The Future Is Yours

I haven’t posted in a while. Life has been busy with its up’s and downs and mostly enjoyable and virtual stuff has been kept to a very happy minimum.

The world seems to be going crazy, which is good, as all the Light pouring in has flushed up a lot of the junk and old karma that has been previously hidden. And the Light is chewing through the junk. I’ve written about the Light bringing up to the surface what needs to be brought up for negation in previous posts.

People don’t like to change, but humanity has got to where it is by carrying on in ways that are unsustainable, and in ways based on greed, selfishness and sometimes hatred towards others.

Lightworkers can choose to tune into the energy, the Light coming in and go with the flow of it, and life can get easier as they make the necessary changes. There are previous posts which explain how to open that big heart, connect with intuition, and become aligned with the Light, so as to make changes in life. It’s all about getting onto the best timeline, which tends to be less about what we as personality-individuals think we want, but rather about what God wants for us, that will make us happy. It is all about what we need rather than what we want: as individuals and as humanity as a whole.

Anyone can, if they choose to, tune into the Light and the Love to have insights into what they can do to change as a person, and what the most loving thing they can do to make life better for themselves and also for others. The Light works through people to bring about Loving changes. You usually know what needs to be done because it feels important to you.

There are people who are happy and comfortable with how things are in the world, who don’t want the change, and who will try (ha, ha) to oppose it. The Light comes from an Infinite source, so guess whose reality is going to be created.

There are a lot of changes that need to happen and life will look very different in, say, even fifty years. Someone called Meher Baba said that around the beginning of the Twentieth Century the energy was 75% dark and 25% light, and that by 2069 it needed to change to 25% dark and 75% light, and He did the energy work and set the timelines for this to happen. So hang on to your hats.

Even the grumpy ones should be happy with the improvements after that.

After that change, there will be more, as humanity and creation will keep evolving in a spiritual sense. To give you an idea of what that means, the human system of mental body, astral body and physical body, will be able to handle more refined energy and in larger amounts. Which also means more chakras. So in future lifetimes there will be upgraded energy systems and different karma to go with that. All souls are on a journey. To where? (Mentioned in previous posts.)

The future is yours.

Ice cream, fish and chips, and deepfakes

Walking in the centre of St. David’s in Pembrokeshire (West Wales), having eaten a huge and delicious ice cream, I saw what I thought was a disturbing sight. Some distance ahead on the other side of the road, there appeared to be a tall, slim young man with arm outstretched. His energy felt from a distance to be wrong. I wondered what I was seeing as I tried to sense in more detail his aura and chakras.

I did what I usually do with someone or something that feels bad or wrong. I offered the young man to God and visualized two white gloved hands coming down and taking him up.

As I walked closer I realized the young man was in fact a dressed up manikin advertising the location of a fish and chips shop.

No wonder I couldn’t sense any aura. The figure wasn’t human. Plus there was no astral energy hanging around it.

I laughed about it and ruefully thought how physical eyesight declines with the passing years.

Later that evening the idea came in that computer generated deepfakes weren’t real either, and that they wouldn’t have an aura. So people didn’t need to be fooled by them.

Looking at a deepfake there would be the expectation that it is a real person, and expectation, where we make ourselves believe something to be true, would override our deeper feelings about the situation.

Fortunately though, the sophisticated and complex technology used to create the deepfake can be beaten by very simple technology. The pendulum. A piece of thread and some metal or a crystal can defeat the fakers anytime.

Just use the pendulum by what would be the heart centre of the person in the image and ask if it is a real person with an aura. It should be possible to detect the energy in the heart centre if it is a real person in the image. The pendulum should swing or move in a circular motion. With deepfakes, there should be no movement.

It is possible to practice on pictures of real people and known deepfakes to build confidence at this.

The pendulum technique can be used for a kinds of things to figure out if something is true or fake: news articles, social media posts, or voice clips for instance.

In this high tech age it is worth learning to use low tech. It stops you being manipulated and controlled, and keeps you free.

(There are several videos on Youtube about how to use a pendulum.)

Space and Spirituality

In days gone by people used to think that spirituality meant sitting in a cave, meditating (perhaps some people still do). These days, there is more of a focus on blending spirituality with living a life. It isn’t even necessary to meditate, as a life of service, doing positive acts for others, moves people along spiritually just as well (heart centre shines and old karma gets burnt up). So people can approach spirituality in a way that is right for them.

One thing we all have in common though, is that we are on this planet Earth.

When we are born on this Earth, we are layered with an Earth spirit. And also a layer of spirit from the country we live in and our parents. (If born at sea or in a plane, or developed in a laboratory outside a womb, there is a different spirit, though we have many lives and so get to experience different blends of spirit.)

Even as we grow and develop inside the womb our bodies are built with atoms that come from the Earth. As we grow as children, the food we eat and the air we breath has come from the Earth and its atmosphere. The spirit we get from this is like a stamp or essence within us that says “made on Earth”.

If we are grounded, then we get rooted into the Earth. We are used to its magnetic field, and its gravitational field. We are used to the intensity of sunlight from the closest star, our Sun.

If we know our exact time of birth and exact location, we can have produced for us our astrological birth chart. Based on the planets in our home solar system, and the distant (though not on the astral levels) constellations, this is like a map or symbol picture that is full of information about us, our qualities and potential, and perhaps our lives. This astrological chart though, is only for our birth on this planet.

This Earth is also the home planet of the Perfect Masters, the Avatar when they are here, the Spiritual Hierarchy, and some God Realized beings. So astrally from space, this planet is lit up like a Christmas tree, for any ETs with developed enough third eyes. The amount of spiritual light here on this planet, coupled with the light flowing in creating changes to humanity (as its karma is rapidly worked through and altered), life and the planet, makes this Earth quite bright.

There has been a growth in space technology, and there are races on to get to the Moon to set up bases and set up a base on Mars. People will also be thinking ahead to mine asteroids or to get to the moons of Saturn and Jupiter.

The old technology of rocketry, with a basic example in Greece around 400 BC, and rockets being used in battle by the Chinese in 1232 AD, is being rapidly developed.

But rockets are too slow to take humanity long distances in space within a person’s lifetime. New technology needs to be developed, and the new mathematics and physics to underpin any technological advance needs to be developed beforehand.

Knowing the deviousness of some people, it is quite likely that there are already secret space programs using reversed engineered technology based on ET technology from crashes that have happened around the world.

But, as the new spiritual energy coming in stimulates humanity, advances in mathematics, physics and technology will happen anyway, which will make the secret programs redundant (sorry folks!).

With the possibility of space travel what will this mean for humanity? What will it mean for spirituality?

Can you imagine a group of people going to Mars, and being free of the government they left behind?

Some people within governments would absolutely hate the idea of not being in control. But think of those distant days when America was British, and the time when some Americans showed the world they really had no idea of how to make a decent cup of tea by throwing it overboard from a ship. It wasn’t too long before the British overlords were sent packing and America became run by Americans. Then some Americans who were more powerful decided to run it for their own benefit.
Oh well, that’s progress for you.

Would the same kind of thing happen with a group of people going to live on Mars or the Moon? I would hope they choose freedom.

As children were born on the Moon or on Mars how would things be different?

They would have a layering of Moon spirit, or Mars spirit, or if born in space, space spirit. They wouldn’t necessarily have access to the same level of Avataric or Perfect Master energy as can be found on Earth, but as this expansion of humanity is part of a spiritual advance, then it is very likely some other way of accessing the energy will be available.

As a Moon child or Mars child grew up, assuming their food was grown on the Moon or Mars, then the atoms in their bodies would come from those places. How this affects their chakras and auras will be interesting to see.

For sure there will be differences in how they think compared to children on Earth. On Earth, children within different cultures are influenced by those cultures and their families, and the spirit of their country. So people from different countries and cultures tend to think and behave differently  to each other. Hence the French will never understand the English and vice versa yet at times there is still a strong relationship. People who have had the opportunity to go into space even as a space tourist have found the experience changes them. Having different gravity to the Earth, a different level of magnetic field, and a different view outside is going to affect these children. I wonder how they will relate to people back on Earth, which they may no longer consider as home after a few generations.

If the people are in space, then they may find there is some lovely silence and stillness, and quite a busy astral layer, mostly in a pleasant way. (Check this out by watching Space X or other launches as they go higher and higher and finally into earth orbit, and tune into the energy).

Also, living things have centres or chakras which comes from a touch of soul energy. But living things can also be astral. So there is more to life than what people think about life at the moment. Planets can have physical life but they can also have life astrally. 

What does it mean to be spiritual in Space? 

Well, the Divine is still going to be within those of humanity who go into space. Though in space, no one can hear you Ommmmmm! (Unless they can listen astrally.)

FAQs about meditation and online meditation

What if I’m new to meditation?

Meditation is fairly straightforward and in an online meditation you will be given verbal prompts as to what to do. You will soon pick it up.

