that are to do with sex that exploit women, and also children. There are businesses based on drug addiction. There is the harvesting of personal details and data on the internet. These businesses are based on greed and control and often violence.

There are other possible examples, such as cryptocurrency mining which uses up huge amounts of electricity to produce and so uses up the earth’s resources and contributes to global warming.

These are all ways this world currently goes on. Ways that are not exactly based on Love and Light. They can touch people we know personally. They certainly touch our communities and societies. Does making money through these ways mean it is being done prosperously?

Turmoil and change is making humanity (well some of them) learn from the state of the world and the consequences of past actions. These caring people think there has to be something better than the old ways.

And there is.

On a spiritual level, the insights and new creative concepts have already been flowing in. There are many people at the leading edge bringing in new technologies, developing sustainable ways of doing things, and having ideas about how to live more intelligently. It’s a time of creativity and experimentation.

As is often the case in spiritual matters, spiritual energy comes in to create situations in life for individuals and groups of individuals that they then go through and learn from. Life itself is the teacher, and people come to realise what is important and what isn’t, and use their ingenuity to find solutions to problems. With the spiritual input, life changes, and people change because of it. (Who did you think was in charge of Life, the Universe and Everything?)

For those people who want to do things in a new way, they can access new insights and ideas that are already flowing in. People can just be open to them, or they can go a spiritual route and deliberately work with the Divine (the Father aspect or the Mother aspect; both work), and embrace the new spiritual ideas of Prosperity coming in. It’s like tapping into a wave that is flowing in from our new, improved future, which is very different to the old one that we are leaving behind. The book “A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity” is all about this.

In the past, the old spiritual approach to prosperity was heavily focused on money and wealth and having lots of it.

The new spiritual approach to prosperity does include money as it is still useful as a means of exchange of energy. But in life, we have learnt that having clean air and clean water massively adds to quality of life. So does nutritious food, which given pollution, turbulent weather, increasing population and the quality of food produced by factory farming, is becoming an issue. We have learnt that being able to spend time with other people is important, simply being able to be held and hugged is important. Having privacy is becoming important as the tech companies collect and sell data about us, without respect for people. Having an environment where we can access some greenery or Nature is important for people. Having employment, as setting up and running businesses is not for everyone, without exploitation but rather with respect is important.

The very nature of how money is used will need to change. Currently, people go into banking and finance because they want to make lots of money. The financial system is set up to run so that money comes from the customers, and the money flows to those who work in Finance so they can become rich off these customers. There is plenty of scope for innovative thinkers here.

A spiritual approach to prosperity has always relied on some understanding of how focused thought works with spiritual energy. The roles of visualisation and intuition still applies, as does timely right action. What is different now and in earlier times when prosperity books were written is that there are many more people around who have an awareness of spirituality and the world, and who visualize and meditate. What else is very different is the phenomenal spiritual energy flowing in from the Divine for people to access and work with to be prosperous, and bring in the new.

Jonathan Barber

To buy the book “A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity” follow the link There are also more articles and a meditation on prosperity:

A meditation for you to try; A Golden Glow for Prosperity

A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity

We have the ability to be prosperous by applying spiritual understanding and techniques to improve our lives.

This book helps you to understand the spiritual basis of prosperity. It shows you how to use the abilities that are already in you to work with the energy of prosperity, to create results in your life. These techniques used to be called secrets but they are available for us to use with some learning and practise.

Because new spiritual energies are flowing into the planet, humanity is developing and the meaning of prosperity is changing. This new book works with the up-to-date energies that are flowing in. Think of prosperity ideas flowing in from the Divine in the future. This is what this book works with. Rather looking backwards into the past, this book is open to the future, and the new spiritual energies coming in. We can create a new world that is prosperous in new ways.

To buy the book “A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity” from Amazon click here. You might also like to listen to the meditation, A Golden Glow for Prosperity. Enjoy.