Fake news, truth and spirituality

Things happen, and they can be verified, even recorded. People can choose to accept that something has happened, or they can ignore it and say nothing happened, or that something else happened. Someone might report that an event happened, or they might tweet it, put photos up about it or share it in other ways. They will do this from their own personal perspective. This is expected human behaviour.

Other people might agree with what is expressed as it matches their personal preferences and prejudices (preferences if you like the person and their opinions, prejudices if you don’t). Again, this is expected human behaviour.

Yet other people might just make stuff up, and their supporters will agree with it (wow, human behaviour), and other people will wonder what the heck is going on, as making stuff up is weird and extreme behaviour.

Where is truth in all of this? Where is spirituality?

It depends on what you think truth is and what you think spirituality is. All of this is relative and depends on what you believe.

It is possible to check out a person’s interpretation of events, or of fabricated events (fake news). It is also possible to check out a person’s opinion and their interpretation of events and news from our own point of view. We all have a personal truth, that we usually need to stick with.

I found that meditation and using energy techniques to clear the energy in my body, in my chakras or centres, and in my aura has had an impact on my ability to get a sense of the qualities of a person’s or a group’s interpretation of an event, and of information that they give out.

The use of meditation opened my third eye or at least made me aware of it, and helped me to clean it up. This helped me to use my third eye to perceive information and analyse it along with the information from my other chakras or centres. I wouldn’t say it was perfect, and there were limitations.

Firstly, chakras could be made ultra clean, but in everyday day life with all kinds of energy around that isn’t always possible. A person just has to do their best. Secondly, we can (usually) only see or sense what we know to look for. So the more experience we have, and the more good quality spiritual education we have, the more we can sense. What we know is also shaped by what I would call my preferences which someone else would call my prejudices, my pre-judging. (In fact, bravely and honestly looking at one’s own preferences to check just how true they are can be a good thing to do).

Thirdly, we don’t tend to have the full picture of an event. We don’t know the historic run up to an event, we don’t know the full past lives and karma of people concerned or how far back the timeline of energy goes. We might be able to sense the intuitive rightness or wrongness of an event though in the present. We won’t know the short-term or long-term future consequences of an event, or anything about the future timeline of the energy linked in with the event. Nor will we sense what might be happening simultaneously on the astral and mental levels. Fourthly, some people work with guides. Guides can be on different planes and have different amounts of experience. Higher plane guides will have better energy and should be better at making interpretations of what is going on, though they can, and do, make mistakes (which might be a surprise to some). The newer, divine guides coming down are something else entirely. Guides won’t necessarily give us all the information, but give us what we need to know from their perspective. Also, we often don’t interpret what is given us with total accuracy.

There is a lot of information we are not usually getting.

Still, we can gauge the rightness or wrongness of an event, or of the news, and of a person’s opinion or interpretation of news and of events, as long as we are in the right space.

If we react angrily to something we go right down the planes of consciousness where we might feel self-righteous but we won’t be right. It’s necessary to be calm, let go, and be detached as much as possible. Some people are able to reach a point of forgiveness, which is the ideal.

If your heart is open, then love can flow, and the truth can be touched.

In spirituality there is a concept of a Higher Power, of a Higher Self, and of the Divine, of God. To touch them, an open heart is necessary. When you are in touch with your Higher Self, or a Higher Power, or the Divine or God you will feel peace, calm, stillness and silence. In this space, it is easy to have a sense of truth and be able to determine the level of truth or the degree of twist in something, and the degree of goodness or the level of wrongness. You just offer up the event, or the news, or the interpretation of the news, or a person’s opinion. Let go and offer it up, and ask what is it all about, or how good it is. Then in peace, let yourself receive an answer. Then, you can know in your heart, what is right, and what subtleties are involved in a situation.


You might like this article about using either your intuition or a pendulum to spot if something is fake or if it is the real deal. Here’s the link.

