The Point of Prosperity (Or What is Prosperity For?)

It’s been raining a lot here and I’ve been feeling cranky with a dose of self-pity. Then I see in the news a picture of an old Hollywood film-star who has been living a reclusive life in their $85 million mansion, and they look terrible.

This is an ideal mix to get thinking about prosperity. Having an $85 million mansion and millions of dollars in the bank might be what lots of people want. Having lots of expensive, status-symbol cars might be what people want. It might make them happy. Then they might reach a point after a while that having a massive house or massive car collection and the presumed status doesn’t deliver the happiness. For instance, when people die, how many of them say at the end, “Well, I had a big house”, or “I had a great car collection.” (or the biggest and tidiest lawn, or a Picasso on the wall, or a high status career, or millions in the bank.)

The actor in the news looked terrible, and not at all happy. Prosperity should make you happy, I said to myself.

Then I thought there is actually a first level of prosperity where a person recognises that they can be happy, they can be joyful. Then they can live by being happy, and bringing joy to what they do.

With the weather, and looking at some mess that could do with being tidied up, I reminded myself how I look at this depends on me. I could choose to look through a lens of self-pity, or I could look through a lens of happiness and joy.

One train of thought goes I can only be happy if I have the new car and big house and so on. Another train of thought, I told myself, was that I can be joyful and happy because I have joy and happiness inside my heart. The external stuff around me has nothing to do with this. I like to think of myself as spiritual, whatever that means, and that I have joy and happiness inside me because I have God inside me, who is the source of joy and happiness. As well as being Infinite, and Infinitely abundant, and knowing exactly what I need externally to be happy.

Prosperity is internal in the first instance. When we recognise that, things change. When we recognise we have joy and love and happiness inside us, that alters how we think about ourselves, and alters how we see others and the world around us. It changes our behaviours and what we say and do. If we realise that love and strength is deep inside us, it alters what we think we can do, and then what we do.

Imagine two versions of yourself going about the day. One version of you thinks the place I live in is horrible, life is boring and hard, I’m fed up, and nothing I do matters. I don’t think much to myself. How would you live that day? What would you think? What would you say? What would you do? How would your day go?

Imagine another version of you that believes that joy and love and happiness are inside you, and that you have the strength inside yourself, because God is in you if you like, to keep doing and trying, and to keep on. How would you live that day? What would you think? What would you say? What would you do? How would your day go on this timeline?

What energy would you be radiating out into the world, out into the Universe from your chakras and aura? How would you impact on the world around you, and what if you did that every day, what would be the effect on your life? Would you be happy?

The Universe responds to what we think, feel, and do, and it gets reflected in the external around us.

At a basic level, as well as recognising the good stuff inside myself, I find that enough sleep, a decent diet, and enough exercise does wonders for my wellbeing and energy, and really helps me to be positive and effective. So my image of prosperity doesn’t include all-night, champagne soaked parties like some playboy. I do like a cup of tea however, a bit of yoga, and walking in Nature and the occasional trip to the beach.

The actor in the news looked like he needed some basics to improve his wellbeing. Sometimes when we get so low though, it isn’t easy to do it for ourselves, what really helps at that point is some kindness, love and support from others and maybe a hug, and some telling that they are OK and loved.

PS Prosperity is a choice everyday, and I do have to make the effort to remind myself that joy, love, happiness and strength are inside me. Life isn’t some fake effortless Instagram life.

For a meditation on prosperity, click here.

For information about the book A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity, click here.

If you would like to buy it, click here.

Like Meditation? Here Are Links to Meditations and Articles On This Site

There are many different meditations for different purposes. Try out some of the meditations on this site. Some recorded meditations can be found in the side bar by clicking on them. The three colour meditations are explained in the article “The colours in the last three meditations – what they mean. Enjoy.

A Basic meditation technique:

Gold Light Meditation

White light Meditation

Blue Light Meditation

The colours in the last three meditations – what they mean

Getting grounded recored meditation: This can be found in the side-bar

Here is one to bring in some enegy for prosperity:

A meditation to listen to: A Golden Glow of Prosperity

A healing meditation filled with light:

We pick up negativity in our daily lives. Here’s how to shift it:

An important meditation for protecting chakras and aura, can be done in the morning and at night:

A Healing Energy Detox to Deep Clean Your Organs and Bones:

Find out how the heart centre is an amazing chakra to meditate on, and how it is connected to soul:

Want to make some big changes? Experience Unconditional Love to handle maximum change:

Meditation to love and accept your body:

How to work with your Higher Self to improve how you feel and improve self-esteem:

New Dawn, new day meditation:

Gain that Inner Sparkle: Meditation for Clearing and Healing Centres or Chakras:

There is silence and then there is Silence! Silence is more than golden:

Cocktails Meditation. Try not to get too drunk on Light:

Starlight meditation. (Lovely):

A Promise, A Rose, A Meditation. The symbol of the rose can carry a lot of energy:

You can work with your Higher Self to improve your self-esteem amongst other things:

Give the third eye an update. Purple light meditation and changing the third eye chakra:

Here’s a nice healing meditation:

If you let your awareness go through your heart centre, where do you go to?:

You want to learn to meditate, where do you start?

Why We Need Balance in Meditation

What is it deep inside people that makes them meditate?

Ten Tips for Fulfilling Meditation

Meditation enhances your life

This is where meditation gets really useful

How I got to start meditating: Crisis and meditation in London

“Know Thyself” means what?

An ancient axiom of spirituality was “Know Thyself”.

Seems obvious and essential, plus profound and a worthy soundbite which is and was always dramatic enough to make an impression. Also, in the days of carving words into stone, it didn’t take long to carve this phrase.

It is the kind of phrase that can mean whatever you want it to mean, and the limit on it is the questions you know that you can ask, and the issues you know about. Also, there can be a point to knowing yourself. But what “to know” depends on where you are at in your life.

For some people it is enough for them to know what kinds of friends they like, what people they like to follow on social media, the music they like, the fast food they like and don’t like, the political views they like (and don’t like) etc. Life is such for these people that they haven’t had to consider other issues ( a big yet), including more life and death type issues; the kind that force people to re-prioritize their lives.

People who set up businesses, if they write a business plan, often do a SWOT: Lists of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. All useful stuff in a business context, and which can helpfully spill out into everyday life.

There are jobs where making good decisions and taking the right actions can be critical. For instance surgeons often have to consider how they make decisions and why they make the decisions they do. If they make mistakes they have to learn from them. So surgeons have to learn and reflect on how they make decisions, and know this about themselves.

Even in sport, even though the outcomes can be less crucial, sports psychologists will help elite sports people get to know their thinking processes and decision making, so that they make better choices. This is soemthing that can be useful in other aspects of life. It is something that many people would find helpful.

Part of knowing thyself in an elite sports context, and also in high pressure situations is knowing how you cope in an extremely stressful situation, on your own and with others in a team. In some walks of life this can prove invaluable. For instance, if someone works in an emergency department in a hospital, or as a paramedic, or when helping out in a birth, or in sea rescue, and so on. All a bit different to sitting there in meditation and just trying not to think.

“Knowing thyself” can mean exploring your preferences more deeply to get to your values. You can find what really, deeply you think and feel, and particularly feel what is important. Then explore why and get down to the issues and articulate them. Taking the time to do this is powerful. But doing this won’t make you popular because it means that you will know your own mind, and that you won’t necessarily end up following the herd from one emotionally highly charged issue to the next, and the angry self-righteous will dislike you. But if you know what’s important to you, you probably won’t care about them trying to make out that (in their opinion) you are “wrong”, as you will know in your own mind you are right.

Issues and morals are an odd thing though. Even though they seem important right now, in years to come they will all change, and what was important will seem really unneccessary.

For myself, and I know others who use their third eyes, we feel into or look at issues with our third eyes. In this way it is possible to evaluate and energetically analyse an issue, or someone’s beliefs, or their opinions on an issue. In this way it is possible to sense what issue or belief or opinion is worth paying attention to, and what to disregard, and in a healing way, what issue needs some healing energy to deal with any twists or embedded negative energy. This approach is unconventional, and definitely means not following the herd, but doing what seems right from an energy point of view.

Knowing yourself in a spiritual context. That can mean a number of things depending on where you are at, and what feels right to you at whatever point you are on your spiritual journey. It might be what has been written about above is what is required.

It could mean knowing that from a spiritual and energetic point of view that you are a soul that is immortal, which reincarnates time and time again into lifetimes, each time with a new body and new personality, with new karma just right for that lifetime. That is something pretty big to know about.

In this context it helps to know that you as a soul came from God, from the Divine, into creation. So from the Light, to the relative darkness. Now why would you have done that? Why go through all the pain and suffering, all the emotion, and experience love and joy in all its forms? Why?

Well after a great deal of lives, and all that experience and learning you will know why, because God, who is Infinite in anycase, isn’t experienced in books and the Infinite can’t be learnt about intellectually. God is learnt about by living and experiencing what Love isn’t and what Love is. There is much more to this but why spoil the ending to your story when you can find out for yourself? Live, and Love.

In another spiritual context, knowing yourself can mean knowing you are a soul in a physical body, inside an etheric body, inside an emotional/astral body, inside a mental body, and that you are inside your aura, which has an outer coating as a protection. Inside all these bodies there are chakras or energy centres with different qualities and functions, though all of them let in energy, do something to that energy, and radiate or send out energy of different qualities. Many people still think there are seven main chakras, but times have moved on and there is change all around in the world, as there is change in people’s energy systems. So there are more chakras. You might notice these, or might not. Don’t worry if not. As a general rule, it is always good to focus on and meditate on the heart centre, as everything else gets affected by this. It is still good to learn how to clear and protect the centres from third eye down, and the other centres will make themselves apparent as and when. The heart centre is where it is at, spiritually.

In yet another spiritual context, it helps to think of things in terms of spirit, which can be thought of as an energy that pushes, influences and motivates in a particular way. Spirit can also be thought of as a flavour. You are a collection of spirits. So if you want to know yourself, you can think of yourself as a combination of the spirit you incarnated in with, a spirit from your father, a spirit from your mother, a spirit from your family, a spirit from the area you were born in, and a spirit from your country of birth. Then overlaid over these core spirits are the spirits you gather according to how you live, how you were treated when you were a child, what you experienced, from the things you are involved in and interested in, from the people you associate with and who you think are important, from your job if you are working…

Even moods and habitual thoughts can be thought of as spirit. So each lifetime, we are a veritable zoo of spirits, or perhaps an orchestra. Now is that orchestra producing a symphony or a cacophony or something inbetween? You can think of spirituality as knowing what spirits are there in your system, and getting rid of those you don’t want, and collecting up the spirits you do want (divine spirit anyone?) like some living version of a computer game where you can gain rewards and move onto the next level (or drop back to the start as in the spiritual game of snakes and ladders).

Each lifetime, we start over with another hotchpotch of spirits for the experiences we require, but with our intrinsic spirit having grown a bit.

