You’ve got to have faith. But how do you do that?

There is such a thing as the Law of Faith which you can use in a situation to get a good outcome, even in seemingly impossible situations. The Law of Faith though, needs to be used in the right way.

Which example do you think is right?

A person is faced with a difficult, or a potentially dangerous situation, or a situation that seems confusing with too many unknowns. The person prays or meditates or simply offers up the issue to God, then gets quiet and waits, knowing they will recieve an answer. The advice might come in words, or images or as a feeling. They might get an answer immediately or when their mind is relaxed as the answer cannot be forced (answers often pop in my head when I’m washing the dishes!). The advice might involve doing something in a new way, so a change in thinking and behaviour is required. The person follows through with the advice, having faith it will work out. They have certainty instead of doubt, as they allow the energy to focus in the right way by having faith.

A different person is faced with situation and just goes right ahead doing what they want to do, while saying (at least to themselves), “It’ll be alright, God will sort it out (or protect me or make sure whatever outcome I want happens)”.

In the last example it is more the person’s will being done, rather than asking what God’s will is in the situation, as God’s will might be different.

Which approach is going to work? Which approach will help that person be on the best timeline?

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