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Why Pschometrising is Important

Most of us like to know what is going on around us, and know what is going on in the world that affects us and affects those we feel an emotional or empathetic connection to.

But often things aren’t quite what they seem on the face of it.

The British Parliament had a vote about starting the process of leaving Europe. Energetically there is a lot involved in the issue of Brexit for a lot of people in Britain and Europe, and a lot of energy involved in it as well.

Psychometrising is about looking at, or sensing or feeling the energy within a person or an object, or a process that is going on or an event. It is a powerful way of using your intuition to obtain a sense of what is occurring so you have some understanding of what is going on.

On a simple level a person can have a gut feeling about something. On a more sophisticated level a person can use their intuition in whatever way they can according to their capability.

A problem that affects psychometrising is prejudice. It also affects beliefs and how someone thinks.

Most people will like and approve of people who are like them. They will like and approve of what they are familiar with. (What happens when the familiar crumbles?)

One time I read in the news about a peace protest. There was a picture of a peace protestor in the newspaper. I like peace so I thought what a wonderful person they must be in the picture. But it didn’t feel quite right. So I psychometrised them. I looked at their heart centre as if it was made up of layers. The peace protestor’s heart was black and negative through and through. This was a bit of a shock to me, so I checked out the rest of their energy, and found it was actually quite malicious.

So I zoomed out like looking at a film of an event to look at the bigger picture, and to understand more of what was going on.

I learnt that sometimes people claim to be good but they actually are not always. I learnt that when something is happening and someone says or implies that they are doing something good it really isn’t always the case. Looking at heart centres and at the bigger picture, and psychometrising, that can give a different understanding. Like I said though, ones own prejudice can get in the way.

People have centres or chakras. Countries have centres or chakras, as well as their own unique spirit that makes a country different to other countries. People and countries can be psychometrised along with their timelines. A chakra system, going up from base centre, sexual centre, solar plexus, heart centre, throat centre, third eye and crown (or a more updated system of centres) can be psychometrised. So you can look at say the education system of a country as a system of centres and see at what level the education system is functioning. (Usually in terms of what is spiritually possible this is base, sexual centre or solar plexus at the most at the moment). When an education system becomes more advanced spiritually, or does something right, the energy moves up the centres so a higher part seems to light up. Other systems in a country, such as a health system or a political system can be psychometrised in a similar way. A country’s chakra system can be psychometrised to give us a sense of how it is living up to its spiritual potential.

Some countries, and the systems and the organizations within them can look completely grotty and corrupt  (while some can look like they are fairly good). Zooming out can give a different spiritual perspective. There are some spiritual laws. One is called the Law of Opposites, and another is called the Law of Saturation. Sometimes a person, or a group of people or a country have to be absolutely saturated in a situation or a condition before it flips over into its opposite. So a country can be saturated in a situation where the government and cronies are corrupt and cruel until there is a vote or a revolution and the people get a more benign government. So psychometrising can mean zooming out of a situation that is complex and looking at its timeline, knowing that things change. This is particularly so if the situation has been given a spiritual push, as is happening right now all over the planet earth in this remarkable time. So hang on to your hats, and most definitely your emotions.

Brexit then. With the vote in Parliament to start proceedings to leave Europe the energy went up a bit in the chakra system of Britain. Which is on the up and up. So most of the economists will keep getting their gloomy predictions wrong.

The chakra systems of the European countries tell a different story. France’s is low but higher than Germany’s. Italy’s looks like something has to happen soon to bring about a rebalancing of energy. The chakra system of the European Union looks very ill with a lot of negative energy which will have to implode to clear the energy. The chakra systems of most countries in Europe improve after that.

With lots of light and love flowing into the world, well the earth has to change. Our lives will change, how we live will change and what we have in our lives will change as well. So everything, literally everything will be different. That means we all have to change as well. It is already happening.

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

Explore psychometrising in more depth on the online course, The Intuition Program. Click below for more details.

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