“Know Thyself” in a spiritual context can mean knowing what we think. There is a spiritual saying that goes “energy follows thought”. Some people believe that we create our reality with our thoughts. This is only partially true as anyone who believed this notion and yet still found their house burnt down in fires, or totally destroyed or flooded in storms, or still ended up dying from some illness would have found out to their dismay. That’s it put bluntly. Thoughts have some influence, but usually karma wins out, as does the will of more powerful beings. If thinking is aligned with karma, any positive outcomes are usually attributed by the proud, happy person to their positive thinking. There are times though, when the karma is of the opportunistic type, where it can go positive or negative. Here, a person’s thoughts and their ability to focus and concentrate on putting out that thought can make something out of an opportunity. Also, some people know about spiritual matters such as the Law of Love, the Law of Faith, and what to do, what to think and what to avoid thinking, and how to take physical actions to bring about what they see as the most loving outcome. So what do you think about yourself? What would be the best to think of yourself? What do you think of others (what attitude do you have towards them)? As this affects the energy you radiate. Many thoughts need exploring as they are tucked away in the subconscious, and are very much worth knowing about. What are your thoughts about relationships? About your mother? About your father? About their relationship? (These we use as models in our own relationships.) What do you think about health? What do you think about money? About work? About success? About the future? About God? And so on. Sometimes our old thoughts don’t help us, and happily we can take on board new ones and focus on thinking those instead. Some thoughts we hold can be fairly neutral, emotionally. But when we think, we feel, we generate emotional energy. Some old thoughts and issues can have a lot of emotion bound up with them. Before we can realistically adopt new thoughts, we have to deal with the emotional energy. It is really worth exploring how to use forgiveness in this case. Sometimes with painful issues therapy of some sort is very helpful.

This is by no means a definitive exploration of “Know Thyself”, as there is more, as we all shall find out in due course.

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

About Death

Death is a massive topic. We have all died countless times, and there is usually huge fear in people about dying. There is a lot of healing and change to occur so that we even begin to see death as a state to go through onto the next life.

Death happens this way:

The soul usually withdraws its energy and awareness from the lifeform as it is time to move onto the next part of the journey. Sometimes the physical elemental in the physical body fights this, and holds onto the energy. Usually the heart stops and the centres close down and the soul leaves the physical body.

Before death, the third eye centre can be seen to close down in preparation. The start of this closing down can be days before. The timing is based on karma. With karma, there are three kinds. There is positive, negative and opportunistic karma. With the opportunistic karma, events can go either way; negative or positive. So some deaths are opportunistic rather than the other kinds of karma. The third eye will show the probability of death, and can reopen if the opportunistic event has gone positive. Close shaves can be like this. A death can be positive karma, as the person has fulfilled all of their karma for that lifetime, and the soul withdraws its energy so the spirit of the person can have a deserved rest on the inner planes, an esoteric cup of tea, a review of events in that lifetime, and a meet up with old friends. They then can reincarnate into their next lifetime with a new set of karma to work through.

I’ve written this in a matter of fact way. With most deaths, there is a lot of emotion. Spiritually, we can know what is happening, but the emotions are something different. For the person dying, there is often fear, even though they have done this millions of times before. The people around them often don’t want them to go. When the person does die they are badly missed by those still living, those still physically incarnate. There is grief and loss in the minds of those left behind.

When we have a connection with someone, there are energetic cordings between us and the other person, from our centres to theirs. The stronger the relationship, the stronger the cordings. When the other person leaves, the cordings start to drop away. If the other person dies, there are no centres for the cordings to get attached to. This can be traumatic on a personality level. Grief ensues.

The person dying usually sees the light and as that is so amazing in comparison to what they experience in a physical body, off they go. Sometimes the grief and the emotional attachment of those left behind binds the spirit and soul in the space around the earth making them earthbound. This is not a pleasant or ideal situation for the person who has dropped their body as they are trapped and stopped from doing what they need to. These souls need to be rescued and released, so they can move on (this is rescue work). For many people, if they were generally happy, their spirit and soul gets to reside for a while in an energetic space that matches that positive emotional nature, where it is re-experienced and drains away. This space was known about by the Buddhists who thought of it as a positive bardo state. In Christianity it is called heaven. If someone’s general state was fear, or anger, or other negative state, the soul and spirit would go to a space that matched this and helped to draw the emotions out for a while so the soul can go off to the next lifetime with a clean slate. The Buddhists think of this state as a negative bardo state, and in Christianity it would be called hell.

When it comes to people we have a relationship with of some sort in this lifetime, usually we have had at least a few lifetimes with them in some sort of relationship such as friend, enemy, sibling, parent, son / daughter of, wife / husband, extended family member, and so on. We will have known them before. It’s likely we will see them again in future lifetimes, too, as there are karmic links. So death ends that well known link for now, but you get to see them again.

When out of physical body, being physically alive as opposed to being a soul and spirit on the inner planes, is not the big deal we make of it when we are in a physical body. We know there is more to that existence, we have it more in perspective. Physical life is a way of learning and developing through many lifetimes to become what we can be, which is a soul on the Divine Journeys, but knowing much more, and being more, than a soul who has not made the journey down into creation and back into the Divine.

Reincarnation is part of that process. Some distant day in the future we may understand that when someone dies that soul is going on the next part of their journey.

In the West, there are people who request funerals that are more upbeat and more of a celebration of that person and their life, rather than being a solemn affair. I do wonder how they will be when we really come to terms with reincarnation.

Taken from “If reincarnation is true, how would you live your life?”

I’ve got a feeling

A demonstration was often used in an Aikido class I went to. A volunteer was asked to firstly think of times when they were unhappy, low on confidence, upset, or irritated and angry. They then walked past close by the Sensai (instructor) who put his arm out in front of their chest to block their progress, and the volunteer ended up being stopped. The volunteer was then asked to remember happy times, when they felt great and really confident, and when they had achieved a goal. They walked by the Sensai again, who once more put his arm out to try to stop them, but this time, they could keep on walking and brush him off.

Part of the Aikido training was to build up the capacity to stay centred, calm, positive and confident. When this happened the Ki (or chi) energy could keep flowing like a torrent. This was useful in the Aikido class, but it was also useful in daily life, as there are things that happen in life that can knock us off centre, there are things that people can say or do, that can send negative energy our way. Having that ability in the first instance to stay confident and centred is really great. As is the ability to get back quickly to the point of balance having been knocked off our emotional balance.

I remember times when I have felt happy and confident in the past, and from an energy point of view, that has helped my positive energy flow, and then I have surprised myself in what I have achieved, which has made me realise that perhaps at times I have limited myself. I can recall times when I have felt down, and lacking in confidence, and then really, I didn’t do much, and slid into feeling the victim, and being self-pitying, and then going into blame and resentment. All of which are fairly useless things if you want to get on with life and enjoy it, and live the way you really want, as it places the power to be yourself and be happy outside of yourself, which means you can’t change things. When you own it, you can change it.

The aikido, and many other lessons in life have taught me that how we feel is up to us. The power to have positive feelings is not “out there” with someone else, but inside us. With a change of heart, and a change of mind, we can have positive feelings and confidence, and let our positive energy flow. If you like, it helps us connect with our Ki (or Chi), or however else you would like to phrase it.


I’m sure there are people who actually believe that. In many situations it is simple to shift your feelings and thoughts. But in other situations something else has to happen. If a child is upset do you tell them that they have everything inside them to change the feeling and thoughts and be happy, and leave it at that? If someone is struggling in water do you shout at them and tell them they have the power to save themselves? If someone is depressed do you say something like they only have to choose happiness or some other facile words? If someone is knocked to the ground in an accident do you say to them they have all they need inside themselves so they can get up?

With upsetting or angry or sad or depressing feelings, or just feeling down, sometimes people need a hand rather than a simplistic answer. Emotions is emotional energy in a person’s aura and chakras. Sometimes there is a lot of it, sometimes the energy is very sticky, sometimes it is attached to a doorway onto a memory that is repeating in a loop as with trauma. Help is required. Comfort, and time needs to be given. With a child, they sometimes need holding and soothing words for the energy to shift and for them to be happy again. A common sense solution from someone with the spiritual capacity to share some love is what is required in this and other situations.

Someone who is down or depressed can greatly have their spirits lifted by someone giving them some support. It could be simple support, like being taken out into Nature, out of the usual environment, or given the chance for physical movement which can help shift the energy.

With past trauma, then continual support might be required, along with healing or therapy to shift the emotional energy, and heal the past trauma and close the door on it.

When feelings are not influenced by past issues, how we feel is affected by what we think. People who think positively, or who deliberately use positive affirmations, will have emotions that match that. Conversely, anyone who thinks negatively will have emotions to match that. So if someone habitually thinks they are a victim, or think that other people (the government, “they”, the media etc) are in control of their lives, or who think something terrible is going to happen, or that the world is an unsafe place, then their emotions will be the output from their thoughts. But people can be in charge of their own minds, and are free to deliberately think the thoughts they want to.

There could be two people in the same room, one with positive thoughts about life, and one with negative thoughts, and as far as they are concerned, life accurately reflects back to them their thoughts, as they focus on what they believe to be true and ignore that which doesn’t match their thoughts, as they simply can’t perceive it. Same planet, but apparently different realities.

Thoughts and feelings do affect health as well as how much life energy people express, and so affect life and what it reflects back to them. Also, on a spiritual level, energy follows thought, which shows up in everyday life.

What do you feel about that?

Ten Tips For Fulfilling Meditation

People are drawn to meditation for any number of reasons. If they stay with meditation, what they can build is a wonderful connection with their inner selves. Over time, this deepened connection helps improve their everyday life in subtle and noticeable ways.

Meditation can help to release stress and prevent it. It can lead to relaxation and a sense of peace and well-being. Meditation can enable a person to put life’s challenges and problems into perspective and even sometimes be the source of solutions. Meditation can help us live life with a sense of balance and peace. This in turn can help us be more effective at life, as well as help us experience a rich, inner life. And if we want it, meditation can be the doorway to so much more.

There are many methods and schools of meditation. Fulfilling meditation though is actually fairly straightforward to achieve, bearing in mind the following ten points. By putting into practice some or all of these, high quality meditation experiences are possible.

1) The place. Choose the place where you feel happiest meditating. For some people it is completely appropriate to meditate on the bus, train, or underground train (I used to do this sitting or standing up when I first started as it seemed a great way to pass the time). However, there are those special places, and special times that are very conducive to good quality meditation. Having a special part of a room, or an entire room dedicated to the sole purpose of meditation helps in a number of ways. For one, being in a dedicated place tells your body and mind it is meditation time. Secondly, the meditation energy builds over repeated use and there grows a meditative atmosphere.

Make the space how you want it. Some people like a small table with flowers and a candle, crystal or picture. It all comes down to personal preference. Some people like an uncluttered space, with just a rug to sit on or a chair.

You can get a sense of what place feels the best for you, and it is good to go with that sense. There might be ley lines running through the house or there might be energy spots, which can be either positive or negative. The more beneficial and positive a place feels, the better for meditation. This applies to meditating outdoors, too. Some places will feel great, which is a sign of positive energy, and others wont; trust your feelings on this rather than any one else’s opinion. Going into Nature off the beaten track you can find pristine, clean energy places. Being outdoors such as on a beach at dawn or sunset can be very inspiring.

2) Clear the energy of the space around you. If you are out in Nature in a place that feels good then you won’t need to do this. There are various techniques for clearing the meditation space. First of all, keep the place as clean as you can; vacuum, dust and polish. This shifts quite a bit of the energy that should not be there along with any physical dust or dirt. A simple way to clear a space is to say out loud, “I claim this space for God, may the Father’s Will be done”. There are other techniques that are more detailed that can be used as well.