What does meditation involve?

This depends on the kind of meditation. All meditations have a beginning and an end sequence, and these can be similar for each meditation.

For the beginning, you make yourself comfortable, and close your eyes. You can then focus on your breathing. Just notice your breathing, and observe it for several breaths. This relaxes you, calms your focus, and reduces mind chatter. You can then become aware of the energy of the meditation, relax, and just observe that.

What happens then depends on the kind of meditation. If it is a meditation held in silence and stillness, you allow yourself to notice the peace and calm. Or if there is an energy flowing while you are being silent and still, you relax, and just notice or feel the energy that is flowing in the meditation.

If the meditation is a guided visualization, you relax, listen and go with the flow of any images, feelings and sensations you might notice. It is like being taken on a journey, where you can relax and enjoy.

Towards the end of a meditation, you once again become aware of your breathing, and stay with that for a few breaths at least. You then become aware of your body, and perhaps notice your fingers and your feet and toes. Then when you are ready, you open your eyes.

What clothes should I wear?

The general idea is that you are comfortable. People will often wear loose clothing. Sometimes people like to wear some clothes that for them means they are going to meditate. It’s rather like having a protocol to follow that tells the mind, “Right, this is a special time, it’s time to step away from distractions, the outside world and busy thoughts and feelings, and meditate.” The clothes set the tone for some people.

How should I sit?

Some people like to sit in a traditional yoga lotus position which goes with Indian based meditation techniques. They would also hold thumb and (say, middle) fingers together to allow the flow of prana through the body. It is worth bearing in mind there are other meditation traditions where this won’t be considered a necessity. Some people like to have their hands, palms up, in their laps.

Some people like to kneel, partly sitting on a cushion, and other people are happy to sit in a chair. I find that sitting in a chair works for me as when the energy comes in during meditation, it accesses various chakras in a way where the lotus position and hand positions aren’t the important factors, whereas just being comfortable and open to the energy are important.

Should I eat or refrain from eating before meditation?

It is personal choice. However, in some kinds of meditation, there can be a lot of energy flowing through, and the body responds by using up resources. Generally it is helpful to make sure blood sugar levels are high enough, and having enough minerals in the diet is also helpful. It is better to feel stable and grounded rather than weak and faint, so a decent diet helps as does food after a meditation if it seems to be necessary. The type of diet depends on what helps your body feel nourished.

How long should I meditate?

As a beginner, 20 minutes or so is a good start for a week or so. Then 40 minutes, then an hour. It depends on the kind of meditation.

Working with energy though, it is possible to notice a start, when the energy starts coming in, a period where the energy of the meditation keeps flowing, and then the energy recedes. In this situation, the amount of time for the meditation then depends on when the energy stops, rather than being a set time.

In everyday life, a maximum of an hour a day is OK, as life is for living and loving and learning, and meditation can be used to support this, rather than be a way of avoiding life (with the caveat that sometimes meditation might be required as an escape and a healing respite for a while).

What benefits are there to meditation?

Once you have a feel of how much meditation to do a day feels right to you, meditation can be beneficial. There has been a fair bit of research done on the beneficial effects of meditation. It has been found to reduce stress and anxiety, and physically to lower blood pressure. People seem to become calmer and more relaxed, and happier. Being more relaxed supports creativity and focus, and so improves effectiveness.

I have found that meditations with a focus on self-esteem improve self-esteem. Also with meditation it is possible to improve body image. People can feel better about themselves with the help of meditation, though this can be achieved in other ways, too, (e.g. doing something you can do well at such as sports, singing, a hobby, learning a new skill, public speaking, finding a job you enjoy, and therapy if required).

As I work with chakras and the aura, I have found that meditations that focus on these help to clean up a person’s energy (so they feel better), and I have found it is possible to improve intuition (we all can do it, just needs a bit of preparation and practice).

Meditation can open up someone to the layers of their spirituality, and there is a lot to explore about spirituality through meditation.

Can children meditate?

Yes, though perhaps for shorter times than for adults.

When is the best time of day to meditate?

Any time that suits you or that you can fit into your life if it isn’t possible to prioritise a time. It helps to do meditation when you are not too tired as you might just fall asleep otherwise. Some people like early morning, some people like to meditate at noon, at lunchtime. It is what suits you and when meditations are available if you are doing them online.

There are meditations and articles about meditation and spirituality available on my blog through this link.

Your Past Lives, Karma and Spirituality

Most of what we do in this lifetime to express our spiritual nature is built on many past lives.

We have lives where our karma is all about learning and practising a spiritual skill and  developing our consciousness. In some past lives we may have had the karma to prepare our chakras, aura and bodies, then learn forms of healing. We may, lifetime after lifetime, have learned how to use specific chakras such as the third eye, or other chakras we would use in later lifetimes.

These past lives can have been way back, further than Altlantean root race times, and in Lemurian  root race times. Some of the lives can have been in time periods we know something about.

If you are fairly good or very good at meditation without any props (such as chemicals or music) it is likely you would have had one or more past-lives as a Buddhist, who were experts at meditation, the mind and what could be done with the mind. Similarly, you could have had past lives in India with it’s remarkable ground energy, practising meditation techniques drawing on the rich spiritual heritage there of Avataric incarnations of Ram and Krishna and other teachings in the Hindu body of spiritual knowledge.

Some of the more advanced knowledge would have been very technical and complex, requiring a lot of study and practice.

People who are drawn to Atlantean energy techniques would have had at least one lifetime in that time period in the area of the world that was influenced by that culture.

Throughout human history going way back there have been so many cultures around the world for people to have had past lives in, that were beacons of spirituality. There were Shamanic traditions in Europe, Asia and the Americas. (A long time ago what is now Russia and Alaska were joined so people and animals could travel and migrate.) People who like herbs, for medicinal use, for meditation, astral travel and meditation would have had lifetimes to build up knowledge and abilities. These and other lifetimes would be planned out on the inner planes between physical lives.

There are so many places in the world where it was possible to learn to use the body and chakras and aura for healing. A clue to Lemurian energy handling techniques comes from massage techniques and exercises done before massage in the huna tradition found in Hawaii. This knowledge extended throughout Polynesia (and there is a lot more to it than what is mentioned here). Other places where people could incarnate in past lives to learn how to use energy and heal would include China, in the Taoist tradition, in the Muslim Sufi traditions (think of the poets Rumi and Hafiz), in the Celtic Druid religion in the British Isles (very deep spiritual knowledge and think of Stonehenge and other stone circles). People could have had past lives in early Christian communities before the corruption at the centre of the Roman Catholic church, and in some Orthodox communities (knew a lot about breathing techniques).  The Ancient Egyptian culture was a place where people learnt about using energy, after the Atlantean period. People may also have had past lives learning Jewish mysticism and practising spirituality based on Kabbalah. I really don’t know much about spirituality in Africa, other than there must have been some traditions and teachings as there are still witch doctors and there was great skill with herbs.

What it would have been like to have one or more past lives in a culture such as the Native American culture before the destructive arrival of Europeans. The cultures had a deep spirituality which guided life and the relationship with Nature. There are very likely to be people alive today who did have past lives in these cultures.

The interests and skills that spiritual people have who are alive now can sometimes but not always give a clue to past lives of a spiritual nature and the kind of religions and spiritual practices they have been involved in. All that training got them to the point they are now at.

More on karma on this blog:

About karma and mental health

About karma and gender and sexuality

About karma and relationships

About karma, the law of Opposites and experience

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

Sexualising in Spirituality and Meditation

Recently in London in the UK we have had an incident where a group of men from the financial City part of London, and from the media and world of politics had a charity fund raising dinner arranged by an organisation called the Presidents Club. Women were hired to be hostesses. When they arrived for the job they were given skimpy outfits which were very exposing and short. Some of the men were touching and groping the women and treating them as bodies for them to look at and touch. They didn’t treat the women as people. The women were sexualised.

This sexualising and focusing on women (and some cases men) as bodies,  and as commodities to play with happens a lot in what I call the 3-D world. You see it in newspapers and magazines and in the media, where the focus of attention is on what is considered to be a physically beautiful woman’s body. The concept of auras and chakras doesn’t exist in this context.

I’ve joined some Facebook pages about spirituality, “awakening”, and meditation recently. One thing I have been struck by is how many photographs and how much artwork there is of young, slim waisted, curvy, women there are, with beautiful faces, and windswept hair, often wearing Native American Indian type adornments, and so on. There’s a suitable attractive background and some words that convey a suitably spiritual sounding message. There is a lot of glamour, which in a spiritual sense means an energy around it that looks flashy but actually has nothing to do with spirituality, and which side-tracks some people.

I find myself thinking that this is like the rest of life, and where are the real people, with real un-Photoshopped bodies? I know full well that a beautiful physical form that some people have bears no relationship to quality of spirituality, or quality of the chakras and aura, or of the spirit or the personality of the person.

