Oh, and remember to Smile!

The tide has changed.

It used to be the case that life was fairly predictable and it was a safe bet that we could be comfortable with the familiarity of an existence where we knew that tomorrow life would be rather like today. The same kind of life would be happening, and there may be some surprises but not too many to destabilise our ideas and expectations about life.

In a spiritual sense, life was heavily influenced by our karma so life trundled along in its own way. There was a steady familiairty as old institutions and organisations that were based on old values and old energy held sway.

But now, on a personal level, on a societal level and a national level, and also on a global level, the old energy is being ripped up and new energy is being injected into life on all levels. Change on all levels needs to happen and it is happening. The old guides to life and the old ideas don’t work in this new world, where the old energy is being demolished and the new energy is coming in, no matter how hard people try to fight to hang onto the old ways and the old energy, a lot of which was quite slow frequency and also twisted anyway.

It is to be expected that people will try to hang on to the old life, to the old structures in life and to the old ways of living. If that has served them well in the past and if it all they know. But for them, alas, it will be to no avail.

For those people who were already disillusioned with the old ways of doing things then all this change is likely to be embraced, and the new, emerging aspects of life will be accepted.

As new energy flows into this emerging world the old maps of how to live life won’t work. What does work is paying attention to your intuition and trusting.

Everything is changing, and though it isn’t possible to understand the changes, there are new opportunities emerging as the old ways of living change. Life looks messy at the moment. However, the new energy coming in that is ripping up the old and creating the new is also offering the new information required to live in this world and to be part of the change.

All you have to do is trust everything is going to work out, and use your intuition to go with the flow. And Smile.