3) Length of Meditation. Decide how long to meditate for. If you are a beginner, 20 minutes is a good time to go for. After a few weeks you could build up to 40 minutes or 60 minutes or stay on 20 minutes. It is what feels right that counts. Everyone is different so different times apply. Also, it’s quality rather than quantity.

In meditation you may find yourself going into a space where perception of time changes. A lot can happen quickly in meditation as time is experienced differently on the inner planes compared with life in the external world. If you wish, use a timer to tell you when the meditation time is up.

Having a set time is good rather than letting the meditation go on and on. In the West, meditation is supposed to be a time of going inside and into your inner world, and to regenerate to help with living in the 3-dimensional world. Meditation is not well used if it is just an escape from life and uses up too much time. Spirituality is about balance, living an outer life and an inner life in a way that helps life happen beautifully and lovingly.

4) Good preparation. A good meditation usually comes through good preparation. There are a few aspects to this. An essential one is grounding and rooting yourself into the Earth. In meditation your awareness can go up as far as it can go into the light. The light can be powerful and affect you. People who meditate can become ungrounded and out of touch with life around them, which defeats the object of meditation. It is possible to become merely blissed out and miss out on all the other gifts of meditation. With good grounding and by anchoring yourself into the Earth before meditation it is actually possible to go up higher, handle and absorb more energy and light, flow on top of the energy rather like a surfer can ride a wave, and be aware of what is going on.

Good grounding comes with enough sleep, rest, time outdoors, exercise, and eating foods that produce a solid feeling (steak and chips or baked potato is good). Some foods are ones that are thought to go with a lifestyle that in some people’s minds is considered spiritual. It’s just opinion. But really it is always best to expand your options and go with what feels right to your body, or feels intuitively right and be true to yourself, rather than another person’s opinion. Choose for yourself foods that help you feel healthy, vitalised, and with both feet on the floor.

Good grounding can involve “rooting in”, which means imagining growing roots out of your feet and the base of your spine deep into the Earth, through the granite layer, through the magma and iron core and all the way to the centre of the Earth. Have the roots branch out as they go down. Imagine the roots growing from every part of your body including the organs and bones, through your feet and spine. Notice how this feels.

5) Clearing your energy. Next comes clearing your energy so the energy you receive in meditation can have a clear run in your system. Clearing can be done with light flowing from a white/gold star or flat disc directly above you, like the midday sun, and slower frequency light or energy coming up from the Earth. If you have your roots down, imagine the Earth’s slowly vibrating energy that is nourishing, restful and healing, flow up through your feet to the top of your head. Then some of this slow frequency energy splashes out of the top of your head to wash over your skin and the space around you and falls back to the Earth. The rest recedes back through you into the Earth. Let a few more waves of Earth energy rise up and flow back down. The Earth’s energy will take with it any slow frequency energies that don’t need to be in your body.

Next, light from the star or disc pulses down through the top of your head and flows down through all parts of your body, through all your organs, your bones, and into the ground. The light pulses down several times. This combination clears your system.

6) Focus on your heart. In our society and in the busy world we can spend too much time and energy being in our heads. Being in your head tends to block the flow of energy in meditation. A good balance is 50% head and 50% heart, though more heart energy than this is acceptable.

Focusing on the heart is straightforward and involves noticing how your body feels in the centre of your chest where your heart chakra is for a couple of minutes. If your attention drifts, just bring it back to your heart chakra. You could visualise a white or pink flame in it. Other colours may come with practice though these two are good to start with. You may find the flame seems to expand with repetition.

7) Be Still… During meditation you might get the urge to move, itches appear, thoughts may flit into your mind, and emotions may come bubbling up. What you are after is silence and stillness.

Some people beat themselves up because they are experiencing, and getting caught up in, internal interference rather than experiencing total calm. The trick is to give none of the thoughts, feelings or physical sensations any importance.

Calming ourselves can occur through using rhythmic breathing. There is also another way to help us now with this. There are some new, evolved devas who are special types of silence and stillness that are highly conducive to good meditation. The silence feels like absolute soft, silky peace, like being in a comfortable darkened room. The stillness is like absolutely everything still and unmoving. It creates an energetic open space in which everything good can happen. You can ask for, and focus on these energies or qualities of silence and stillness, and immerse yourself in them.

8) For a beautiful meditation use a rose. A way of producing a beautiful meditation is to then imagine a pure white rose which is a very powerful symbol, coming down from the gold/white star or disc, in through the top of your head (your crown chakra) and down into your heart. Place your awareness on this rather special white rose. It will radiate light and energy. What happens next depends on the moment. You may find the white rose stays there, or it grows, or radiates out a variety of colours, or replicates with roses going around your body. At this point you can go onto the next stage which is:

9) Let go. We often try to control what is going on with our heads. In meditation, once it is set up well and feels good, we let go and let the meditation happen. Every meditation is unique; it’s like an inner plane adventure every time. Meditating like this, life will give us messages in words, pictures and objects which we can notice if we are alert to them. Life will give us information which may spontaneously have relevance for us in our meditation. This sounds strange but will make sense after a while spent meditating.

10) Back in your body and protection. When the meditation comes to an end it is important to go through a procedure to come back fully into your body. This can be done by breathing deeply, feeling and stretching all parts of your body, and becoming aware of your roots again.

A lot of people don’t close their centres properly after they have opened up in meditation. It is good practice to close the centres in order to take good care of your energy. There are a number of ways to visualize closing your chakras. One is to see them as having double doors that need closing and locking. Another is to see the doorway to the centre like the front part of a camera that spirals in or out to control how much light gets in. This can be closed up completely. It is useful to know the chakras of the body, and starting at the crown chakra at the top of the head, close that tight and seal it with a protective symbol; the white rose would be a good choice. Then work down each chakra, finishing at the base centre. In this way, the energy and any healing that came about in the meditation gets to stay in your system.

2019 Jonathan Barber

Revised 2021

Wednesday evening online meditation: If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you want to learn more about meditation and explore what can be done with it, and explore your spiritual self, take a look at this book “Meditation: Opening Doorways On A New Reality”.

“Meditation: Opening Doorways On A New Reality”. Book now out.

Dealing With Bad Experiences And Trauma Energetically

Dealing with bad experiences and trauma in the past that affect a person’s life in the present, has been going on in modern times since early in the twentieth century. One way of trying to deal with the symptoms is to cover them up or manage them with medication. But that doesn’t deal with the root of the issue.

There are other ways of dealing with bad experiences and trauma. Think of a human as a physical body, with nervous system, muscles and bones and organs. With this is an etheric body that the physical body sits in, then there is the astral body and the mental body which is larger in which everything sits. These energy bodies go all the way through the physical body, and in them there are the chakras which are energy centres. It is also worth considering energy channels in the body, such as those that carry chi energy, or prana energy. There is an aura around a person and the aura has a skin or outer layer, which holds in the energy, and acts as a buffer (or sometimes not!), as protection from negative astral and mental energies.  

With a traumatic experience there may be damage to the physical body. There can also be an emotional response to the traumatic experience, and intense negative thoughts that have driven deep into the mind, during and after the trauma. If the trauma is inflicted by another person, then their negative emotional and negative intent also goes into the emotional or astral body and into the mind. Along with this, intense negative emotions and intense negative thoughts affect health and functioning of the body. So a powerfully negative event where a person isn’t physically harmed, but where they experience intense negative emotions and thoughts, say through bullying or intimidation, can manifest itself in the body as an illness or impaired function.

With a traumatic experience, the emotional and mental energy of it stays stuck in the astral and mental bodies, in the chakras, and the outer skin of the aura could be damaged, even when any physical trauma may have been partially or totally healed.

This negative emotional energy, and mental energy as thoughts can be intensely replayed again and again. Or the negative energy can be triggered so it keeps on affecting the person. It is like the trauma happening again and again on emotional and mental levels. Each time it happens, it takes its toll on the person. This happens for as long as the person lives unless it is dealt with.

For negative emotional and mental energy to be dealt with it has to be removed by ways that affect energy like that. It won’t happen with medicines or drugs.

There are ways of handling negative emotional and mental energy and releasing it, and providing emotional and mental healing.

One powerful way is bodywork, working on the body of the person, though remember the physical body is connected to the etheric body, the astral or emotional body, the mental body and the mind, and the chakras, so when the physical body gets worked on, all these parts get worked on. Also, the body stores memories of what happens to it, going way back.

There are gentle forms of bodywork, and more intense forms (which some might consider too painful). Gentle bodywork can still trigger powerful releases of emotional energy, and the thoughts that are tied in with this to bring about an amount of healing. Usually each bodywork session would bring about a small amount of healing that the body can cope with, and in gaps between sessions, the body, emotions and mind can adjust to the new situation.

Even using reflexology on feet or hands, which is not so invasive for people who don’t like their body being touched, can affect all of the body and the emotions and mind. Over time, with enough sessions, there is a cumulative effect.

There are some extremely sensitive and gentle forms of bodywork that have a big effect on the body, emotions and mind. One such is cranial sacral osteopathy. There is one technique (I can’t mention the name as it is trademarked) where the body is held and moved very gently and it literally unwinds tension and trauma out of it.

Even normal massage can help, the human touch can be very powerful. Aromatherapy, where essential oils from plants are massaged into the skin, can have very powerful effects on the emotions, and bring about healing release.

Deep tissue massage can be painful but it really shifts the energy out of the body, to release the memories and the energy stored in the body. So over several sessions, a person can release a lot, if they can cope with a bit of pain.

This is only a brief description of some bodywork and massage techniques, as it is intended to show what can be done about dealing with traumatic experiences and their effects by removing the emotional and mental energy in a person’s system.

Healing techniques which introduce positive energy into the person’s system are worth considering to help remove negative energy. Years ago I experienced a technique myself, and then used a similar technique to help others release negative emotional and mental energy.  It was a breathing technique that was based on kriya yoga,( that in itself is likely to be of benefit), which in yoga terms, resulted in prana building up in the body which then brought to the surface emotional issues to be released.

Again, as with the bodywork, it seemed to release old memories and the locked in emotional and mental energy, and needed to be done over a number of sessions. Over time, as issues were dealt with tension was released and the body felt so much more relaxed, and the mind felt calmer.

This breathing technique was originally called Rebirthing as the people who started it off in America claimed they re-experienced their birth. Though this happened in their first Rebirthing session for them, it doesn’t mean other people would necessarily experience this. Whatever comes up in the session, comes up. Other people changed and tweaked the process and focused on different aspects that basically they preferred to the Rebirthing angle with its spiritual background. I used it in a way that people could focus on the emotions that came up, without getting sucked into the emotions, whereas instead they could observe and feel the emotions being released and cleared. With the emotions cleared, the thoughts associated with the emotions also went. Often people had deep insights about themselves and about their feelings because of this.

Massage and bodywork, and breathing techniques are good for releasing emotions and thoughts and the memories held in the body. But where possible, talking about feelings and thoughts, and memories and events, also helps bring them up, and makes them available for release. Also, being counselled by someone who listens well, and who can help the person come to a new understanding and make steps to move forward is really helpful.

