Today’s Spiritual Weather Report

Picture by Luke Maitland at Animated Magic

Good morning. Here’s the weather. (It gets better higher up the planes.)

On the zeroth plane of consciousness, the black light is swirling quite dramatically. Not quite hurricane standard, but close; still raging though. There has been an input of order energy to stir up and remove the old, and make changes. This will affect our planet and all of creation. Focusing just on this earth, the devas are busy winding down those aspects of our life that needs to go. Not too fast, just fast enough. The devas are slowly going to make new forms. The mineral world has had an upgrade, now it is time for everything else.

In the human world, the storm will get people’s emotions going. Emotions and moods will darken. There will be more doubt and uncertainty, more zeroth plane fear, more anger, righteousness, and rage. These volatile and powerful emotions will drive people to think, speak and act in dramatic ways, individually and collectively. People will become polarized, and some will be desperate. Desperation will drive human events, and ecological events. Strong emotions will be cloaked in hijacked religion, in ideology, politics, opinions and beliefs. Old karma will be brought up by the storm, and worked through. Some people will try to avoid the stirred zeroth plane energy in their systems by using drugs, alcohol and any other addictions.

Remember to take your umbrella and a coat, which means daily meditation to access the mental light higher up the planes to take you out of the storm. This will help you be on the best timeline for you (the Golden Pathway), and help you make helpful decisions, and be in the right place at the right time.

The zeroth plane storm will also bring out the best in many people young and old, all over the world, who bring out their compassion, endurance, and love in small and big ways to help their kindred humans; like flowers blooming in the desert.

On the zeroth plane, the devas will do their usual job with the weather (check out the deva of the next hurricane), as they use water, air (wind), and fire to clean up old and negative energy on and in the land from ages past up until now. There is a big clean-up operation going on that is going to be spread out over many years, to make this earth sparkly.

The storm will also power through the financial systems and the lives of those people within it. A lot of money has old karma tied up with it based on slavery, exploitation, wars, buying of weapons and ammunition, crime, greed and murder which all needs to be balanced. (Time for a massive rethink about how we exchange energy for goods and services, as well).

The storm is stirring and will change the political world, and all points of “power” that try to influence the world outside political processes. Time for the old to go. Time for more wisdom, compassion and courage, and a lot less greed and corruption. Thinking of becoming a politician?

There is a lot going on in the world and you can use meditation to figure out the best places to live. (The triangles meditation in the blog is a good one). Difficulties and problems get people to think about what no longer works, and come up with new ways of doing things.

On the first plane of consciousness, the energetic weather is harsh, scrubbing away at old ways of thinking and feeling. It is uncomfortable on this plane. It’s not totally destructive. The cleaning process goes on quick enough to clear the old, but not so quick as to destroy totally. It’s uncomfortable enough for questions to be asked. Above the clouds here is some sunlight. What will come out of this is new ways of thinking and feeling, and a changed language to talk about it.

The second plane. The materialistic second plane. High winds are ripping around the second plane which is a bit bloated with glamour, poor use of wealth, shallow human thought, greed, selfishness,  and a lack of thought about others. The lower three centres (base, sexual and solar plexus), along with the lower heart centre are being activated and cleared. Dissatisfaction can point the way to a balanced perspective on material wealth, self, and others.

Some light from higher up the planes, and initiated from high up, is landing in the upper parts of the second plane, like shining, bright snowflakes. These carry information and motivation with regards to space technology, with spin-offs that can improve life for us on earth. The same goes for medicine, and more subtly comes in.

The weather on the third plane is mostly sunny, with quick thunderstorms every so often to make third plane people jump, and get them to look UP, let in more light and change.

The fourth plane is white light. Pure, powerful, bright and virulent. A place to be on your toes at all times. This plane has already been sorted. Not a place for the faint hearted.