What came to mind very quickly is a picture of a truly spiritual woman, who to me is far more interesting than any svelte figure. I have included the picture. It is an old picture of a woman called Hazrat Babajan who came from a Muslim background and who became a Perfect Master. Now here is a picture of a spiritual woman, with a truly awesome energy system. Take a look if you can, or feel he energy. (What she was like is worth discovering, and there is some information about her on the Internet and some old books.)

Image result for Babajan

This focus on the physical body rather than the energy and spirituality is not all just confined to the female form. When I was younger I felt I had a physical body that looked admirable and attractive. Very recently, while taking my shirt off to get changed, my young daughter looked and called out, “you look like a gorilla without hair!” “Well”, I thought, “At least I got sparkly chakras on the inside.” (Such vanity!) Nothing like children and teenagers to keep parents from getting any fancy ideas.

How many chakras do you have? (updated)

(I updated and added new material after a request for information about chakras.)

The view of most people interested in chakras or centres is that there are seven main ones. If you look at diagrams on the Internet you will usually view a person seated in a lotus position with seven coloured or patterned circles representing their chakras.

Was this always the case? Will it always be this way?

Chakras or centres help us interact with the energies of the world and Universe around us, and spiritual energies that come in that can continually change us. For example, the heart centre is the one the soul forms first, and it can receive and send out love, as well as receive and host some divinely inspired energies. The third eye (which is opening for everyone so we can all be clairvoyant – which is a bit of a mixed blessing as we get to see the unpleasant stuff as well as the lovely) helps us to interact with information from our universe. The base centre, which is so essential for literally rooting us into the earth, and providing the solid grounding needed for spiritual life. The sexual centre is about creativity and mostly procreation, and ownership (why there is possessivenous as in having a possession when someone has a sexual partner). The throat centre is about expression and communication. The crown centre at the top of the head in the seven chakra system is about spirituality and having spiritual energy and information. The solar plexus is concerned with emotions and is linked to thinking. It is also the body’s brain (while the personality mind is in the head). It is involved in sending out emotional energy and receiving it. The lower three centres, the base, the sexual centre and the solar plexus, are the ones most easily targetted with negative energy as they are the oldest. There are other centres.

Centres are important to focus on in meditation, as keeping them functioning and in a pristine state are essential to spiritual development and so how we express ourselves in life.

In people, the centres are large or small depending on how active they are, and are bright or dark depending on what the people think or get up to. People who use tinder or grindr for example, can develop quite black sexual centres which shows the energy that is building up in their sexual centre. This is linked to a build up of timelines in the sexual centre and the colour of the centre reflects the type of karma that is being built up that will need to be balanced in future lives.

I should put up a meditation to check out the colour of a person’s heart centre which gives a good reflection on their character. You can then check out people you come across, and it’s educational to take a look at the people on the TV. Once I found myself in a conference of people involved in the arms trade (long story, that). There were more than a few black hearts and some bats wings which indicated dark lodge status. They were an interesting mob.

A lot of the new children coming in have very bright centres, as they land on this earth to bring about some required changes.

The number of centres we require changes as time in Creation goes on. This is due to the process that creation is going through, and because the frequency and the types of energy we need to assimilate change.

There have been five root races of humanity going back into the dim and distant past. The first one was the Adamic root race, which was essentially etheric (plus astral) rather than physical, with a base centre and a sexual centre. Next came the Hypoborean, which would have had an additional solar plexus centre. Then came the Lemurian root race, then the Atlantean root race. Not sure how many centres they had but I think the Lemurian could be telepathic, so that means they would have the heart centre, the throat centre, and the third eye at least. Possibly not the crown centre at the top of the head, because the Atlanteans showed they weren’t very good at spiritual direction, in that they got it wrong and ended up being wiped out in what is biblically called the Great Flood. (There are also sub-root races that incarnate usually to get specific things to happen in various parts of the world.) After the Atlanteans  the root race which then came in was the Aryan root race, named after a group of people that developed in northern India. This root race had the full seven major chakras that can been seen depicted in old pictures of chakras. Meditation techniques developed in Buddhism and the spiritual practices in India were well suited to this kind of chakra system.

This fifth root race, the Aryan root race is coming to an end. There is an energetic push to bring this to completion. This means fragmentation in societies, both global and national, upheaval, uncertainty as things break up and timelines suddenly seem to dissipate and end, emotional upheaval. What is coming in is the sixth root race, and new timelines are starting with new energy. Sixth root race people have at least one hundred chakras or centres, whether they are aware of them or not. This means they can take in and receive as well as give out a bigger range of energy than the Aryan root race humans. They can process energy and emotions and thought in new ways, and handle more spiritual energies. The sixth root race is the next step in humanity. To put it into perspective though, there will be, in the distant future, a seventh root race, and further into the future, an eight root race, and so on, Each root race will be able to handle more spiritual energy than the root race before and will have even more chakras or centres, and they will most likely call them something different by then, and may not even have to have a physical, sound based language, but might be telepathic. Humanity will evolve energetically, and in how their body looks.

How do chakras or centres appear or come about? The change makers in the world, and in creation are the five Perfect Masters, and these beings are responsible for making changes, following the plans of the Avatar who incarnates every 400 to 700 years in major and minor incarnations.

Doing the meditations presented on the blog, the gold, white and blue light ones for example, will open up your new centres. Have fun.

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

Closing doorways and buttoning up meditation

Closing doorways on your chakras or centres is essential to look after and protect your energy, and turn down the volume on sensitivity. It is good to do daily, and after meditation.

Energy follows thought. This is an old and true spiritual rule. What you think, what you imagine and put energy into is what you are likely to get, given that it matches Natural Law and your karma. So if you think, and keep on thinking you can close the doorways on your chakras, then you can. If you think and keep on thinking that you can button up your aura, then you can.

It helps to know your centres or chakras. Take a look at the illustration for guidance. You will see plenty of diagrams showing seven chakras, sometimes you can find diagrams showing twelve chakras. In most diagrams and pictures, chakras or centres are shown like round discs, or spheres. It is fine to think of them like this. You can also, more accurately, regard them as being like slightly rounded oblongs or slightly rounded rectangles.

It is fine to work with the seven  chakras or centres, though there are in fact, a hundred centres in a line through and also above the body. Many of these are quite small in most people. Astral energy stealers don’t know anything about the centres that are new, or above the physical head, so we don’t have to focus on these. After getting used to the closing doorways technique, you can work on the new ones as well.

Familiarize yourself with the centres in the body. From the lowest main centre the base centre, there is the sexual centre, then the solar plexus. Above that is the area of the heart centre, which can be considered as one area, though there are three centres in that space. Then there is the throat centre. One of the centres above the throat centre is the third eye, situated between and above the eyebrows. These centres can be charged up with meditation, and the energy within them can provide a meal. The lovely energy you end up creating in your aura can also be munched on.

What follows is a closing doorways meditation. Do it as soon as you finish your meditation session.  With practice you can become quick at this.

Close your eyes and place your awareness on your base centre, situated in your perinaum, between your legs.  Imagine a door is on the chakra. If it is open, imagine closing it, and locking it with a gold key.

Now place your focus just below your navel and in the middle of your body. Again imagine your sexual centre or chakra. Imagine a door on the front of it. If the door appears to be open, then close it, and lock it with the gold key.

Place your awareness on your solar plexus (in the centre of your body near your stomach). Imagine your solar plexus centre as a ball of energy, and notice the door on it. In your imagination notice if the door is open or closed. If it appears open, then close it. Lock it with a golden key.

Move your awareness up to the heart centre. Again look at the heart centre, and the door on it. Close the door if you need to, and lock it with a golden key.

Place your awareness on your throat centre now. Look for the door. If it is open, then close it, and lock it with a golden key.

Now imagine your third eye. Look for the door on it and check if it is closed. If it is open, then close it, and lock it with a golden key.

Now to cover and protect your aura. Imagine a thick, dark blue hooded cloak with a coloured silky lining, being placed around you. The cloak and hood is calming and soothing. It covers your aura. On the front of the cloak are some buttons. As you do up the buttons you seal your aura.

When you are ready, open your eyes.

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

Why Pschometrising is Important

Most of us like to know what is going on around us, and know what is going on in the world that affects us and affects those we feel an emotional or empathetic connection to.

But often things aren’t quite what they seem on the face of it.

The British Parliament had a vote about starting the process of leaving Europe. Energetically there is a lot involved in the issue of Brexit for a lot of people in Britain and Europe, and a lot of energy involved in it as well.

Psychometrising is about looking at, or sensing or feeling the energy within a person or an object, or a process that is going on or an event. It is a powerful way of using your intuition to obtain a sense of what is occurring so you have some understanding of what is going on.

On a simple level a person can have a gut feeling about something. On a more sophisticated level a person can use their intuition in whatever way they can according to their capability.