I have seen people being firstly counseled through a technique called Focused Expressive Psychotherapy, which brought up a lot of feelings and thoughts, and then they went straight into a breathing session in which they could release and clear those emotions and thoughts very effectively. It was a powerful combination; very transformative.

I have seen a form of hypnotherapy used alongside counseling over several sessions, along with positive relaxation meditations shift anxiety. With each session, there was a definite shift in energy.

There are other purely energetic techniques, for instance homoeopathy. This works on energy in the physical, astral and mental body and works on the person as a unique individual. In my own experience I have found it very powerful. Over a period of a year or two or more years it is possible to make a lot of shifts in body, mind and emotions. There are other modalities that work directly on the energy of a person, and homoeopathy is given here as an example. I do find though, that being able to have counseling and talk about matters is important too, as by thinking and talking about the past, and thoughts and feelings in a reflective way, it helps people think about the future and how they would like it to be, and how they would like to be in that future.

When the thoughts and emotions from bad experiences and trauma get stuck in a person’s energy system (aura, subtle bodies and chakras), it is like these thoughts and emotions have a life of their own, and come up again and again, and are recycled and reinforced. What was mentioned previously will make a difference. But there is more which can be done.

When people think negative thoughts and experience the emotions that go with them, from an energy point of view, their vibration drops right down. “Energy follows thoughts”. From an energy point of view they radiate a low vibration, which affects what they attract into their lives. Therapy, healing and counseling can improve the situation. Learning to manage their thoughts, reduce the intensity of negative thoughts, and deliberately choose to do positive thinking, no matter if it is only in a small way to start with, can break the recycling of the negative thoughts and emotions. A powerful way of doing this is to work with a counselor who can work with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. In the UK this is a mainstream therapy, where it isn’t necessary to be able to “see” or sense energy.

This is just a brief look at a huge field, and there are other therapies and healing modalities that can work on the issue of locked-in and recycling thoughts and feelings due to bad experiences and trauma, from an energy point of view.

You may like to take a look at the article about reincarnation, karma and mental illness

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You can tell a lot by intuitively looking at the energy of a country

Each country has a spirit like a spirit of the landmass. Added to this is the spirit of the people living there. Where I live, in Britain, over thousands of years there have been different groups of people here. There were people here from the Iron Age. There have been Picts, Celts, the Britons, the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings, the Normans (who came from France but who were from the Vikings). People leave an energy on the land with what they thought, what they felt, and what they did, and what happened when they were there. This energy soaks in the land. Places of habitation will have their own atmosphere.

Battlefields have a particular feeling of fear, anger and survival, and often people who have died in battle are still earthbound there. Places where evil happened will have that feeling. Conversely, if a land has a people living there who abide by spiritual ideals the energy of their living will soak into the land.

In Britain, the number of people around was quite small until the past few hundreds of years. Britain tends to be quite stable in how things are done in this country and people with power generally are not prone to being dramatic or crazy, or wantonly evil. Fair play tends to be a British characteristic when it comes to how the British treat the British, though historically they have also shown ruthlessness and that is one reason why they created an Empire. Democracy and the rule of law, combined with a fair amount of respect for Royalty, and a Royalty that has tended to treat the populace with some respect rather than despotically, has lent itself to a way of life where people have rights and are positively regarded. The resulting energy input onto the land from the British way of life is OK-ish, though could always be better.

Also in Britain, there are some areas where the energy of the land is quite powerful and quite high, such as the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, and the nearby Stonehenge. Some of the stones for Stonehenge came from West Wales, and the area they came from is again quite high energy.

A place like India has a tremendous amount of spiritual energy soaked into the land. It was the place where Perfect Masters were usually born and lived for a very long time. It is the place where the Avatar usually incarnates again and again every 400 to 700 years. The population as a whole revered the spiritual people who lived amongst them. It was a spiritual country rather than a materialist one. The spirit of India was quite high.

Though now it has become much more materialistic, and the way too many men think about women and girls, and the way women and girls have been violently and sexually treated has darkened the spirit of the country. The energy from humanity soaking into the land is less bright, and sometimes dark.

The energy soaked into a land can go back ages, literally. Lands can have been places where there is a lot of old Lemurian energy. This isn’t always positive. For instance, paedophilia came about in Lemurian times. This and other Lemurian energies need to be cleaned up from landmasses.

Atlantean energy can leave a dark stain on the land, particularly when souls with strong Atlantean energy reincarnate again onto the land. The Atlantean root race had to be got rid of by a great flood because they misused their power and decided to invite in evil. That was the end of them, though their energy still needs to be cleaned up. (The Aryan root race came next, us, though this root race timeline is fragmenting – anyone noticed the world going slightly nuts? – and a new root race with more chakras and abilities is coming about.)

Countries holding remnants of old energy that are holding them back will have this mixed in with the spirit of the landmass, and importantly the spirit of the people. Some people carry more energetic clout than others.

If you look at old pictures of the Nazi political leaders, and the military leaders and use your intuition to look, you get to see the dark energy around them, their black heart centres, the negative power in their centres, and the occasional black bat’s wings effect of extreme evil. There might be a glow of glamour around these people to try and disguise them (you wouldn’t expect the dark lodge to be blatant and upfront about it as it would give the game away).

Now take a look at pictures of the leaders in North Korea. Rather a lot of dark lodge folk have incarnated there. You can take a look other  leaders of other countries. Best to do this without prejudging a particular leader, as sometimes the saying “life is not what it seems” applies.

If you have ever dealt with someone who is devious, a total liar, a psycopath, or basically someone who is a signed up member or associate of the dark lodge, you learn pretty quick (hopefully) that there is no levelling with them, no honest dialogue and you can’t expect them to be respectful or fair. That just isn’t in their chemistry.

A powerful group of dark lodge people can energetically swamp out a large number of ordinary people with less well developed centres and auras. A powerful dark lodge group will affect the overall energy of a country.

Events will also affect the energy of a country by darkening it, or making it brighter.

Countries (and cities and towns and organisations) have a chakra system just like a human and other living creatures do. You can intuitively look at these chakras to take a look at the health or the state of the country.

You can look at the overall energy of a country as a triangle. Point pointing up is good. Point pointing down is bad. A nice healthy, glowing and stable triangle is good, pointing up. Britain is vibrating a bit and letting off steam but has a mostly gold colour so things aren’t actually that bad, or maybe I’m biased.

Germany before the weekend looked like there was a bit of gold, but also some red (not good), and looked like it was inflated and ready to burst. The chakra centres look like they are tearing up a bit which doesn’t look good. Looks like a social struggle, a gap between the politicians and the people. This will knock the shine off the economy, and what is bad for Germany is bad for Europe and vice versa. Or alternative way of looking at it is that change is afoot and a new balance will be achieved.

Taking a look at another country: Hungary’s triangle is golden and fat, as the country is being supported by Europe, but the chakra system is black.

I’m not going to go on through each country though fair to say things aren’t as stable as they could be. Things are likely to get worse before they get better.

North Korea’s triangle is ominously and angrily black. It is pointing down. When people, places or things develop a lot of unpleasant, negative, chaotic black zeroth plane energy (in contrast to lovely and nourishing black devic energy or earth energy), it has to be dissipated, often very quickly. This can happen by a release of energy through an accident, the destruction of a place, or in the case of a country, a war. After saturation point arrives the Law of Opposites which kicks in as some event happens and the triangle goes opposite and turns lighter (like what happened with Germany after the Second World War).

People in the world have mostly come to the idea that war is a horror and it leaves scars on the people involved, and can be damaging to all. This might hold things back, then again war might happen.

In meditation you can try for yourself using your intuition to check out the triangles and chakras for countries.

You might like to take a look at these:

Here’s a link to an article on the blog about fear and love and the energy of countries. When looking at a country in an energetic way we can use our third eye, or intuitive abilities, or clairvoyance which are similar in the result. We can look quickly or make it into a deeper technique or set of techniques. Going deeper, the process can be called psychometrising, and this is what can be done with countries. Here’s an article on this process. I took a look at the world altogether, and looked at what is going on with the energy on the planes of consciousness. I wrote this to explain why the world is the way it is at the moment: Today’s Spiritual Weather Report. Enjoy.

Spiritual Crisis and Meditation in London and Beyond

If someone had said to me when I was a teenager that I would be doing meditation when I was older I would have been completely disbelieving. I liked my sport, going out for a drink, and parties and music. In my early twenties I added nightclubbing to the list along with the culture that could be found in London.

There wasn’t much room for spirituality and not a hint of meditation.

But then my guides intervened. “He is too immersed in low purpose, the glamour of backwards and sideways living, he’s living like a caveman, and going round in circles. Time to wake him up to his higher purpose, and get rid of the glamour and see things for what they really are. Time to wake him up to spirituality. Right, given him a crisis, no, give him two crises, and a good detox (vomiting and diarrhoea) all at the same time. That should do it!”

The guides stand back and rub their esoteric hands together in satisfaction, and watch the entertainment.

So I was propelled to sort myself out and find some answers. By that time I had heard of meditation but still thought it was for rather weird people and cults, which was admittedly a narrow and wrong view.

So I took a route through aromatherapy (really useful for letting go of old emotions and for detoxing as it turned out), shamanic healing (didn’t really work for me but other people like it, and the one real South American shaman I did meet was lovely and could do stuff that really was magical), and rebirthing (healing and great fun, though looking back it seems completely whacky with some crazy ideas flowing around it, I mean, who really would want to live forever? Just showed a complete lack of even basic understanding of karma). So my journey to meditation was terrific fun but took a couple of years.

Then a healer suggested I do some Om-ing. So for the first week I chanted Om or Aum for twenty minutes a day. The next week I chanted for forty minutes and then for sixty minutes the following week. That really cleared my centres and expanded my aura. It cleared my third eye so my intuition opened up. My clairvoyance opened up and I could look at things and see energy and timelines. My heart centre opened up and would glow with a warm, soft feeling.

Then after that preparation I started to meditate. I learnt first of all to put down roots into the earth, deep into the planet.

I learnt to allow down white light into my crown centre and fill this up, and then go down each centre in turn, filling each centre up with white light. Then I would let the white light flow down through the centres, and down through the roots into the earth like a gift.

Afterwards, as a protective sequence I would button up each chakra in turn.

That was it. Nothing too special. But wonderful all the same. That was the basic technique.

I learnt other meditations. I was teaching science and was intrigued by novel ways of teaching. I came across “Superlearning” which was a set of radical ideas on learning derived from a teaching and learning technique called Suggestopedia created by a Bulgarian psychologist (there is a bit of a Cold war story in there). The Superlearning techniques morphed and were diluted and became accelerated learning. Both these Westernized techniques used creative visualization to help with learning. Creative visualization has a lot to do with spiritual meditation, or can do, and is very useful for creatively using the mind in learning, in being creative, and for improving self-confidence and performance. I incorporated a lot of the techniques, including creative visualizations in teaching my students. Life could be hard for some of the inner city students so they referred to the visualizations as de-stressing.

The initial visualization was typically a relaxation one, which often involved moving through a cave, or rooms in a buildings, or through tunnels, or clouds etc., going through red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, and then back. Quite basic but very effective. Also now looking back I can see in it a spiritual dimension that I was unaware of at the time. It is actually a very healing kind of meditation.