The fifth plane. Not so much weather in this extremely bright place of hot mental light. There is a bit of a breeze in the hot sunlight. The place is getting a scrub from devas. There are  bright snowflakes and shooting stars coming down from the first Divine Journey. These are carrying an immense amount of mental and emotional energy, along with very new information and New Law. Also coming down is new Divine guides. All this will make its way down into the lower planes. As it does, what needs to go will go, and what needs to stay will stay. What needs to be started will be started.

The sixth plane weather is a bright light whiteout. Sunglasses and a spiritual guide are needed.  Sparkles of gold as the first Divine Journey comes down. That will change everything. Coming through the sixth plane are souls with specialist experience and skills to bring about a makeover of this planet earth. There are some souls with a great deal of spirituality and light.

So overall, stormy and windy for the next 54 years or so, with clear, sunny weather on the horizon, once enough clearing and change has gone on.

The Energy of Businesses That Affect Our Lives

A short while ago I wrote a piece on intuitively sensing the energies of countries and looking at their energy as triangles.

Some countries value the personal liberty of their citizens and freedom of expression, and they will have laws that protect their citizens. There are some countries that now recognise the importance and value of the environment around them, and have laws to protect the environment so it can survive at least, or flourish. There is a spiritual understanding in this, even if it isn’t explicit, but the love and respect is there, nevertheless.

How a country, by this I mean its government and its establishment and institutions, regards its citizens has a big impact on its people. If you look at the energetic triangle of a country, it shows up energetically.

In some countries, freedom is important. There may be some people within the country who think they know better than the general population and take it upon themselves to “save” this population from itself and engage in covert surveillance and control of the population, as if they are in a war to protect their society, or their version of it, so their concept of freedom is twisted somewhat.

There are governments that control some areas of life in some countries. There are some governments or dictators that control all aspects of life so there is no freedom. So there are countries where the government controls totally what goes on in cyberspace on the Internet, and watches who says what.

Some governments of countries are respectful of its citizens and works on their behalf. Some governments are dictatorial and controlling.

I got to thinking about companies and the intuitive energetic triangles that represent them. A company can provide good or poor products or services. This can be a big nuisance. But for example, if a biscuit manufacturer makes a product you don’t like, there are other biscuits and other manufacturers. The impact of this company on your life is not that great. They don’t have much power to affect your life, and you have choice.

A company like Monsanto still has an intuitive triangle that looks distinctly unpleasant energetically given the products that impact on the environment. A company that has a massive negative influence on many areas of a country and its government such as Nigeria, the company being Royal Dutch Shell, has an unpleasant looking energy triangle. It’s all about power and money. Nigeria is stuck with Shell for the moment.

The Internet is an area where the large companies involved have a massive influence on our lives. I remember when Google and Facebook were good ideas. Taking a look at the energetic triangles of these companies when they started out, they are full of energy and light. Now Google’s triangle has a black outline and the energy is slowing down, as if it is less about supporting its users creativity and more about controlling what they can see and how they work, and their is a lot of surveillance of its users.

The triangle for Facebook still has some light in it, but is starting to look sickly and stagnant as it is over-controlled and now set up with its main aim to make money for Facebook. Then again there is the surveillance and data gathering.

If the Internet companies were based in China, OK, because large companies, especially ones with an international aspect to them, are to all practical intents and purposes, extensions of the Chinese government. They would not be allowed to operate or survive without their say so.

In the rest of the world, Google and Facebook are becoming more about control, and less about freedom and respect. If they were countries, they would be oppressive and controlling. There are other companies involved in the Internet and software that are happy to facilitate surveillance capitalism and work with countries who have little respect for their citizens.

On this blog there is a piece called Triangles if you would like to have a look and try the idea out for yourself on some companies. I like spiritual ideas that have a practical use and effect in our everyday world, and intuitive triangles is one of them.

Closing doorways and buttoning up meditation

Closing doorways on your chakras or centres is essential to look after and protect your energy, and turn down the volume on sensitivity. It is good to do daily, and after meditation.

Energy follows thought. This is an old and true spiritual rule. What you think, what you imagine and put energy into is what you are likely to get, given that it matches Natural Law and your karma. So if you think, and keep on thinking you can close the doorways on your chakras, then you can. If you think and keep on thinking that you can button up your aura, then you can.

