Using money with negative intent or loving intent

Be Prosperous in Loving Ways

It is obvious to say that money has an effect in the world. Large amounts of money put into all kinds of activities have effects and also consequences. People choose what to put money into depending on their priorities. Some people just want profits regardless of the consequences, other people might take into consideration the immediate effect on people and the environment and do something that benefits the world.

It is an imperfect world, so there are also people who will try to do something knowing it can have a short term negative effect, but in the big picture, in the long term the effect will be positive.

In old prosperity thinking, no consideration was given to the effect of an activity, or the effect it would have on other people’s health and lives. It was all about the individual getting rich and having a great life. When rich, some people might get involved in philanthropy.

In those older times, there were less people around, there was more space and there was less pollution. The build up of greenhouse gases due to industry, vehicles and ships that would cause problems with our weather later was just beginning.

The notion was that there was the individual and their family, and then there was the world, to use and gain from.

Now, more people realise that they are part of the world. If they want themselves and the people who are important to them to be prosperous, and that includes their children and future generations, then they need to fund and do activities as thoughtfully as possible.

The very notion of what prosperity means is evolving, as our understanding of how we fit into the environment and society evolves.

It is an evolving situation we find ourselves in. It is an imperfect world (or a perfectly imperfect world from a spiritual point of view, which, like the grit in the oyster, helps us develop spiritually, into the equivalent of the pearl). 

A key to being prosperous and creating prosperity in this evolving world is to make choices that seem loving, and to do what you do in the most loving ways you can.

Also hold in mind that even as there is a lot of Light stirring up and clearing the old, that Light is also bringing in new ideas and supporting energy. That’s the good news. 

New prosperity starts with being open to the wonderful new energy coming in, and letting it grow inside. When ready, it can be expressed in the world.

Here’s a meditation on prosperity you might like to listen to:

A meditation to listen to: A Golden Glow of Prosperity

If you would like to buy the book A Spiritual Approach to Prosperity click here:

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