A problem that affects psychometrising is prejudice. It also affects beliefs and how someone thinks.

Most people will like and approve of people who are like them. They will like and approve of what they are familiar with. (What happens when the familiar crumbles?)

One time I read in the news about a peace protest. There was a picture of a peace protestor in the newspaper. I like peace so I thought what a wonderful person they must be in the picture. But it didn’t feel quite right. So I psychometrised them. I looked at their heart centre as if it was made up of layers. The peace protestor’s heart was black and negative through and through. This was a bit of a shock to me, so I checked out the rest of their energy, and found it was actually quite malicious.

So I zoomed out like looking at a film of an event to look at the bigger picture, and to understand more of what was going on.

I learnt that sometimes people claim to be good but they actually are not always. I learnt that when something is happening and someone says or implies that they are doing something good it really isn’t always the case. Looking at heart centres and at the bigger picture, and psychometrising, that can give a different understanding. Like I said though, ones own prejudice can get in the way.

People have centres or chakras. Countries have centres or chakras, as well as their own unique spirit that makes a country different to other countries. People and countries can be psychometrised along with their timelines. A chakra system, going up from base centre, sexual centre, solar plexus, heart centre, throat centre, third eye and crown (or a more updated system of centres) can be psychometrised. So you can look at say the education system of a country as a system of centres and see at what level the education system is functioning. (Usually in terms of what is spiritually possible this is base, sexual centre or solar plexus at the most at the moment). When an education system becomes more advanced spiritually, or does something right, the energy moves up the centres so a higher part seems to light up. Other systems in a country, such as a health system or a political system can be psychometrised in a similar way. A country’s chakra system can be psychometrised to give us a sense of how it is living up to its spiritual potential.

Some countries, and the systems and the organizations within them can look completely grotty and corrupt  (while some can look like they are fairly good). Zooming out can give a different spiritual perspective. There are some spiritual laws. One is called the Law of Opposites, and another is called the Law of Saturation. Sometimes a person, or a group of people or a country have to be absolutely saturated in a situation or a condition before it flips over into its opposite. So a country can be saturated in a situation where the government and cronies are corrupt and cruel until there is a vote or a revolution and the people get a more benign government. So psychometrising can mean zooming out of a situation that is complex and looking at its timeline, knowing that things change. This is particularly so if the situation has been given a spiritual push, as is happening right now all over the planet earth in this remarkable time. So hang on to your hats, and most definitely your emotions.

Brexit then. With the vote in Parliament to start proceedings to leave Europe the energy went up a bit in the chakra system of Britain. Which is on the up and up. So most of the economists will keep getting their gloomy predictions wrong.

The chakra systems of the European countries tell a different story. France’s is low but higher than Germany’s. Italy’s looks like something has to happen soon to bring about a rebalancing of energy. The chakra system of the European Union looks very ill with a lot of negative energy which will have to implode to clear the energy. The chakra systems of most countries in Europe improve after that.

With lots of light and love flowing into the world, well the earth has to change. Our lives will change, how we live will change and what we have in our lives will change as well. So everything, literally everything will be different. That means we all have to change as well. It is already happening.

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Explore psychometrising in more depth on the online course, The Intuition Program. Click below for more details.

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Future Positive for Humanity and Spirituality

great future 4

This planet earth and the rest of creation is always developing, always moving forward. All form, all animals, plants and minerals are continually developing energetically. As time goes on new physical forms are needed to hold the souls and be ideal vehicles for spiritual growth. So new lifeforms  come into existence, and older lifeforms become extinct. (This theme was written about in the Alice Bailey books in the 1920’s, and also mentioned in Meher Baba’s book “God Speaks”.)

Humans also continually develop. What is humanity now is energetically more developed than humanity in history, and in ancient history. Big shifts in human development come about with the emergence of root races. The first Root race was the Adamic root race. The second root race was the Hyperborean root race. The third root race was the Lemurian, then there was the Atlantean root race. This present root race is the Aryan root race. With each root there is a shift in the chakra that is the focus. In the first Root race the focus was on the lowest centre which is the base centre. In the second root race the focus of energy was on the sexual centre. In the Lemurian root race the focus was on the solar plexus as that was developed along with emotions. In the fourth root race, the Atlantean root race, the focus of development was the heart centre, though that root race didn’t end so well. The fifth root race focus in the Aryan root race was the throat centre. The fifth root race is coming to an end. This shows up by fragmentation of timelines and this manifests itself with what appears to be chaos, change, uncertainty, alienation and breakdown of societies. Usually a root race ends with 98% of humanity dying and the new beginning of the next root race starting through the remaining 2% along with a new type of human body appearing. The Atlantean root race ended dramatically with a flood.

As humanity moves into the sixth root race perhaps the transition can be gentler. There will be more root races in the distant future. As a simplification, each later root race can hold and can function with a higher vibration of energy than the root race before. Just for information, as a soul has many reincarnations, someone can have had lifetimes in the Adamic, in the Hyperborean, they could have had Lemurian lives (feel a strong draw to visit Australia, or Hawaii?), they could have had Atlantean lives (like doing transplants or genetic modifications?), as well as Aryan lives.

In humanity as in all of creation, as time goes on the body, or the form becomes more refined, and able to handle increasingly stronger spiritual energies. The form can have more chakras or centres than existed in earlier versions of the body. So your body, aura and chakras will function in a more complex and subtle way compared to the body of someone who lived a few hundred thousand years ago. When you next reincarnate, your new human body will likely be the new, sixth root race version with 100 or more chakras or centres, updated devas in the body, and other new features. So you will perceive, feel and think, and then behave and communicate differently to how you do now.

It is new energy that moves humanity and the rest of creation onwards. On the Divine Journeys outside of creation there are many forms of love, each higher one more intense, more virulent than the one before. The Divine Journeys hold the energy and what could be described as templates for how creation needs to be now and for the future. Bit by bit, these templates and energy are injected into creation so that there is a gradual progression and gradual change. Each bit of energy injected represents a future creation, so it can be thought of as futuristic energy.

Healing can be thought of as an input of energy, and often a taking away of old energy. What moves people on, what heals them, is the input of the love and energy from the Divine Journeys, though it is usually filtered, becoming much less intense as it comes down the planes of consciousness.

It isn’t energy linked to the old root races, like Atlantean energy or Lemurian energy, that brings about a forward growth. That just takes people sideways or backwards. Old or traditional energy techniques just don’t do it, though there might be a past life connection to the type of energy or old “healing” technique.

It’s always one wash after another of new energy that brings about healing and a forward movement.

The energy coming into the earth and into creation right now will be out of date in the next root race, and newer love and energy will be required to move Life on. So healing will be different again.


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Sweet dreams meditation

Good quality dreams requires three components; good quality sleep, a clean energy system, and an energetically clear space to sleep in.

This meditation focuses on clearing your internal energy, clearing some of the external energy, and bringing in helpful spiritual energy to help with having good quality dreams.

There are some very important physical aspects that have a huge influence on sleep quality and dream quality. These are explored after the meditation.


In a quiet place, close your eyes, and breathe gently and deeply.

Firstly, some clearing and healing from the earth. Imagine roots growing out from your legs and feet, and the base of your spine, into the ground. Your roots can be any colour that seems to appear.  If you are in a building, just imagine the roots growing through the floor all the way down through the building. Allow the roots to travel down, down into the earth.  Use your imagination to see the roots growing as deep as you can go into the earth.

Above your head, there is a small burst of white light which flows through the top of your head and flows down through your body. The white light touches and dislodges any slow frequency chaotic energy so that it can start to flow down through your body, through your roots and into the earth. The earth absorbs and neutralises the negativity.

With another burst of white light above your head, more slow frequency chaotic energy is released and pushed downwards, towards the earth. The chakra centres on the soles of your feet open up so the negativity, like a dark coloured liquid can flow out to be absorbed by the earth. Let the negativity flow into the earth to be neutralised.

At the same time, the earth sends up through your roots into your body, healing earth energy, which is a more ordered slow frequency energy that is nourishing for your body, which relaxes it, and revitalizes it. It will feel calming and soothing.

Allow this energy to flow up through your feet and through into the rest of your body. At the same time the negative energy is released.

Another pulse of white light from above your head flushes through your body, to remove the gunk, while nourishing energy flows up through the earth. Your body fills with earth energy.

Now a stream of white light flows in through the top of your head to fill your head… your neck…your shoulders…your chest… your spine… your abdomen…your lower back… your pelvic region… your legs and your feet, and also your arms and hands.

In this way, your body is cleared, and filled with harmonious energy.

There are doorways between you and the world outside your aura. These need to be closed. So more light flows down from above your head, in through the chakras or centres in your body, and then the light flows onto and through the doorways. The light flows and clears through the doorways. More light flows to the doorways, but this time to close them shut. More light flows onto the doorways to lock them.