It helps to know your centres or chakras. Take a look at the illustration for guidance. You will see plenty of diagrams showing seven chakras, sometimes you can find diagrams showing twelve chakras. In most diagrams and pictures, chakras or centres are shown like round discs, or spheres. It is fine to think of them like this. You can also, more accurately, regard them as being like slightly rounded oblongs or slightly rounded rectangles.

It is fine to work with the seven  chakras or centres, though there are in fact, a hundred centres in a line through and also above the body. Many of these are quite small in most people. Astral energy stealers don’t know anything about the centres that are new, or above the physical head, so we don’t have to focus on these. After getting used to the closing doorways technique, you can work on the new ones as well.

Familiarize yourself with the centres in the body. From the lowest main centre the base centre, there is the sexual centre, then the solar plexus. Above that is the area of the heart centre, which can be considered as one area, though there are three centres in that space. Then there is the throat centre. One of the centres above the throat centre is the third eye, situated between and above the eyebrows. These centres can be charged up with meditation, and the energy within them can provide a meal. The lovely energy you end up creating in your aura can also be munched on.

What follows is a closing doorways meditation. Do it as soon as you finish your meditation session.  With practice you can become quick at this.

Close your eyes and place your awareness on your base centre, situated in your perinaum, between your legs.  Imagine a door is on the chakra. If it is open, imagine closing it, and locking it with a gold key.

Now place your focus just below your navel and in the middle of your body. Again imagine your sexual centre or chakra. Imagine a door on the front of it. If the door appears to be open, then close it, and lock it with the gold key.

Place your awareness on your solar plexus (in the centre of your body near your stomach). Imagine your solar plexus centre as a ball of energy, and notice the door on it. In your imagination notice if the door is open or closed. If it appears open, then close it. Lock it with a golden key.

Move your awareness up to the heart centre. Again look at the heart centre, and the door on it. Close the door if you need to, and lock it with a golden key.

Place your awareness on your throat centre now. Look for the door. If it is open, then close it, and lock it with a golden key.

Now imagine your third eye. Look for the door on it and check if it is closed. If it is open, then close it, and lock it with a golden key.

Now to cover and protect your aura. Imagine a thick, dark blue hooded cloak with a coloured silky lining, being placed around you. The cloak and hood is calming and soothing. It covers your aura. On the front of the cloak are some buttons. As you do up the buttons you seal your aura.

When you are ready, open your eyes.

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

“What do you want?” : the answer is…

Many moons ago I visited an Indian saint’s ashram in Southern India. It was always hot. Milk for tea came fresh from a cow, drinking and washing water from a well. It was spicy food throughout the day. There were lush green field with waterways and coconut trees. I wore an orange wrap on top, and an orange sheet wrapped around my botton half. It was the thing to do there. We had chanting, meditation, talks and ceremonies. I could feel the atmosphere was charged with spiritual energy, and the Swami would charge up with energy as well, and use it for our benefit, which he did a good job of. There was a lot of healing and change going on.

On reflection, I was never interested in the minor miracles that happened, or impressed by them. I just felt that is what happens with energy and some people can do that kind of thing. My perspective was that Perfect Masters can do much more far-reaching things in the world. As for the Avatar, well they can do whatever they need to on a creation wide scale.

For a few day’s the Swami kept asking me if I wanted anything, when we were out in the town, visiting a temple, eating a meal, and whenever any other opportunity arrived.

I thought to myself this was great, I could have whatever I want. So I thought about a new girlfriend, a new house, new car, and that kind of stuff.

Then I asked myself, well if I had all of that, what else would I want. Then the penny dropped as we say in the UK. I knew what I wanted. Tell you later.

What would you want?

What happened next was that I saw the Swami with a group of his devotees and went up to him. I said, “I know what I want. I want only that that God wants me to want.”

After that he sent someone for some oil, someone for water and someone for ash. He made a paste, then applied it to my forehead as he said a prayer in front of the devotees. It felt great.