I’d then use creative visualization in the lesson, for instance, studying the water cycle, the students would imagine themselves as molecules of water going on a journey through the water cycle, so they would get the feeling of it as well as the idea.

I came across New Age meditations which were interesting and some were useful though the energy of many was empty and more like New Age glamour; fashionable but fleeting and failing to live up to the promise.

At that time I was meditating too much which meant I wasn’t participating enough in life. I wasn’t being practical, and it was pointed out to me that I was using meditation as an escape from life and my practical responsibilities. So I had to consider how to use meditation to help me to live and be a useful member of society.

I looked into Meher Baba and how his followers lived their spirituality. It was all so ordinary, in fact there was no meditation, although in a book by Meher Baba called”Discourses” there is a section on meditation and meditation techniques.

A general guideline in the Meher Baba world was and is “Don’t worry, be happy”, and take care of your responsibilities. There is an emphasis on service to others in the world. So it was all very grounding. I was weaned off New Age language as well, as the language used in the community was so ordinary, too.

There were some things in this world that struck me as being related to meditation, but in a very natural way. Visiting the Meher center in Meherabad, which is near Ahmednagar (near Pune), I visited Meher Baba’s tomb daily. The energetic atmosphere there switched me straight into meditation more powerfully than anything else I had experienced. Avataric energy does that. It was filled with immense love and compassion.

There were other places in Meherabad suffused in Meher Baba’s energy that had a similar instant effect. The following is an example.

On the evening of 9th July 1925, before going into one room Meher Baba said He would stop talking from that night on, and then be in silence. The next day He came out in silence, and was silent for the rest of his life. He used an alphabet board to start with to communicate, and then hand gestures that his followers could interpret. (This going into Silence is remembered as Silence day which is observed on the 10th of July.)

I went into that room for a couple of minutes and tried to meditate. The energy was too intensely silent for me, almost burning, and I came out of the room before getting a headache.

The Meher Baba followers would get together for events which included saying prayers that Meher Baba had written. After saying the prayers they stood still. There descended a silence that was like the gates of infinity opening. The silence was deep and vast, and dynamic. My centres would go into instant meditation and work mode. Then after a minute or so, the work done, the silence would lift.

Subsequently I explored meditating with a range of other energies to do with spirituality. A key focus has been on putting roots down into the earth and grounding, again and again, as this is so important in being able to meditate with Avataric light or Perfect Master energy without getting spiritually drunk, or white-lighted and ungrounded, or throwing up!

Then there is the lovely Devic energy which brings healing, nurturing and change. There is Angelic energy (being grounded is essential to work with this), and a whole range of other energies. I explored ways to use energies in healing and in protective ways for myself and others, and for clearing up old negative energies around people and places.

The learning is still a continual ongoing process. We are spiritual beings in a big universe in creation, there is so much to learn about spirituality so we can fully bring it into our lives, and get onto our best timeline, the payoff being that we end up being happy and happier, and can end up making others happier, too.  Also, there are energetic ways to be of service and do something for people as well as physical ways, and for the locality and the earth generally. For instance we can use techniques to clean up energy as a form of healing, or simply send out beautiful and loving thoughts and act with kindness and love.


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Spiritual Beauty More Important than Physical Beauty

Beauty is something that we see and recognise. What got me thinking about this was I had a really strong thought that I wanted to express beauty, and create beauty. I could feel the spirit of beauty and I wanted to express it in the everyday world. I could sense it like a spark inside me. I wanted to create something that held the spirit of beauty which could be experienced by others. I noticed that when I did even a simple task well, it had a lovely energy, and innumerable times, I have seen other people create or do something with beautiful energy, which to me always feels healing.

I got to thinking about other people. Immediately I could think of people who could be considered physically beautiful. Well that means there are other people who are not physically beautiful, though the distinction is in the eye of the beholder.

My train of thought moved on. Having my third eye open a bit means I don’t just get to see the physical appearance of a person, I can view the chakras and aura of a person. The chakras and aura can look beautiful, with a healthy glow, a cleanness and with the centres functioning smoothly in harmony with each other. The aura can be sleek and glow. The light emanating can be gorgeous to look at.

What is considered as physical beauty has no link to the beauty that can be seen in a fantastic energy system. Someone who is physically beautiful according to society’s version of beauty can have a really rough and grubby looking energetic system. There are people who wouldn’t fit into a fashion magazine’s approach to beauty yet their chakras and auras look amazing.

Physical beauty doesn’t have anything to do with spiritual beauty.

The looks and the body a person has is down to karma. So in one lifetime a person can be regarded as beautiful according to the fashion of the times they live in. With their karma, they get to go through a particular set of experiences on their timeline and their looks play a part in that. In other lifetimes, they have other bodies and other looks that may not be considered as beautiful by those around them.

The same goes for a person’s chakras and aura for the most part. Chakras act like a recorder of experience from lifetime to lifetime. What happens in a person’s life affects their chakras and aura. So what a person experiences affects their chakra and aura. If a woman has a lot of sexual interest from men, the men project energy into the woman’s sexual centre and other lower centres (I mention this as there have been articles and reports today in the British media about what female students experience when they go for a night out with friends).

If someone works in a dreary job that affects their centres in a different way to the effect on someone in a job they love. If they are treated well as a child as opposed to being badly treated, again the effect on the chakras and aura is different. If a person doesn’t exercise when it feels like they should, then the energy in the chakras, small as well as large, darken with slow frequency energy.

If a person lives in a city, particularly a city with an old, negative past, they will end up with a polluted energy system, contrasted with lifetimes where they live in the countryside.

How someone’s chakras and aura looks is influenced by what they experience in life and what they do, which is determined by the karma in that life. So the appearance of a person’s chakras and aura is determined by karma. (There is such a thing as opportunistic karma where a choice can be made between a path to a positive outcome, or a path to a negative outcome.)

However, if over lifetimes a person has done spiritual practices such as meditation this is going to show like a glow in a person’s energy system no matter what their karma is for a lifetime. Also, a life of service is spirituality in action, and has the same effect. On top of that, their karma might have led them to learn how to clear their energy, in which case their energy system is going to look and feel good. There are also some people who have trained lifetime after lifetime for a specific important role, and their energetic system is going to look powerful and lit up even in a dark and dangerous environment.

So what is beauty?

If you take a look at someone’s soul in creation right now… OK there can be a spark of beauty, but it’s not necessarily that amazing because of the limitations of being in creation. Backtracking to before they left the Divine Journeys to come into creation, there is a flaming quality of beauty in the soul.

In creation, through whichever spiritual practices link with a person’s karma, lifetime after lifetime, that spiritual beauty can grow. Going forward through a soul’s timeline, for just about all souls to the end of their timeline in creation when they become God-realised, the soul’s beauty is truly magnificent. And that is for all of us.

We all have that spark of spiritual beauty within us, even through our seemingly dark and negative karmic lives. It is just it’s more noticeable in our lighter lives. Plus spiritual beauty has nothing to do with a person’s physical beauty.

We can all express spiritual beauty in what we do and through our intent.

If you enjoyed this article or found it useful you might want more spiritual information and meditations. Take a look at

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How can you know if it is a good idea to get into a relationship?

Some years ago, I was having a telephone conversation with a friend. She told me that her teenage daughter was in turmoil about a possible relationship with a boy who had asked her out. She really didn’t know what to do, and her feelings were mixed.

I knew ways to look under the surface and past the nice words, the smiles and the gifts. I said I would try to help. So my friend put her daughter on the phone. She explained that she didn’t know what to do. Relationships are a lot to do with the karma of those involved, and one partner can give the other partner the experiences they need to balance their positive or negative karma, and to learn whatever it is they need to learn. Also there is often a recognition at a deep level, as the people involved would have had one or more previous lifetimes where they were in a relationship.

But sometimes there is opportunistic karma, which can be either negative (usually unhappy and painful), or positive (usually happy). taking up this opprtunistic karma is down to choice. Do you want this opportunity? Or are you going to pass on this opportunity? Say if someone asks another person out on a date and they say, “Yes”. This is great if the one who asked is a wonderful person. But if, under that charming and flattering surface, they are really not very nice at all, then it can be bad. Saying, “Yes” takes a person down one timeline, while saying, “No” will take them down a different timeline. How do you know which is best?

When people form a relationship, cordings develop between their chakras or centres. These cordings look weak or strong depending on the strength of the relationship. The cordings look beautiful, or healthy, or unpleasant, depending on the type and quality of the relationship.  The aura of one person responds when they think about their partner, or potential partner. The aura can become more beautiful, brighter and lighter. Or there is very little change if there is little meaning in the relationship. If there is something unhealthy, or unhappy or downright wrong in the relationship, that too can show up in the aura, as it reflects a truth, even if on the personality level, the person is oblivious to this.

I asked my friend’s daughter to think about this other person, close her eyes, and imagine the potential boyfriend in front of her at a comfortable distance. I suggested that she look at his heart centre, to see if it was large or small, light or dark, and how bright or how dark. Just for the record, his heart centre wasn’t dark, but it was a bit dull, and on the small side, which indicated not much love, but no malice.

(The heart centre is always a good place to start to look. You want to look, or imagine you can look, as this works, at the colour at the very centre of the heart centre. Also look for twists in energy. If there are any twists; then avoid.)

I said for her to look at his solar plexus; was it light or dark, and were there any strands or cordings looking like little snakes. It was a bit grey, with what looked like small snakes, she said. This indicated a level of manipulation, rather than a desire to free-up and empower. Not evil or malicious, more like very annoying. It was like a learned habit rather than deliberately controlling.

Next I said she should look at the sexual centre. That was a bit dark. As well as sex, the sexual centre is about ownership, but the dark energy was what she wouldn’t need, as through sex, energy is transferred between lovers, so at some point, if they had sex, she would end up with dark energy in her system which would not be that amazing for her. I didn’t talk about sex to her, but just got her to check the energy of his sexual centre, and she got the point anyway.

(You could also check for cordings like ropes or sometimes strands of light coming out of their sexual centre coming towards you. If the colour on the inside as well as the outside surface of the cording is light, then fine. If it is dark anywhere, then avoid. If the end of the cording that is comimg towards you, or already attached to you looks like it has teeth or tentacles, then most definitely avoid.)

Just for good measure, I asked her to imagine bringing him a little bit closer until cordings formed between their centres. She said these were dull and saggy. They wouldn’t make for an inspiring relationship. At least they weren’t black, possessive, evil, violent and controlling. Nor were they bright, beautiful, energized and strong, with positive and loving energy flowing back and forth.

She decided not to follow up the young man’s invitation.

I think that just being able to talk with someone about what was happening helping to calm her enough to focus and review the situation. My friend’s daughter was great at using her imagination, which anyone can use as a tool to work with the world of energy, the third eye and the other centres and the aura.

In a relationship, a good heart is an essential, so it needs to be large enough and bright enough. The other centres need to be clean, and being bright helps. Cordings need to be bright, vibrant and loving. These are the ingredients of a good start at least, and the karma will show up in the path, in the timeline from then on. (What’s that about a Golden Pathway timeline that’s mentioned elsewhere in the blog?)