Now to clear the energy around you. Imagine you are standing in the middle of a circle, which has other circles extending outwards around it. These circles are like layers around you. Energy and people can gather in your space, this part of the meditation is to move them out so that you have clear energy around you.

Imagine an orange-red light flowing form high above you onto the first circle around you, literally scrubbing and clearing this inner circle clear.

Mixed in with the orange-red light now are strands of purple and this mixture of light flows into the next circle out, clearing it, and cleaning it, as what shouldn’t be there is pushed out.

Two circles have been cleaned and there are seven to go. The light goes more purple, with some orange and red in it, as it flows down from on high and scrubs clean the third circle around you.

The light then flows around you to scrub the fourth circle clean. The light removes anything that should not be there. This fourth circle is cleared, and mixture of purple, orange and red light circulates around.

The light then flows onto the fifth layer, to remove anything that should not be there.

The purple, red and orange lights flow brightly and intensely onto the sixth circle around you, thoroughly pushing away what should not be there.

The light flows around the seventh circle, to leave a clear space.

The purple, red and orange light scrubs the eight circle around you, and then removes anything on the ninth circle that should not be there.

Within your body, the organs, cells and even the atoms are held together by devas. Devic energy now flows into and around your body, bringing harmony and soothing to the devas in your body. This affects all of your body. The energy might seem to just appear and flow, and help to quieten your body.

Imagine you look up above your head to a point of light that acts like a doorway. Mentally ask for a bubble of light that holds a dream for you. Be open to what comes your way. You might sense a gold bubble forming, coming through the point of light, expanding and then moving down into your head and body.

Let this gold bubble do whatever it does.

Now let yourself once again become aware of your body; your hands and feet, arms and legs, and your torso.

Open your eyes, or keep them closed for sleep if you wish.



To get good dreams, requires good sleep, and clear and clean energy inside you and around you.

Good quality, comfortable sleep is conducive to good quality dreaming. We spend about a third of our time sleeping so it really is useful to give the quality of our sleep some consideration.

As this is written, the 2016 Olympics have just finished. On a media website, there was an article about the thoroughness of the British approach to the Olympics. The article cited the research done into sleep, with the aim to improve sleep so that sports performance could be improved. Because of this research physical improvements to the sleeping arrangements were made. Single beds were replaced by comfortable double beds and tall sportspeople were given extra-long beds. Sheets were replaced with ones that allowed moisture to pass through. Making sure the room was quiet enough and dark enough is important too for undisturbed sleep. The sports people slept for longer than before.

Aches and pains in the body can affect sleep quality. Healing them gives the opportunity for more sleep. Some aches and pains can be avoided. For example, being fit and having strong enough muscles and good muscle tone, helps to avoid back ache. Being overweight with too much fat around head and throat can be a problem. Lying down at night, the airway can become blocked and cause breathing problems causing poor sleep quality throughout the night. Being a comfortable body weight can mean clear airways, comfortable breathing, and good quality sleep.

Sleeping with someone who wakes you up can badly affect your sleep, and your ability to dream. From an energy point of view, if they have clear and clean energy, then great. If they have closed energetic doorways, and no negative cordings, then great. If their energy is negative, angry, chaotic, depressed, and anything but happy, then this energy is going to affect your sleep and dreaming. If they have energetic doorways that are open, what comes through will most likely leak into your system. If you sleep next to someone who has been taking drugs or drinking, then you won’t have around you energy of the level of purity you need for high quality sleep or dreams. (Some drugs stimulate hallucinations or dreams of sorts but they are really lower astral energy. A bit like coloured bits of glass compared to the diamonds of high quality mental light that you can get with clear energy).  If they engage in behaviour that has a negative energy during the day or night that drops the energy around them and builds up a reservoir of negative energy within them, this will affect your sleep and dreams. (If the relationship is open or a partner has an affair there is a strong cording from their sexual centre to another person’s sexual centre and an open doorway with energy flowing in from that other person). So sometimes if you want a spiritual type dream as well as good sleep, sometimes it is best to sleep on your own.

There are some other considerations. Perhaps there are noisy neighbours or you might be fortunate enough to have quiet neighbours or no neighbours. Some people try to sleep next to a noisy road, people on a quiet road can get better sleep.

Overhead power lines are not good for health, and are not good for quality of sleep. Nor too is electrical equipment such as transformers. A clear space around your residence is best.

Some people are more sensitive and affected by electricity and artificial light than others. Generally it is best to keep electrical equipment to a minimum in a bedroom. So no television, no mobiles and their chargers, no switched on tablets or computers generating an electric field, and no using these just before bed (the bluish light from tablets and mobiles can affect a person’s circadian rhythms (their body clock), which affects sleep. From an energy point of view, smart phones, tablets and computers have rather a lot of open astral doorways in them. There are a lot of unnecessary timelines as well from phone and email contacts, and “connections” on social media. These devices are best ideally kept out of the bedroom, or at least energetically cleared and the doorways closed.

What is in the bedroom affects the energy of the room. Every object has an energy to it. Some objects hold and radiate negative energy, and other objects hold positive or even healing energy. Positive and healing energy is best in a sleep environment.

It really is a good idea to ruthlessly go through possessions, including gifts, and getting a feel for what is positive and what is negative, without prejudice and without being sentimental. Perhaps a relative gave you a gift, a heirloom, but the energy of it is dire. Really, it needs to be energetically cleaned or at least removed from the bedroom, or got rid of. If the energy of an object doesn’t support your wellbeing, then it needs to be cleared or removed. Books have open doorways, and if it is from the library, cordings to people who have read it before.

For some people, changing the direction the bed is facing can have a big effect on sleep quality, and health. Noticing if you are sleeping over a ley line is handy. Some ley lines energies can have a negative effect.  It may be useful to move the bed.

Good night and sweet dreams. Oh, good idea to keep a dream diary by your bed to write in as soon as you have the dream so it is still fresh.

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If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

How to work with your Higher Self to improve how you feel and improve self-esteem

Here’s the recorded meditation to go with this…

The main rule in life for anyone with an interest in their spirituality is that there is no limitation. A key fact in spirituality is that energy follows thought. What you put energy into is what is likely to happen.

Before we reincarnate into creation, as spirit, as souls, we are on the inner planes considering the karmic package we have for that life, and the lessons on the timeline. Then we look in the wardrobe of the possible personalities to wear and get the one that matches the karma that needs to be balanced out or burnt off.

Then into creation we go.

Sometimes are karma is such that over the years we develop a strong appreciation of ourselves, we like ourselves, and love ourselves. The events in our lives, and the family and other people we have around us have the effect that we have effortless self-esteem. Our personality will be such that it automatically has a very high regard for itself.

Sometimes our karma is such that over the years we have low self-esteem. There are events in our lives that knock us back, that as children get us to think we are wrong, or unloveable, guilty and worthless for getting something to happen (though it is not really our fault). There were people around us who were cruel, critical, abusive and mean. They treated us as if we were worthless, not worthy of love. We were isolated and alone. The people around us mirrored back to us that we meant nothing. Our personality matched this. (Sometimes the personality and spirit are massive, powerful and tough, and they overcome.)

We have lives where we have high self-esteem, and lives we have low self-esteem.

If it is a life of low self-esteem, we might have enough spirituality to do something about it. Plus our Higher Selves will love us immensely, as they know who we really are. So this life is one to learn in and do the lesson of deliberately gaining self-esteem and appreciating that, then leave the past behind, and move on to a better, more fulfilled life.

A great way to do this is to go for no limitation, and know as you put in the positive and loving thoughts and feelings, then energy follows thought, and you can improve your self-esteem. From improved self-esteem, a lot else that is loving and positive can follow.

Part of the journey to build strong self-esteem is to identify and remove the old thinking. A lot of this goes on subconsciously because it has been absorbed right into the person’s being. Also, when you think, you feel. It’s automatic and natural.

From an energy point of view, where someone has been around people who have acted and spoken unloving or cruelly to them, that person can still have holes in their aura, and different forms of negative energy shoved into their chakras or centres. This makes for a sensitive aura and energy system. Even when there is no physical abuse, negative thoughts and emotions from someone who is being cruel or hateful, aimed at another person, usually end up in the target’s chakras and aura. This is especially the case when the target is a child, as their nervous system and energy system is not yet developed and is not robust (this changes around the age of 14 or so). This can act to pull a person down; the past can act like a drag.

Children tend to learn from those people around them, so it can also be the case that a child can learn low self-esteem from the adults around them. So if parents and other adults around the child have low self-esteem, and speak like it, and act like it, then a child can learn that by osmosis. In this kind of situation, a child might have the spirit and personality to not be touched by this, but rise above it. Even so, their self-esteem is not as likely to be as strong as a child who has parents and adults around who have high self-esteem, and who treat the child with love.

