Intuitive Triangles for Decisions

A fairly quick way of assessing a situation or checking out choices is to use this intuitive method. It’s ideal for something new where you might not have prior experience, or when someone else is trying to get you to do something.

If you want to, you can then go into a more thorough exploration, which for choices, goals and big decisions is important, and think things through.

This method is visual, and with practice, can be done in a few seconds, or the blink of an eye. If you have the time, you can also feel inside yourself, to check the feelings you may have to do with what you are considering. Good, beneficial choices and decisions will have happier feelings associated with them than choices or decisions that are second best or downright detrimental.

The method is based on triangles. The triangles usually point upwards, and tend to be equilateral triangles with all sides equal and all angles equal. That’s usually, if the energy is particularly bad, then the triangle points downwards.

The triangle will have a colour or colours. How lovely they look reflects the energy. The brighter and more beautiful they are, the better the energy and the decision or choice. The greyer, or darker, and meaner looking then the choice or decision is best avoided.

Everyone has an imagination, and using what we call imagination is a way of using the third eye chakra or centre, and the other chakras or centres which can feed into what we experience through what we imagine. When we imagine, we think we make something up. When we make something up, we are using our brain and energetically, our chakras or centres. Done with an honest and open intent, what we are effectively doing is using the input from chakras/centres to view something through the third eye. With practice, you get to find that you are using your third eye, rather than just making it up. Right now, everyone’s third eyes are opening up, and that means everyone. This gives everyone a new way of interacting with the world and sensing the world, not just physically through, physical eyes, but also energetically. Which means we can get to experience more of the astral world around us, which can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what is there, and if you know how to deal with it. Most people are unconscious of the fact that their third eye is opening, and some might want to block it out (usual techniques used to try to do this is drink and drugs, which tends to muck up the chakras and aura big-time, and in fact make people more open to the astral).

Back to the triangle, all you have to do is think of a choice or a decision to make, and for each, close your eyes and in a very quick meditation of a few seconds, view the triangle. Check it is pointing up or down. If down; avoid. If up, then check the colour or colours, and peruse them for a moment or two. Check your feelings linked to the choice, whether or not they feel OK, brilliant, or negative.

Usually, if nothing looks that great, then there is another option to find, perhaps by looking outside of the box. This part takes more considering.

This triangle method can also be done with eyes open with practice, like overlaying a visual image over what you see, like wearing a pair of google glasses. I’ve seen people use this to decide on routes when cycling and driving.

If there’s a case of where to go out with friends or someone new, there can be more aspects to explore. (I did once help a girl check the chakras, especially the heart centre, aura and general energy of a guy who had asked her out. Her decision at the end was a no.)

The triangle can also have words at each corner that describe the energy of the choice or decision, and it can be really useful to use your third eye to “imagine” the words at each corner, to give you more information. The third eye also works with taste and smell, so you can imagine the taste and the smell of the triangle, and even imagine a sound. This approach basically gives you a way of accessing information that is not available just by using the physical senses and the physical brain.

If you want to get really fancy, you can put smaller triangles on the corners of the larger, main triangle, to give a bit more information.

The more you do this approach, the easier it gets, and you get to work your third eye and other centres too, building them up.

I use the triangle method  for getting a quick energetic overview of what I see and read in the news, or of a person or organisation (interesting to try with politicians and political parties, and the occasional celebrity). Ocassionally, I get to challenge my assumptions about people, events and situations, that I assume are positive, but in fact aren’t, and ones that I presume are negative, but I get to see they are not. My education, background and culture that has influenced my thinking and beliefs is just that, merely education, background and culture. If I had been born in a different place and time, had a different education and different upbringing, I would think differently.

From a spiritual point of view, there are new ideas and concepts coming in that are original and brand new. They have nothing to do with anyone’s background or past, or past or current cultural ideas. You can’t relate to them using your past. But you can relate to them using your intuition and spirituality, as you are a spiritual being.

As spiritual beings, as souls being in matter, we have chakras/centres that we can use in our everyday life. We can live more and more consciously as spiritual beings, working with the energy and spirit of things.

Coaching meditation

I enjoy coaching meditation. It can be great to see someone feel happier than before. It’s great to see them discover something about themselves and their inner world they didn’t know before.