It is possible as well to imagine yourself standing on your timeline, which looks like a path going into the future. I should say here that you can brighten it up and alter it by positive thinking, and by looking after your energy through meditation or yoga etc, and by looking after yourself properly, as in loving and being kind to yourself. If you use your imagination to place a potential partner on your timeline, you can see if they stay on your timeline or fall off the edge. You can see if the brighten or darken your timeline, and also if they shrink its size (not a good sign!). If all looks happy on your timeline, then great, though it is important to remember that some relationships are karmically supposed to be short, and other relationships are karmically set up to be long. Enjoy the moments day by day, and as karma is not rigid or set in concrete, wonderful and loving things can happen.

This way of looking at relationships and people not only works with romantic relationships, but also friendships, working relationships, and any other kind of relationship.

Karma, love and relationships

Meditation to love and accept your body

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

Law firms, banks and countries (e.g. Panama) – Light or dark?

Countries have a spirit that makes them unlike other countries. You can check this spirit out for its qualities. This reflects on the country. Is the spirit inclined to be light or dark, stuck and stagnant or transforming, troubled or calm? There are other qualities you can consider, such as attitude to women, attitude to the environment. You can see how much corruption there is.

At the time of writing, Panama’s spirit is murky, like angry, vicious black smoke swirling. But there is light being blasted into it, looking like lightning. This opens the spirit up to Truth, and the dark is diminishing, all the while pretending nothing is wrong. Change can happen. Panama’s spirit will lighten up.

The banks involved also have a spirit that runs through the organisation, and the same applies to law firms involved. The spirit of some of the organizations involved in the Panama Papers look really dark, and are really part of the dark lodge, all the while trying to look clean.

The money flowing through this part of the financial system has distinctly grubby energy and karma linked with it. It may be a way to launder money so that it looks legitimate, but it doesn’t wash off that energy and karma, as it goes into general circulation.

Money represents energy. As more light comes in, there should be ways coming about to facilitate the transfer of energy, without having to use the old, corrupt ways. Then we can leave that old energy behind.

About the spirit of countries. In some writings early last century channelled by Alice Bailey, it was said that France had a particular spirit which would enable it to prove the existence of the soul.

In Russia, the spirit has built up to be quite light, but Putin and his cronies have nowhere to go. They are stuck, and Russia is stuck with them, until the light builds up more.

Countries can also be considered to have chakras, often represented by their places of habitation, or places. You can sense how bright, how large, and how harmonious the chakras are. You can sense how high up the energy goes, for instance, is it at the base centre only, or the sexual centre, or is it solar plexus. Is there a country operating at the heart centre level or higher? (Watch out for bias.)

To get the world from A to B (for Beautiful) energetically is going to require a long time as more light comes in, and require a huge amount of change, so countries on their new timelines will be unlike how they are now. There is going to be a lot of change in every country.


If you want to learn how to assess the energy of a country, or of a company, etc., you might like to take a look at the online Intuition Program. Click here for more info.

New Spiritual Energy is Changing Humanity. Time for a New Root Race?

Everything, absolutely everything in Creation is changing, and irradiating differently than before. Vast amounts of Divine energy have been, and are being fed into all of Creation according to a Divine plan. This light and love is particularly being focused into and through this planet of ours, for reasons that most people don’t know about.

With the new inflow of energy, everything is vibrating and radiating in brighter and stronger ways: the stars, the planets, the galaxies themselves, the trees and flowers, the crystals and minerals. Some species of animals are irradiating in a new way, and of course humans are (especially children). The result is change, and everything is all stirred up as change happens. This change affects us all. It affects us as individuals, and as people living within societies in countries. It affects how we live and our thoughts and feelings. It affects how Nature interacts with us through the changing weather. On a personal level, it affects our very chakras or centres, and our auras.

What most people don’t know is that this planet is the home planet to five Perfect Masters whose job it is to look after Creation. Ever since Creation first came into being there have been five Perfect Masters and as one of them drops their body someone else replaces them in their role. Unique to this planet, the Avatar who is God in human form, incarnates between every four hundred to seven hundred years in major and minor incarnations. It is the Avatar who sets out the plan and who does the energy work while down here to make the major decisions for Creation, set out the timelines, and start things in motion. The Perfect Masters then take over the helm. The influence of the Avatar and the Perfect Masters is felt throughout Creation.

Humanity is an interesting form of life. Souls can incarnate into human form and follow this path through to reach the goal of God realisation. Humanity has evolved through history and ancient history. With each evolution new chakras or centres were developed, and became energetically active. The first ancient form of humanity was the Adamic root race which was etheric. The lowest centre, the base centre was the one being developed. The second root race was the Hyperborean root race, and the sexual centre became the focus. In the Lemurian root race the solar plexus centre started to become developed. The ending of one root race usually meant the physical demise of about 98% of the root race, which was a lot of change in a very short space of time, and the remainder becomes the seeds of the next root race. The souls of those that died out incarnated into the next root race.

Writing about the demise of people in this way, it is very matter of fact and doesn’t at all considering the personality aspect or emotions of those involved. The fourth root race, the Atlantrean root race took a spiritual wrong turn and invited in a spirit of evil. The Perfect Masters found it necessary to remove most of them in the Great Flood mentioned in the Bible. Humanity was reset and a start-over could occur. Most of the esoteric or occult knowledge was taken out of humanity and locked away on the lower mental levels where humanity couldn’t reach it until sufficient of them had developed enough wisdom and common sense to use it beneficially.

The next root race that came into being is the one that is currently in creation. This is the Aryan root race. Unlike the earlier root races it has the capacity to  think things through. There was / is a focus on energising the throat centre in the bulk of humanity. With the heart centre already developed, even though some people’s heart centres can be tiny, or even black, many people have the capacity for great love and empathy.

The next part of the Avataric plan involves massive changes in creation. In humanity, it is no longer about the development of one more centre, but of many more centres, each with a different quality. It is a great speeding up, so the sixth root race that is being started will be very different to our current one. Incarnating into this root race will be very interesting for us as we will think, feel and act in ways based on many centres, and not just the several that most people operate with at present.

The sixth root race will be a massive spiritual evolution from the fifth root race, and they will live in a Creation that has been and is being massively spiritually developed. How the change over from the Aryan root race to the sixth root race occurs remains to be seen. (New Root races in the distant future will have more chakras.)

So there are two processes going on at the same time, a change over of root races, and a huge spiritual push for Creation. With a changeover of root races, old timelines burn up energy, lose energy and die out. For the old root race everything becomes fragmented, broken down and stops working. Life becomes more complex, chaotic and difficult, and this is currently being experienced by people around the planet. People love safety, security, and familiarity. As fragmentation occurs, this is eroded. People then need to trust God, access the God within their hearts, and open to the new and create the new, and not looking to the old past for guidance. Each day is a new day.

The timelines for the new root race have already been developed and charged up by the Avatar, and looked after by the Perfect Masters. These timelines are already energetically apparent. What needs to happen for these to come about physically is starting to happen. The energy of these timelines is clear of twists, and they are filled with love, light and intelligence. There are many new developments in many areas of human life that hold this new energy, and people can become involved in the new.

Part of the spiritual development as a component of the plan is the introduction of New Law. This determines how life is to be. It determines how humanity and the individuals within humanity need to think and feel and act. New Law is loving and light filled. It involves being loving to others and all lifeforms, and respectful of others and all life. In future root races, newer energies will take all this to even higher levels.

Life as it is lived by most people in humanity at present and in the past was controlled mostly by Old Law. Many people don’t want to give up Old Law as it supports their way of life, and they find New Law very threatening. So there is an energetic battle going on that they can’t win. The powers that be internationally and in each nation want to remain the “powers that be”. There are bastions of Old Law to be found in politics, finance, business, the military, religion, and in every organisation where someone works to preserve their power base, influence and wealth, and exploit others. Old Law is based on fear, greed and the desire for power, whereas New Law is about Love, Light and Common Sense (leading to a quality called Sentiency).

Right now is a very mixed up time to be living in. (Great fun if you like going out in storms.)

How to thrive in it?

Getting onto the right timeline really helps. There is a new one for humanity set up called the Golden Pathway. Then there is trusting God, trusting the Divine. One key point is that as there are more centres available inside people to develop, the old spiritual information which was for the old model human won’t be anywhere near as useful as the new information to be found on the new timeline.

The key centre to have awakened is the heart centre. As that awakens, all the other centres come on line in due course. Heart based meditations open, develop and strengthen the heart centre. Not only does more love come into a person’s being, and into their life, it also wakes up that connection with God. As people have more love in them, they act in their life with more love and generosity. Essentially, more and more they are living the Golden Pathway. They can become agents of loving change for themselves and others.

Also, as part of the input of energy in humanity and the changes that have been made to people’s centres, the third eye of absolutely everyone within humanity is being opened up and stimulated. Using the third eye confidently takes a bit of practise, and most people’s third eyes need a bit of clearing. The clearing and the development of the third eye is fairly straightforward through regular meditations that work on clearing the centres and practising the use of the third eye. There’s no need to try to open the third eye as it is already open, it’s just a case of becoming conscious of that fact. Using the third eye gives a person more useful information about all manner of things. They can look at energies around them, check out the energies of banks, shops, and organisations, for example. It is useful for looking at the kinds of cordings you have to other people. It helps you to decide simple things like which route to take in the car depending on the quality of the thoughtform of each route (simply imagine it as a ball or cloud of energy and notice how colourful, bright or dull it looks). It can be used for checking the amount of life energy in fruit and vegetables. There are as many uses for your third eye as you can imagine.

Even as the old ways and the old root race are coming to an end, the new ways are already there for you to find, and to live as a new spiritual adventure.

Meditating with the new energies can help get on the new timeline:

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

Beware, exciting glamour about. Or remember to check carefully. A precautionary tale.

Some years ago I came across two people who had written about angels and who were in the UK to give some workshops on angels. This was great stuff, all very spiritual. It was exciting as well. They offered to use their expertise to guide people who came to their workshops to connect with their own special angel, receive healing from the angels and learn their very own angel name. Fantastic. We got to work with some special energies that no one else knew about. It was great to be becoming more spiritual.

I was so excited by all this I offered to find them a place to stay and organize a workshop for them. I was around them a lot.

Then something happened. I started to feel emotionally numb, my heart centre felt dead, I felt robotic, and apparently rushing around doing whatever they wanted me to do. Something was wrong.

So I asked a friend for their opinion. They happened to be quite clairvoyant. Their advice was to get out, get away, as they were doing something energetically they should not be doing. They were slowly trying to manipulate, control and take over.

So I confronted these people and told them my truth of what I felt they were doing. I got them to leave the place I had provided for them. I took off for a week out of London to get some grounding and healing in Nature.

I found out later they had left several others in  similar condition as they moved around the UK.

It should have all been so wonderful. It was a spiritual topic and about angels after all. It had sounded so new, and exciting. Reviewing the people and their workshops clairvoyantly, it all looked very glamorous, which is actually something that should be ignored or taken as a warning. The energy of the workshop had a bright and glamorous outer cover, but in the inside, it was dark and had twists in it. As people, they had an energy that looked the same as the workshops.

This was an important lesson for me about workshops and presenters. I had been naive and gullible, taken in by the glamour, and I paid a price for it. After that experience I always checked out the energy of people, workshops and therapies. I became more careful. I realized the negative Dark wasn’t going to advertise its true nature, but rather it would use glamour to trick the unwise, and derail them from their true spiritual path. Inside, the energy of those two people was really dark and twisted, but covered by shiny glamour.