It’s where there is neglect and emotional and physical abuse, and shocks in life, that there is low self-esteem.

Self-esteem can be raised. In children it can be raised over time with love, praise, fairness, positive language, and by valuing the child. This can mean listening to them, letting them make their own decisions (this aspect could really be explored at length), and valuing what they do.

Working with energy, and using meditation, there are points to bear in mind.

We all have a higher Self who loves us completely. What the Higher Self is, I’m not quite sure, or else I could attempt to come up with a definition, but I think it would be limiting and wrong. I’m used to thinking in terms of 3-D life, so I don’t have the ability to look at someone’s higher Self, or have the language to describe it. Not yet, anyway. I can say that Higher Self is amazing, and is love and light. I know we have a soul and that soul is in creation. The larger part of the soul is on the inner planes, outside time, and what needed to be achieved by this aspect of the soul, has been. It knows what the end of this particular journey is like. Then the soul is part of the Oversoul, along with all the other souls. So the Higher Self could be an aspect of the soul, or the Oversoul, with its love, understanding, sentiency and compassion.

The following meditation to improve self-esteem includes a couple of aspects that help to reduce the negative past and lift the present moment.

In a quiet place, get comfortable… close your eyes.

Take several deep and gentle breaths, and let go. Just breathe, noticing the inbreath, and the outbreath.

To prepare for this journey into love and light, this part is to clear and anchor your system.

Imagine growing roots down out of your feet and the base of your spine, into the earth. Make the roots a colour that feels right to you. Light or dark colours; it doesn’t matter so long as it feels good. Let the roots grow down as far as you can. If you want to send them down to the centre of the earth, that is fine. The earth is loving, and gives non-judgementally. It sends up your roots, love and nurturing, healing earth energy into your system, into your aura, into your chakras and body. This energy nourishes your organs, your bones, which are made from minerals from the earth, your muscles, and your spirit. Your roots hold into the earth and pull on it. At the same time the earth pulls on your roots, anchoring you.

Any energy you don’t want, can fall away, and fall through your roots, and into the ground, where it can be transmuted. So any stress, or anger, or chaotic, negative energy can be released, let go, into the earth.

The earth’s energy touches your aura around you, gently dislodging energy that doesn’t need to be there. The earth’s energy goes into your base centre, bringing a healing and it revitalises your base centre. The earth’s energy goes into your sexual centre, again bringing a healing. The earth’s energy comes into your solar plexus. Unwanted cordings drop away, and the earth’s energy brings about a healing in your solar plexus. The earth’s energy moves up into the centres in your heart centre area, bringing a healing and expansion.

The earth’s energy moves up into your throat centre, to open it up, bring about a healing to open up your self-expression. Old limitations in your throat centre are removed.

The earth’s energy keeps moving up your chakras, bringing about a healing each moment it touches a chakra.

Now white light flows down from above, and moves down and around your aura. Brilliant, pristine, and pure white light flows over and throughout your aura. Pulsing waves of this white light flow down from the top of your aura. This dislodges the old and brings in the new at the same time.

The pure, pristine white light flows down your chakras that are above your head, and into the chakras in your head.  Old thoughts in your space about yourself that you might have thought, or others might have thought about you start to fragment, and drop away.

The beautiful, pure white light keeps flowing down your centres, so any shards of negative energy in your chakras become visible, and dissolved or removed. Your head centres start to glow with more light and peace. Your throat centre becomes more powerfully expansive. The centres in your heart area have any negative energy pushed out, and they glow brighter. Cordings from negative people from the past drop away, removing the echoes of their influence.

The pure white light flows down into your solar plexus centre, into emotions stored in there, melting them, stirring them up and dissolving them. Again, cordings become filled with white light, burnt away, and then drop off. There is a fire burning in the solar plexus as the old emotions, and old situations are energetically chewed through, learnt from, and then removed to burn. The energy from this, once broken down, can be recycled.

The pure and beautiful white light flows down into the sexual centre, and pours in filling layers that are in an onion skin pattern. Each layer is filled with white light. Old cordings are filled with light and drop away. Old doorways are blasted with light, and then closed. Old shards of negative energy are brought to light, and then dissolved by the light. Old emotions and thoughts are shattered and burnt away. A re-patterning of the energy in the sexual centre occurs, so that energy is worked in a new way in the centre.

The pure and brilliant white light flows down into the base centre. It pours in and fills this space, changing and transmuting the old energy into something more expansive, lighter, quicker, and more creative. Old thoughts and feelings are gently dissolved. New possibilities and timelines are introduced. New thoughts are made possible.

A flash of gold light zips your aura and centres, and flashes through all parts of your body.

Your Higher Self, you as a beautiful being of light stands in front of you, blazing with light, understanding and peace. They look into your eyes, and your eyes look down the timeline of your past. As your Higher Self looks at you with a blazing energy, you look down your timeline with a blazing energy. Your timeline lights up a bright white and glows, as the energy burns down your timeline, turning to smoke old, grey and black looking events. Your Higher Self’s heart also shines and yours does too. Your Higher Self moves to stand close behind you, so you are cocooned in their energy field of light. Your heart and your Higher Self’s heart shine out light down your timeline into your past down to your conception. Your eyes and your Higher Self’s eyes shine down your timeline all the way to your conception. Bit by bit, there is healing and transmutation, as you feel your Higher Self around you, that which you will become, and on the inner planes, have already become.

As this healing occurs, the energy in your aura and chakras alters. Timelines held in your centres alter, to bring new positive possibilities. The sending of this light through you and from your Higher Self continues. As it happens, there is a bit of a merging with your Higher Self.

The sending of energy to your timeline comes to a stop.

Your Higher Self steps away from behind you, to stand in front of you. They Love you because they know who you really are. They look at you, and in a special moment, give you a smile filled with energy, filled with something new, that touches your system.

They then move off into what seems like the distance, yet they are close energetically, in the background.

Now bring your awareness back to your body. Notice your breathing for several breaths. Notice your arms and legs, and your fingers and toes.

When you are ready, open your eyes.

This is a powerful meditation that can be repeated.

Along with this, it is important to think positive thoughts about yourself to overcome any negative thoughts. Years ago, one healer said that every time I had a negative thought about myself I should say to myself, “I love and approve of myself”, two hundred times. I did do that. Nothing like repetition, repetition, repetition. I didn’t have time to think negative thoughts. The thought, “I love and approve of myself”, is a key one. There are other ones such as “I’m loved and wanted”. This is a useful transition thought, though the most important person to be loved by is oneself, rather than try to gain the love and approval of others.  “I am loveable”, is a useful thought. If someone has been made to feel guilty, then a thought like, “I am innocent, I love and approve of myself”. If belittled and made to feel worthless or useless: “I am wonderful, I love and appreciate myself”. There are variations, such as saying that you are valuable, worthy, or good enough, or fascinating (this is stronger than interesting). Another key thought is, “I love and respect myself”.

All of this is on a personality level, because our souls, who we really are, are part of God. God is in all of us. The Divine is in all of us. So deep down, we are all amazing. Going through karma, it might not seem that way. When someone becomes God-realized, and sense their true Divine nature, what bothers the personality mind becomes irrelevant, and the need for self-esteem fades away. Until that time, with a personality mind, self-esteem IS important, and is a useful tool in gaining and expressing spirituality.

Then, as we move from a Piscean energy, into a more collective Aquarian energy, we will likely gain more empathy for other people (and other lifeforms), most likely in an emotionally telepathic way, and we will need to powerfully esteem and love others, while at the same time, being true to ourselves. So that will be a new lesson in our spirituality.

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

There is an online meditation course about lifting and improving your energy. If you would like further details, click on the link below.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.

Cleaning up your energy

Keeping your aura and centres clear and clean is a good idea in order to stay healthy and happy. In some jobs it can be too easy to accumulate negative, slow frequency energy and twists from others. There are also places that are littered with old energy that just hangs around, which can easily be absorbed into the aura and centres of people.

If someone works as a therapist or counsellor, or healer listening to other people’s problems, they have in front of them someone who is shedding negative energy. This can be absorbed by the therapist or counsellor, or it can simply fall on the floor.

If the intervention is more hands on, resulting in old negative energy being displaced from the client, it can also be absorbed by the person helping, or again end up in the space being used.

There are a number of simple ways of cleaning up the room, or the space used.  The simple physical act of vacuuming the floor, wiping and polishing objects, shaking cushions and so on can shift the energy. Having the window open to allow through a breeze is good. Having a tap (fawcet) open so that water is running seems to pull away negative energy and help clear a space. An open fire is great for burning off negative energy. A candle, lit with the intent of clearing negative energy can work well.

Below there is an meditative way of clearing negative energy from within and around a person. It’s worth mentioning though, that there are physical things that can be done to shift negative energy. A great way is to go for a swim particularly in the sea, especially if there is some surf. Physical exercise or dance gets the body and the energy within it to move. Or go and walk in the wilds when it is very windy to have the wind blow through your aura. A more sedentary way is to relax in front of an open fire, or have a sauna.