I feel like I’ve helped someone when they change so much on the inside, that they have the courage to make major changes in their life if this is required.

I don’t build up meditations in a mechanical way, like designing a meditation. I get a feel for the energy and let the meditation flow in.

If I’m with someone who I’m coaching, I see, feel, hear, smell, taste the energy and the light as it flows, and try to keep up and use words to describe what is happening. Every moment is unplanned, and it’s a case of trusting, going with the flow, and being open to the new. It’s great fun, and I love it.

Typically what happens the first time someone works with me is that their aura and chakras get cleaned up. Holes in their aura are cleaned out and closed up or resurfaced. Damaged chakras are fixed and perhaps updated. Old and unnecessary cordings are removed and old doorways into their energy are cleaned up and closed. Low level and unrequired astral and mental entities, and even some unevenly matched guides are removed.

Inner space becomes expanded, and filled with more silence and stillness.

High level beings acting like guides influence what types of light flow in, and visualization. They can have an overview of what a person needs, and what opportunities are available for maximum progress, as they will always go for the best. They will have a view of the possible and the probable timelines held in someone’s body and chakras, and will try to come up with a plan to reduce the least good timelines and provide the best possible one for someone’s spiritual development and life. They will also leave in timelines to see which timeline a person chooses. A person’s choices depends on their positive and negative karma, along with opportunistic karma, which can be positive or negative. The choice acts like a test.

On a personal level, my role is to get out of the way. As I have the experience I have had, and that is all, I don’t know everything. As I have my own beliefs and prejudices, my ability to thoroughly know and appreciate another person’s soul, thoughts, emotions, life and timeline is limited. I could only offer an opinion from my own perspective. Looking at the quality of timelines, or of a spirit or an energy of an event, process or object is more straightforward. They either look, taste, smell, feel or sound good, or they don’t. Guides can provide information, though this is less than perfect as some things are lost in translation.

(With regards to understanding people’s lives, there are five Perfect Masters around at any one time who have usually had a huge number of lives as a human, and have been there, done that. They have a good understanding of human life, and even so, they will have a perspective depending on the quality of energy or spirit they hold, whether that be Power, Knowledge, Wisdom, Bliss or Truth.)

I just say what is happening with the light. It’s guides and those I refer to as “that lot Upstairs”, who arrange the flow of the types of light, love and grace. I’m just the one down in physical creation doing my role in a team effort.

The thing is with spiritual development and meditation is that there is always a moving forward, always more learning, always the new in the moment, and the old to let go of. The adventure in spirituality goes on, as it does in life.

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

Big Change, Healing and Golden Adventure

You can short-cut straight to the meditations, though reading the explanation will give insight:

Once I took a homeopathic remedy called staphasagria. It’s very good for “healing” unresolved issues around family and relationships, and for clearing the backlog of emotions to do with these issues. I took a 2M dose which I found out was like dynamite. Things came to the surface very fast, and for a short while, life was hellish. Some issues and emotions were really cleared out.

The homeopathic remedy worked by putting the right kind of energy into the situation to flush a lot of the (I wouldn’t say all) old issues, energy and karma out into the open, so it could no longer be hidden away, and so it had to be resolved. It wasn’t the easiest of times but life was better after it.

While going through this, a key point was to not drown in the craziness. I still meditated, and that kept me focused.

Another time, my mental state was very depressed. For a lot of people in a similar situation this would be very unpleasant, but I had been warned beforehand by a healer that I would be going through this mental energy. He was very good at seeing what was on my timeline, and could see the negative mental karma I had to chew through.

Forewarned, I meditated and daily visualized several positive outcomes. Emotionally and mentally I still felt like rubbish, but day by day, the meditation and visualization got me through life.

Here are two points. One where negative karma and related issues explode and events happen for us to work through, dissipate and balance, and another where the energy feels unremittingly negative and unpleasant.

Events and processes such as these happen throughout life, and throughout history. But right now, they are happening more and affecting a lot of people. In many large scale happenings triggered by people, the environment and lifeforms within it also suffer. There is a lot of change going on in the world and life for some is really tough. There are also people who have lifestyles where they don’t notice the issues and the difficulties or suffering of others, some of which could be alleviated. We all have different karma, but we are all connected, and all of life is connected. For example, if there is serious airborne pollution, or a radiation leak, or pollution in a river, lake or ocean some distance away, then many lifeforms, including people are affected.