At another time, I attended a talk by two people. The talk was small stuff to me, as they remembered moments in their past spent in the presence of someone called Meher Baba. I was getting bored. I thought this was a waste of my time, and these people were dressed so ordinarily, not at all like a workshop presenter would be expected to dress. Looking back, I realized I didn’t have much of a sense of what was trying to pass itself off as spiritual, and what was actually spiritual.

I decided to look at them through my third eye, in a clairvoyant way. I was literally blinded by the light. An intense laser bright white light was shining out of all their centres, bathing everyone in the room with spiritual energy. I hadn’t come across anything like this in any of the workshops I had been to before. I felt silly and humbled for expecting a Hollywood style approach. What I was receiving in the talk was energy like no other I had received before. It taught me that the really important spiritual energy didn’t need glamour, and it was likely to have a very ordinary looking cover.

It also taught me true spirituality was not concerned with with what people wore, or what they did or said, or their status or wealth or lack of it. External trappings or appearance are unimportant. You could tell their spirituality because of the light, love, silence and stillness within them.

Meditation enhances your life

Certain types of meditation align your centres or chakras, clean them up, and make it easy for them to communicate with each other. Certain types of meditation will also strengthen and build up the centres so that they function well. If you have meditated so that your centres function well, this changes how you perceive your environment, your world. So rather than just relying on the senses of sight, hearing, touch taste and smell, you find that as your centres are functioning at a new level, you experience intuitions about life, about people, about events and objects (physical and virtual). This adds a whole new layer to how you sense your reality, and gives you deeper and often surprising information. You can pay attention to your centres to pick up on things you might be aware of on a subconscious level, but you might not be consciously aware.

If you are talking with someone, you might notice how comfortable or uncomfortable your solar plexus feels. You might notice how your heart centre feels, whether it feels uplifted, even expanded, or down and closed. if you get really sensitive, you could begin to notice cordings from a person, institution, place or object. These can be beneficial or damaging.

Everyone’s third eyes are opening, and meditation helps to keep your third eye clear, strengthen it, and helps you notice what you are sensing or seeing. It provides a whole new world of information, that can often be very surprising, and the only limit to how we use our third eyes is how well we can use our creativity and imagination.

For instance, someone recently gave me a washbag that looked colourful and physically attractive, and it had on it the logo of a well-known, international beauty products company. It looked great, but the energy was worse than dire. Through the third eye, the energy looked viscious and dark, and carried some twists. There was a sense of evil. I find that energy like that affects my throat centre. So when my throat centre feels tightened and constricted, I know something is really wrong. I didn’t want to hold the washbag.

This was a great opportunity for some healing work, and to clean up some negative energy. Healers are like glorified cleaners, though it seems just a bit more glamourous, Beware of glamour though, as it is never all it seems to be, and healers clean up the detritus of others, along with the negative energy, negative timelines and negative karma. (It’s very interesting to look at the karmic reasons why a healer is doing healing on someone.)

I looked at the kinds of energy, and the kind of spirit in the washbag. The energy was virulent and dynamic, moving and swirling. It seemed hungry and predatory. The spirit seemed to be looking about with a degree of intelligence. It seemed quite old, malign, and wanting a snack of etheric energy, like taking life energy. And people buy into the glamour of the organization and put the beauty products on their faces. Not exactly life enhancing.

I looked at the washbag and the cordings like a black spider web of virulently negative energy coming out. The cordings went out to the large companies who have shares in the “beauty” company, and some energetically large individuals who invest in them. The energy was quite black, and twisted. From all the investors the energy was about making a fast buck rather than being respectful of the earth, or of wanting to give to the eventual customers whereas it was about taking and maximizing profits, so there was a lot of greed. The organization who made the washbag for the beauty company likewise had dire energy and intent. There was also an energy in the mix to do with body image, which I didn’t fully understand, though it had a feeling like guilt, like a person wasn’t good enough unless they looked a certain way, or that they wouldn’t be accepted unless they used the beauty products. All of this was wrapped up in a glamorous package of energy which a lot of people would find attractive.

I happily rubbed my hands together about this as it was such a great package to do healing work on, and clear out old negative spirit, some twists, and old law, making space for the new. I then got on with it.

Doing meditation, doing meditation creatively, absolutely can and should improve the centres or chakras. It should do this for individual centres and chakras, in how much energy they can handle, and how effectively they function. Meditation should also improve the centres or chakras in how they work collectively, being greater than the sum of their parts. So nowadays, a good program of meditation should have the effect of enhancing the way a person senses and perceives their world, so they pick up more on the actual energy behind the physical. It should also open up new ways of thinking and feeling, and open up creativity.

Everyone has the “equipment”, the large centres and chakras, and the smaller ones, plus the channels for energy to flow. So meditation should increase ability to heal.

There are some amazing new energies coming in, or coming down the planes of consciousness, carrying a lot of inspiration and motivation, plus guidance So if someone is meditating creatively, by that I mean using techniques that work on different parts of their energy system, then there is quite a bit of change that can happen, inside a person and then in their life. We can experience more love, peace and light, and because we are all energy beings, living in a world of energy, and we can learn to live well in our energy world.

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

Intuitive Triangles for Decisions

A fairly quick way of assessing a situation or checking out choices is to use this intuitive method. It’s ideal for something new where you might not have prior experience, or when someone else is trying to get you to do something.

If you want to, you can then go into a more thorough exploration, which for choices, goals and big decisions is important, and think things through.

This method is visual, and with practice, can be done in a few seconds, or the blink of an eye. If you have the time, you can also feel inside yourself, to check the feelings you may have to do with what you are considering. Good, beneficial choices and decisions will have happier feelings associated with them than choices or decisions that are second best or downright detrimental.

The method is based on triangles. The triangles usually point upwards, and tend to be equilateral triangles with all sides equal and all angles equal. That’s usually, if the energy is particularly bad, then the triangle points downwards.

The triangle will have a colour or colours. How lovely they look reflects the energy. The brighter and more beautiful they are, the better the energy and the decision or choice. The greyer, or darker, and meaner looking then the choice or decision is best avoided.

Everyone has an imagination, and using what we call imagination is a way of using the third eye chakra or centre, and the other chakras or centres which can feed into what we experience through what we imagine. When we imagine, we think we make something up. When we make something up, we are using our brain and energetically, our chakras or centres. Done with an honest and open intent, what we are effectively doing is using the input from chakras/centres to view something through the third eye. With practice, you get to find that you are using your third eye, rather than just making it up. Right now, everyone’s third eyes are opening up, and that means everyone. This gives everyone a new way of interacting with the world and sensing the world, not just physically through, physical eyes, but also energetically. Which means we can get to experience more of the astral world around us, which can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what is there, and if you know how to deal with it. Most people are unconscious of the fact that their third eye is opening, and some might want to block it out (usual techniques used to try to do this is drink and drugs, which tends to muck up the chakras and aura big-time, and in fact make people more open to the astral).

Back to the triangle, all you have to do is think of a choice or a decision to make, and for each, close your eyes and in a very quick meditation of a few seconds, view the triangle. Check it is pointing up or down. If down; avoid. If up, then check the colour or colours, and peruse them for a moment or two. Check your feelings linked to the choice, whether or not they feel OK, brilliant, or negative.

Usually, if nothing looks that great, then there is another option to find, perhaps by looking outside of the box. This part takes more considering.

This triangle method can also be done with eyes open with practice, like overlaying a visual image over what you see, like wearing a pair of google glasses. I’ve seen people use this to decide on routes when cycling and driving.

If there’s a case of where to go out with friends or someone new, there can be more aspects to explore. (I did once help a girl check the chakras, especially the heart centre, aura and general energy of a guy who had asked her out. Her decision at the end was a no.)

The triangle can also have words at each corner that describe the energy of the choice or decision, and it can be really useful to use your third eye to “imagine” the words at each corner, to give you more information. The third eye also works with taste and smell, so you can imagine the taste and the smell of the triangle, and even imagine a sound. This approach basically gives you a way of accessing information that is not available just by using the physical senses and the physical brain.

If you want to get really fancy, you can put smaller triangles on the corners of the larger, main triangle, to give a bit more information.

The more you do this approach, the easier it gets, and you get to work your third eye and other centres too, building them up.

I use the triangle method  for getting a quick energetic overview of what I see and read in the news, or of a person or organisation (interesting to try with politicians and political parties, and the occasional celebrity). Ocassionally, I get to challenge my assumptions about people, events and situations, that I assume are positive, but in fact aren’t, and ones that I presume are negative, but I get to see they are not. My education, background and culture that has influenced my thinking and beliefs is just that, merely education, background and culture. If I had been born in a different place and time, had a different education and different upbringing, I would think differently.

From a spiritual point of view, there are new ideas and concepts coming in that are original and brand new. They have nothing to do with anyone’s background or past, or past or current cultural ideas. You can’t relate to them using your past. But you can relate to them using your intuition and spirituality, as you are a spiritual being.

As spiritual beings, as souls being in matter, we have chakras/centres that we can use in our everyday life. We can live more and more consciously as spiritual beings, working with the energy and spirit of things.

A Promise, A Rose, A Meditation

There is a part of spiritual knowledge that has not been to the forefront in Western cultures. Though it is quite far-reaching.

Every seven hundred to one thousand four hundred years God descends into creation and takes human form, to fulfil a role as the Avatar. The Avatar puts the various parts of creation back on track, rather like making course adjustments, and gives creation a direction and a spiritual push. God also comes down in minor incarnations every three hundred to four hundred years as well.

Avatar incarnations have included Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus and Meher Baba. The first incarnation was as Ganesha, when creation first came into existence, then there were others in distant prehistory. There have been other incarnations where the work was away from humans, who are the pinnacle of spiritual development in creation, and a stepping stone to God-realization.

When the Avatar is not physically in creation, or during a minor incarnation, there have been five God-realized people who have taken up the mantle or job role of being a Perfect Master. At any one time there are five Perfect Masters in charge of creation. When creation has “wobbled” in the past, they have called in the Avatar.

The Avatar often has followers who help in the spiritual work, and the Avatar might give out teachings. As there is a great deal of energy behind these teachings a long timeline can be formed and a religion gets created by people who then become involved. Meher Baba came to awaken, not teach. As the Avatar’s energy is still around for one hundred years after they drop their body, Meher Baba’s energy is still around until 2069.

All of this is quite different to the information in circulation in Western spirituality.

Meher Baba was born in India and had Iranian ancestry. One of his favourite poets was Hafiz who was also a Perfect Master in the 1300s. He wrote poetry about love and spirituality. His work is known in the West and is still cherished in Iran. His language was that of a Sufi mystic. His poems are very beautiful and full of wisdom. In some of the poems he refers to vagabonds, larks, wine, lovers and the beloved. Such words are used as metaphors, and the poems are romantic in a spiritual way, to bring the deep feeling that someone in love with God can have.

Iran used to be famous for its rose gardens. In keeping with the romance of the Sufi poetry, a rose can be considered from a spiritual point of view. It is an everyday object, which can hold a lot of meaning.

This is a useful way to think about how the Avatar and Perfect Masters work. They will use everyday objects and events and pack them full of meaning and energy. In this way they get maximum spiritual work done.