Sometimes though, the negative energy absorbed is very sticky and virulent. Sometimes an astral entity has jumped from one aura to another. Then a  powerful  meditation technique is required. This is one such. Read it first to familiarize yourself with it before trying it out.

In a comfortable position and with eyes closed, imagine yourself sitting on thick, verdant green grass. Rain falls on you, only it is rainbow coloured rain, that shines brilliantly. It lands on your skin, immediately soothing away negativity on the surface of your body. Any negative cordings with other people simply
fade away. Any shards of negative energy, or objects holding negative energy melt off. The rainbow rain washes away the negativity, like washing away clumps of black energy.

The rainbow rain washes through your head and body, bringing rainbow rain to wash through your blood supply, your nerves, muscles and bones. The rainbow rain washes through your organs, carrying with it any old, slow frequency energy and spirit.

Just let go and relax, let the rainbow rain wash you through.

The rainbow rain washes down your legs and arms, and down through your hands and feet. The water drips off, to fall onto the ground.

Imagine your aura that surrounds you is made up of three layers, an outer, middle and inner. Outside these, there is a layer like a skin that acts like a barrier. Use your imagination to take a look at each layer in turn. Look for blobs of loose energy, which can be the thoughtforms of others, or their emotions which have ended up being shared with you. Also look for shards of energy, like splinters, and any other spots of energy. Look for any holes or tears or doorways in the outermost skin-like layer.

The rainbow rain falls gently through your aura. Now comes down from above you, multiple flashes of lightning, touching and removing whatever it touches. The lightning flashes around the inner layer. It flashes through the middle layer. The lightning then flashes through the outer layer.

The sun comes out (a divine Sun), and shines brightly on the outermost layer of your aura, while a breeze (a divine breeze) also blows healing energy to close up gaps, holes and doorways.

A deep, rich light flows up from the ground and through the grass into your body. This brings about a balancing, and a harmonizing of your internal organs and nervous system.

Feel the green grass under you. Feel the sun shining on you and warming you. Feel the breeze on your face. When you are ready, open your eyes.


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New Spiritual Energy is Changing Humanity. Time for a New Root Race?

Everything, absolutely everything in Creation is changing, and irradiating differently than before. Vast amounts of Divine energy have been, and are being fed into all of Creation according to a Divine plan. This light and love is particularly being focused into and through this planet of ours, for reasons that most people don’t know about.

With the new inflow of energy, everything is vibrating and radiating in brighter and stronger ways: the stars, the planets, the galaxies themselves, the trees and flowers, the crystals and minerals. Some species of animals are irradiating in a new way, and of course humans are (especially children). The result is change, and everything is all stirred up as change happens. This change affects us all. It affects us as individuals, and as people living within societies in countries. It affects how we live and our thoughts and feelings. It affects how Nature interacts with us through the changing weather. On a personal level, it affects our very chakras or centres, and our auras.

What most people don’t know is that this planet is the home planet to five Perfect Masters whose job it is to look after Creation. Ever since Creation first came into being there have been five Perfect Masters and as one of them drops their body someone else replaces them in their role. Unique to this planet, the Avatar who is God in human form, incarnates between every four hundred to seven hundred years in major and minor incarnations. It is the Avatar who sets out the plan and who does the energy work while down here to make the major decisions for Creation, set out the timelines, and start things in motion. The Perfect Masters then take over the helm. The influence of the Avatar and the Perfect Masters is felt throughout Creation.

Humanity is an interesting form of life. Souls can incarnate into human form and follow this path through to reach the goal of God realisation. Humanity has evolved through history and ancient history. With each evolution new chakras or centres were developed, and became energetically active. The first ancient form of humanity was the Adamic root race which was etheric. The lowest centre, the base centre was the one being developed. The second root race was the Hyperborean root race, and the sexual centre became the focus. In the Lemurian root race the solar plexus centre started to become developed. The ending of one root race usually meant the physical demise of about 98% of the root race, which was a lot of change in a very short space of time, and the remainder becomes the seeds of the next root race. The souls of those that died out incarnated into the next root race.

Writing about the demise of people in this way, it is very matter of fact and doesn’t at all considering the personality aspect or emotions of those involved. The fourth root race, the Atlantrean root race took a spiritual wrong turn and invited in a spirit of evil. The Perfect Masters found it necessary to remove most of them in the Great Flood mentioned in the Bible. Humanity was reset and a start-over could occur. Most of the esoteric or occult knowledge was taken out of humanity and locked away on the lower mental levels where humanity couldn’t reach it until sufficient of them had developed enough wisdom and common sense to use it beneficially.

The next root race that came into being is the one that is currently in creation. This is the Aryan root race. Unlike the earlier root races it has the capacity to  think things through. There was / is a focus on energising the throat centre in the bulk of humanity. With the heart centre already developed, even though some people’s heart centres can be tiny, or even black, many people have the capacity for great love and empathy.

The next part of the Avataric plan involves massive changes in creation. In humanity, it is no longer about the development of one more centre, but of many more centres, each with a different quality. It is a great speeding up, so the sixth root race that is being started will be very different to our current one. Incarnating into this root race will be very interesting for us as we will think, feel and act in ways based on many centres, and not just the several that most people operate with at present.

The sixth root race will be a massive spiritual evolution from the fifth root race, and they will live in a Creation that has been and is being massively spiritually developed. How the change over from the Aryan root race to the sixth root race occurs remains to be seen. (New Root races in the distant future will have more chakras.)

So there are two processes going on at the same time, a change over of root races, and a huge spiritual push for Creation. With a changeover of root races, old timelines burn up energy, lose energy and die out. For the old root race everything becomes fragmented, broken down and stops working. Life becomes more complex, chaotic and difficult, and this is currently being experienced by people around the planet. People love safety, security, and familiarity. As fragmentation occurs, this is eroded. People then need to trust God, access the God within their hearts, and open to the new and create the new, and not looking to the old past for guidance. Each day is a new day.

The timelines for the new root race have already been developed and charged up by the Avatar, and looked after by the Perfect Masters. These timelines are already energetically apparent. What needs to happen for these to come about physically is starting to happen. The energy of these timelines is clear of twists, and they are filled with love, light and intelligence. There are many new developments in many areas of human life that hold this new energy, and people can become involved in the new.

Part of the spiritual development as a component of the plan is the introduction of New Law. This determines how life is to be. It determines how humanity and the individuals within humanity need to think and feel and act. New Law is loving and light filled. It involves being loving to others and all lifeforms, and respectful of others and all life. In future root races, newer energies will take all this to even higher levels.

Life as it is lived by most people in humanity at present and in the past was controlled mostly by Old Law. Many people don’t want to give up Old Law as it supports their way of life, and they find New Law very threatening. So there is an energetic battle going on that they can’t win. The powers that be internationally and in each nation want to remain the “powers that be”. There are bastions of Old Law to be found in politics, finance, business, the military, religion, and in every organisation where someone works to preserve their power base, influence and wealth, and exploit others. Old Law is based on fear, greed and the desire for power, whereas New Law is about Love, Light and Common Sense (leading to a quality called Sentiency).

Right now is a very mixed up time to be living in. (Great fun if you like going out in storms.)

How to thrive in it?

Getting onto the right timeline really helps. There is a new one for humanity set up called the Golden Pathway. Then there is trusting God, trusting the Divine. One key point is that as there are more centres available inside people to develop, the old spiritual information which was for the old model human won’t be anywhere near as useful as the new information to be found on the new timeline.

The key centre to have awakened is the heart centre. As that awakens, all the other centres come on line in due course. Heart based meditations open, develop and strengthen the heart centre. Not only does more love come into a person’s being, and into their life, it also wakes up that connection with God. As people have more love in them, they act in their life with more love and generosity. Essentially, more and more they are living the Golden Pathway. They can become agents of loving change for themselves and others.

Also, as part of the input of energy in humanity and the changes that have been made to people’s centres, the third eye of absolutely everyone within humanity is being opened up and stimulated. Using the third eye confidently takes a bit of practise, and most people’s third eyes need a bit of clearing. The clearing and the development of the third eye is fairly straightforward through regular meditations that work on clearing the centres and practising the use of the third eye. There’s no need to try to open the third eye as it is already open, it’s just a case of becoming conscious of that fact. Using the third eye gives a person more useful information about all manner of things. They can look at energies around them, check out the energies of banks, shops, and organisations, for example. It is useful for looking at the kinds of cordings you have to other people. It helps you to decide simple things like which route to take in the car depending on the quality of the thoughtform of each route (simply imagine it as a ball or cloud of energy and notice how colourful, bright or dull it looks). It can be used for checking the amount of life energy in fruit and vegetables. There are as many uses for your third eye as you can imagine.