There has been a tremendous amount of healing energy pushed into creation at the moment. Some of this is creating the new, bringing in New Law and new karma.

Some of the energy, the love and the light is stimulating the old, bringing up the old karma and old law to the light of day, so it can be worked through, dissipated and balanced, to make way for the new. This means transformation; getting rid of most of the old, and creating the new, and having brand new timelines. It’s about getting life the way God wants, which can be very different to how people want things to be. There is change on many levels, for individuals, families, communities, countries and so on. Rapid change can be difficult, sometimes it can be fine.

Flushed old energy and karma can be painful. There are about 300 years of cleaning up the old to go through, as the old runs out of energy.

Along with positive action, a superb way through all the changes is meditation, because it can bring in grace and bliss to help with emotional and mental pain. Going into the silence of meditation can also help people navigate a way through life, by accessing a higher level input than that found in everyday life. It can also be a way of accessing the inspiration and practical guidance to take positive steps in one’s own life, and to help others and the environment. The new, updated laws and energy, concepts and karma are already here.

Meditation to access the new:

The simple version is to go into meditation and ask for the Paramatman light, as this already has in it the combinations of new frequencies of light required and information. But you get what you look and ask for, so expect the new. The Paramatman is also good for alleviating emotional and mental pain.

In a quiet place, get comfortable. Close your eyes. Imagine putting down roots through the floor and into the ground, and let them flow down to anchor you in, which helps you safely absorb more light. Imagine focusing directly above you, and imagine bright white light above you. Mentally say, “I ask for and open up to the Paramatman Light”. Then let it flow down as beautiful bright, white light. Let it flow wherever it needs to flow as it has a Divine Intelligence.

Let the Paramatman Light keep flowing for as long as is required.

When the Paramatman Light fades or goes back up,  check over your body, emotions and mind to notice anything different.

Open your eyes.

Another meditation useful for dealing with change and the thoughts and emotions linked with it is based on a tailor made package of energy.

Gold Light and Love is already flowing down from the first Divine Journey, down into the planes of creation. It is already in the sixth plane. So up there is energy filled with inspiration, beauty, emotions and dreams, along with energy to provide fuel to make changes happen, and a bit of bliss to make difficult times easier. As part of this energy comes the opportunity to have on going input from a high quality guide from the Divine Journeys, who can act like a personal trainer.

In a quiet, comfortable place, close your eyes. Imagine putting down roots like a tree, into the ground to anchor you in, and help you deal safely with high frequency light.

Let light from the ground wash through you to start with, to clear any debris and emotional energy you don’t need.

Now let white light flow down from directly above you. Let it flow through the top of your head, and through each chakra in turn, to heal, cleanse and synchronize the chakras. Let the white light flow through your nervous system, and your muscles and bones, which store the memory of your life events in them, and your organs. Let the white light flush out what you don’t need and what can be released at this time. This is quite healing in its own right.

Now see directly above you in a midday position, a bubble of brilliant gold light which is coming down from the 6th plane, which is a plane of mental light, into which the first Divine Journey is flowing.

This gold bubble is filled with new inspiration, new ideas, new motivation and new emotion. So within this are new moments like points along a new timeline. Attached to the bubble is the focus of a new guide from the Divine Journeys.

The gold bubble comes down to encase you, and the gold light saturates all your chakras, and every single physical atom in your being. The gold light floods your astral body and your mental body. By doing this you are saying Yes to new law, and releasing the link with old law, which is found in old ways of living. So it is time to create something new, and do something new, based on love and life.

Feel the gold light in your eyes, and in your brain. Feel the gold light in your heart centre in the middle of your chest, and feel the gold light in your solar plexus.

Let the gold light flow down cordings that you have with people, places and things, that seem to accept the gold light.

The gold light becomes absorbed within you. Feel yourself painted within with gold light. The guide’s input will develop in its own way, which will be a brand new story.

Now become aware of your body, and open your eyes.

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.