You know what you can see. So if a person sees the Avatar (in this case Meher Baba as there is plenty of film footage) giving out parcels of food, money and clothing to a queue of people, they might think that is all that is happening. For a spiritual leader this is a common way of behaving in India.

But there are many possible levels to what might happening.

A person receiving gifts from the Avatar will be connected in to a soul family. They will also be corded into family, friends, enemies perhaps, and people they have met and are going to meet down their timeline. So even all of these people will be affected in precise ways with regards to their karma and their material well-being.

The energy and healing can go down all of their timelines for lifetimes to come, even if they incarnate in different parts of creation, other than this earth.

Also, the physical gifts will be a vehicle for spiritual energy to give the recipient a spiritual push down through their timeline. Again, the spiritual gifts can be given as well to all those souls that the person standing there represents. The physical gifts will carry a spiritual charge.

Also, in those brief seconds the person spends receiving the physical irradiation of the Avatar, they can be transformed on physical, etheric, astral and mental levels. Their karma can be changed, their timeline altered, and their soul can be worked on.

So a seemingly simple physical act can be so, so much more.

A rose then.

The Avatar was present at the beginning of creation (God’s outbreath), and the Avatar will be present at the end of creation (God’s inbreath), when “all the children come home”. It’s the Avatar’s job to look after all the souls in creation, and bring them all back home. The Avatar loves creation infinitely. Which means they love each soul infinitely. The Avatar has made a promise to you, me, everyone, and every soul, to bring us all back home. (All souls came from God, from the Divine Journeys where we were in Divinity. Dropping down into creation we literally forgot this and what we really are. We are on a journey to going back and fully remembering.)

The rose in this meditation is the Avatar’s promise. For now until the end of creation.

Read the below before trying.

Sit in a comfortable, upright position which makes it easier to focus on energy flowing down and up the centres.

A beautiful white rose forms high above your head. It is a brilliant white, and feels very peaceful. It has around it a quality of stillness and of silence. The rose has many petals. This rose holds within it the energy of Avataric promise.

The white rose enters through the top of your head, and goes into the topmost centre in the top of your head.
It irradiates out light that clears the centre. Unneeded timelines are removed, and a new timeline is placed in the centre. The required dose of love and light is irradiated into the centre, making changes.

When enough changes have been made, the white, Avataric rose drops down into the next centre.

Again, unneeded timelines are removed and energy is cleared. New energy washes into the centre, to create a healing on many levels, and a stronger timeline is placed in the centre.

When changes have been made, the white, Avataric rose drops down to the next centre, where a similar process occurs.

This process is repeated, all the way down through the body, including in the bottom most centre, the base centre. This centre is cleared and old and unneeded timelines and energy are flushed out. The white, Avataric rose irradiates out its light, to deeply change the energy and structure of the base centre. The base centre becomes larger, more responsive, with a finer structure. There is more of a smoother feel to the base centre, and a sense of a more solid and light-filled timeline appears.

The Avataric white rose may rise back up the centres to bring more energy into the centres, and then drop down to the base, and it may do this repeatedly, or it may remain in the base centre, to wait there for future use.

The result of this meditation is a set of centres aligned to the Avataric plan, and the right timelines in your centres. There may be more of a sense of calmness and purpose throughout your being.

In your heart centre, you may notice a feeling of peace, calm and love, and perhaps a sense of harmony.

Open your eyes.

This meditation is quite a profound one. It can be repeated, particularly when someone feels a little lost. It will help to put them on the right path.


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White Light Meditation

(This article has been updated to include a recording of the meditation at the end. Enjoy.)

Here’s an analogy: If you want to decorate a room white there are many types of white to choose from.

In meditation there are different types of white light. For example, the white light found on the first plane is different in intensity and brightness and refinement to the white light found on the higher planes, which are increasingly brighter and more refined. Again, astral white light is different to the brighter mental white light.

The types of white light found on the Divine Journeys is even brighter and more refined. The white light of the second Divine Journey is white, and amongst other qualities it is a form of bliss. The Paramatman light can also be considered as being white, and that has all kinds of effects.

The format for this meditation is similar to the previous two meditations.

Sit upright to align the centres or chakras. Relax your breathing.

Imagine a stream of brilliant, pure white light flows down onto the top of your head. It permeates through your head. Notice how that feels.

Let this stream of pure love and light flow down your neck. You might be able to notice how this brilliant white light affects your throat centre.

This white light flows down through your shoulders and arms to your fingers, stimulating the small centres and giving them an energetic make-over.

This white light flows down your body, igniting the major and minor centres, including the heart centre, solar plexus and sexual centre, and then the base centre. Notice the effect.

This brilliant white light of light and love flows down through your hips and legs to your toes, through all the minor centres there.

Your skin glows bright white for several moments.

Once the light is absorbed by your body, white light fades.

In your own time, open your eyes.

This is a powerful meditation to do every day and it doesn’t take long to receive a wash of healing white light, which gives a little push to your spirituality.

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Gold Light Meditation

(This article has been updated and a recording of the Gold Light Meditation placed at the end. Enjoy.)

This can be quite a powerful meditation. As with anything, you don’t know until you try.

Read this first before meditating.

Sitting up straight to make sure all your centres are aligned, get comfortable and close your eyes. Imagine a gentle shower of very fine gold dust, like fairy dust falling on top of your head.

This fine gold dust irradiates its gold light into the centres or chakras in your head, which radiate out gold light. You might be able to notice within it a silence and a stillness.

The gold light moves gently and thoroughly down through your neck and down through your body, lighting up each centre it moves through. The gold light then radiates into your body around each centre.

The gold light moves down your legs towards your feet, all the while igniting your smaller centres with gold light. The gold light travels down your arms to your fingers, again igniting your smaller centres with gold light.

After filling all of your body, strands of gold light come out of your body and weave a layer around your skin.

This stays for a while, and then is slowly absorbed into your body.

When the gold light is absorbed completely, open your eyes.

There are some remarkable spiritual energies and light available for use in meditation. At a point in development they can help to enhance spirituality. Meditating with this gold light is healing for the centres and the body, as is meditating with the blue light in the previously blogged meditation.

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Blue Light Meditation

A straightforward meditation with blue light.

Sitting upright so all the centres or chakras are aligned and so light can easily flow, imagine a single drop of brilliant liquid blue light drops in silence from on high.

It lands on your head and flows rapidly into the centre in the top part of your head. The blue light feels silent and still. It lights up this cents, as if it switches it on.

The blue light then flows down to the next centre, shines a beautiful brilliant blue, and switches on this centre, which continues to shine blue.

The blue light flows down to the next centre, so it shines a silent blue, again, it’s like a light switch, so the centre keeps on shining bright blue.

The drop of liquid blue light flows down through each centre in turn, switching it on to shine a brilliant and silent blue. When it reaches your heart centre, notice what happens.

Let yourself stay with this for as long as the blue light remains, or up to 10 minutes.

This is something that is straightforward and which can be done everyday. This particular blue light can have a powerful healing effect on the centres, and is great for developing a person’s spirituality.

I’m not going to say anything else about it so as not to set up preconceived notions, but instead for it to be an exploration for anyone who wants to try something new.

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You want to learn to meditate, where do you start?

meditate on the above while being rooted in the below, absorbing the dream of what Life can be at its best
meditate on the above while being rooted in the below, absorbing the dream of what Life can be at its best.(Picture represents the Blue Sky above, and the Green Grass below, and the Tree of Life)

Meditation can mean lots of things depending on what resonates with you.

You can meditate to experience calm inside you, or to calm yourself with feedback. Or you can meditate to watch your mind, or to discard thoughts, and stay present and not have your attention wander (or wonder). You can be mindful. Or go for an empty mind.

Minds are tricky, and with each lifetime you get a different mind, well, a collection of minds; the unconscious, the personality mind (which is based very much on personal preferences, your culture and language, and experience, and how your feelings are wired up, so it’s quite personal). Then there is a body mind, and a higher mind. Which mind to focus on then?

Or after lifetimes you give up on those minds and start meditating on other things, and there are plenty of other things for a human to meditate on. It very much depends on what you think it means to be human. So, what does it mean to be human?

You can think of yourself as a human, and that all that is spiritual about yourself is your mind (or one of your minds, if you see what I mean). But there is much more to people than that.

Now when you incarnated, and came into the fused egg and sperm (the zygote is the biological term), or when your soul touched that physical material with its energy, will and intent, the first part of you to start up was your heart centre or chakra. The heart centre is very much a point of connection for the soul.

The heart centre as it happens, is a very good place to meditate on. What happens there, spreads out into the other centres. These developed after the heart centre.

The heart centre isn’t like the mind, in that it’s like the origin, rather than an effect, which the mind is like. So the heart centre is truly a great place to meditate on.

It is also possible to meditate on the full set of centres or chakras as a whole, as a system, including the centres of the head.

What else does it mean to be human? It boils down to sensitivity and openness, which can lead on to personal experience from which you can learn consciously, and also subconsciously. Having another person tell you about something is no substitute for personal experience. Even an advanced spiritual master would get you to test out what you hear from them (and then later, when you figure out the quality of them you may find it is really a good idea to accept their word as it really moves you along spiritually).

Humans have a physical body, an etheric body surrounding this (when people have amputations they often still feel the limb is still there – it is etherically), an astral body, and a mental body surrounding the whole lot. There is a sheath of energy around the these and the centres called the aura. when all these parts are locked into the physically body, a person will feel solid and grounded. If they are not locked, they will feel, and sometimes look spacey and ungrounded. There’s a fair bit to meditate on here.

Then in all of this, there is a physical elemental that drives to keep the physical shell alive. There is a personality which matches a persons karmic package for that lifetime and which can help spiritually as a motivator and anchor, or not. There is a person’s spirit which is a fairly complex mix, the minds as mentioned, and the soul. The soul is very much not as smart or amazing as people think it is. Though that is another story as it develops its level of consciousness over many lives, and an old soul will have more consciousness than a young soul. Once again, there is quite a lot to meditate on.

Then a person’s soul, and therefore the person, exist on one of the planes of consciousness, from the lowest, zeroth, to the sixth plane. Depending on the plane, there is physical light, and also astral light of varying frequency, and mental light of varying frequency and speed. “The light” can most definitely be something to meditate on, but it depends on what light.

When people take drugs what they experience is the astral light on the zeroth and first plane at the most. Definitely not where it’s at spiritually.

Meditation can be used to access light from the fifth and sixth plane, which can certainly be something. On these planes there are some wonderful energy which can be in the form of light, which can have very positive effects on you.

Beyond, the fifth and sixth plane energies and light, there are energies and light of a Divine nature, such as the Paramatman light, or first, second and third Divine Journey energies and light. These are amazing to meditate with.

To work with these requires a connection with, say, a Perfect Master or an agent that they can work through, or some other person with access to these energies. There needs to be a connection so they can oversee what is going on and ensure that not too much light is given, or the one on the receiving end is toast! It can take several years to come down to earth from an overload of light, or it can overload the heart and the physical body can’t handle it. So common sense means that a person meditating with this light needs to be careful.

This Divine light has an intelligence, a spirit, so when it goes into the various levels of your being, it can interact with you in ways that are required and allowed at that time. It really is quite amazing, and the Silence and Stillness that comes with Divine light is something else, and can take you into other levels of what it means to be human.

There’s lots more that I haven’t mentioned here, which I’ll leave to later.

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