Even as the old ways and the old root race are coming to an end, the new ways are already there for you to find, and to live as a new spiritual adventure.

Meditating with the new energies can help get on the new timeline:

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Big Change, Healing and Golden Adventure

You can short-cut straight to the meditations, though reading the explanation will give insight:

Once I took a homeopathic remedy called staphasagria. It’s very good for “healing” unresolved issues around family and relationships, and for clearing the backlog of emotions to do with these issues. I took a 2M dose which I found out was like dynamite. Things came to the surface very fast, and for a short while, life was hellish. Some issues and emotions were really cleared out.

The homeopathic remedy worked by putting the right kind of energy into the situation to flush a lot of the (I wouldn’t say all) old issues, energy and karma out into the open, so it could no longer be hidden away, and so it had to be resolved. It wasn’t the easiest of times but life was better after it.

While going through this, a key point was to not drown in the craziness. I still meditated, and that kept me focused.

Another time, my mental state was very depressed. For a lot of people in a similar situation this would be very unpleasant, but I had been warned beforehand by a healer that I would be going through this mental energy. He was very good at seeing what was on my timeline, and could see the negative mental karma I had to chew through.

Forewarned, I meditated and daily visualized several positive outcomes. Emotionally and mentally I still felt like rubbish, but day by day, the meditation and visualization got me through life.

Here are two points. One where negative karma and related issues explode and events happen for us to work through, dissipate and balance, and another where the energy feels unremittingly negative and unpleasant.

Events and processes such as these happen throughout life, and throughout history. But right now, they are happening more and affecting a lot of people. In many large scale happenings triggered by people, the environment and lifeforms within it also suffer. There is a lot of change going on in the world and life for some is really tough. There are also people who have lifestyles where they don’t notice the issues and the difficulties or suffering of others, some of which could be alleviated. We all have different karma, but we are all connected, and all of life is connected. For example, if there is serious airborne pollution, or a radiation leak, or pollution in a river, lake or ocean some distance away, then many lifeforms, including people are affected.

There has been a tremendous amount of healing energy pushed into creation at the moment. Some of this is creating the new, bringing in New Law and new karma.

Some of the energy, the love and the light is stimulating the old, bringing up the old karma and old law to the light of day, so it can be worked through, dissipated and balanced, to make way for the new. This means transformation; getting rid of most of the old, and creating the new, and having brand new timelines. It’s about getting life the way God wants, which can be very different to how people want things to be. There is change on many levels, for individuals, families, communities, countries and so on. Rapid change can be difficult, sometimes it can be fine.

Flushed old energy and karma can be painful. There are about 300 years of cleaning up the old to go through, as the old runs out of energy.

Along with positive action, a superb way through all the changes is meditation, because it can bring in grace and bliss to help with emotional and mental pain. Going into the silence of meditation can also help people navigate a way through life, by accessing a higher level input than that found in everyday life. It can also be a way of accessing the inspiration and practical guidance to take positive steps in one’s own life, and to help others and the environment. The new, updated laws and energy, concepts and karma are already here.

Meditation to access the new:

The simple version is to go into meditation and ask for the Paramatman light, as this already has in it the combinations of new frequencies of light required and information. But you get what you look and ask for, so expect the new. The Paramatman is also good for alleviating emotional and mental pain.

In a quiet place, get comfortable. Close your eyes. Imagine putting down roots through the floor and into the ground, and let them flow down to anchor you in, which helps you safely absorb more light. Imagine focusing directly above you, and imagine bright white light above you. Mentally say, “I ask for and open up to the Paramatman Light”. Then let it flow down as beautiful bright, white light. Let it flow wherever it needs to flow as it has a Divine Intelligence.

Let the Paramatman Light keep flowing for as long as is required.

When the Paramatman Light fades or goes back up,  check over your body, emotions and mind to notice anything different.

Open your eyes.

Another meditation useful for dealing with change and the thoughts and emotions linked with it is based on a tailor made package of energy.

Gold Light and Love is already flowing down from the first Divine Journey, down into the planes of creation. It is already in the sixth plane. So up there is energy filled with inspiration, beauty, emotions and dreams, along with energy to provide fuel to make changes happen, and a bit of bliss to make difficult times easier. As part of this energy comes the opportunity to have on going input from a high quality guide from the Divine Journeys, who can act like a personal trainer.

In a quiet, comfortable place, close your eyes. Imagine putting down roots like a tree, into the ground to anchor you in, and help you deal safely with high frequency light.

Let light from the ground wash through you to start with, to clear any debris and emotional energy you don’t need.

Now let white light flow down from directly above you. Let it flow through the top of your head, and through each chakra in turn, to heal, cleanse and synchronize the chakras. Let the white light flow through your nervous system, and your muscles and bones, which store the memory of your life events in them, and your organs. Let the white light flush out what you don’t need and what can be released at this time. This is quite healing in its own right.

Now see directly above you in a midday position, a bubble of brilliant gold light which is coming down from the 6th plane, which is a plane of mental light, into which the first Divine Journey is flowing.

This gold bubble is filled with new inspiration, new ideas, new motivation and new emotion. So within this are new moments like points along a new timeline. Attached to the bubble is the focus of a new guide from the Divine Journeys.

The gold bubble comes down to encase you, and the gold light saturates all your chakras, and every single physical atom in your being. The gold light floods your astral body and your mental body. By doing this you are saying Yes to new law, and releasing the link with old law, which is found in old ways of living. So it is time to create something new, and do something new, based on love and life.

Feel the gold light in your eyes, and in your brain. Feel the gold light in your heart centre in the middle of your chest, and feel the gold light in your solar plexus.

Let the gold light flow down cordings that you have with people, places and things, that seem to accept the gold light.

The gold light becomes absorbed within you. Feel yourself painted within with gold light. The guide’s input will develop in its own way, which will be a brand new story.

Now become aware of your body, and open your eyes.

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How many chakras did you say?

The view of most people who think about chakras or centres is that there are seven main ones. If you look at old diagrams on the Internet you will usually view a person seated in a lotus position with seven coloured or patterned circles representing their chakras.

Was this always the case? Will it always be this way? Is the number of chakras that people have changing?

Chakras or centres help us interact with the energies of the world and Universe around us, and spiritual energies that come in that can continually change us. For example, the heart centre is the one the soul forms first in people. So your soul came in and your heart centre was formed as you were conceived. Your heart centre is a good placefor you to receive and send out love. You can also receive and host some divinely inspired energies, and it is a great place to let Light flow into for meditation. The third eye (which is opening for everyone so we can all be clairvoyant – which is a bit of a mixed blessing as we get to see the unpleasant stuff as well as the lovely) helps us to interact with information from our universe. The base centre, which is so essential for literally rooting us into the earth, and provides the solid grounding needed for spiritual life. The sexual centre is about creativity and mostly procreation, and ownership (why there is possessivenous as in having a possession when someone has a sexual partner). The throat centre is about expression and communication. The crown centre at the top of the head in the seven chakra system is about spirituality and having spiritual energy and information. The solar plexus is concerned with emotions and is linked to thinking. It is also the body’s brain (while the personality mind is in the head). It is involved in sending out emotional energy and receiving it.

The lower three centres, the base, the sexual centre and the solar plexus, are the ones most easily targetted with negative energy as they are the oldest, being created in earlier root races of humanity, and in the early physical forms that souls incarnated into.

There are other centres.

Centres are important to focus on in meditation, as keeping them functioning and in a pristine state are essential to spiritual development and so how we express ourselves in life.

In people, the centres are large or small depending on how active they are, and are bright or dark depending on what the people think or get up to. Some people who have many sexual partners, can develop quite black sexual centres which shows the energy that is building up in their sexual centre. This is linked to a build up of timelines in the sexual centre and the colour of the centre reflects the type of karma that is being built up that will need to be balanced in future lives.

I should put up a meditation to check out the colour of a person’s heart centre which gives a good reflection on their character. You can then check out people you come across, and it’s educational to take a look at the people on the TV. Once I found myself in a conference of people involved in the arms trade (long story, that). There were more than a few black hearts and some bats wings which indicated dark lodge status. They were an interesting mob.

A lot of the new children coming in have very bright centres, as they land on this earth to bring about some required changes.

The number of centres we require changes as time in Creation goes on. This is due to the process that creation is going through as lighter, more refined and more intense energy is evolving creation.

Humanity has a role of absorbing Light and energy from the Divine, and then being like a conduit, so it can go out into the rest of Creation. At the moment you may have noticed a lot of changes going on in the planet and humanity as a LOT of Light is pouring in and more advanced and refined light is coming in. So the number of chakras or centres that people have is increasing to handle this change in Light coming in. Right now there are a lot more centres than just 7. In the future, as the types of Light that come in are stronger and more refined still, then the human energy system (mental body, astral body, etheric body and physical body) will have yet more chakras in it.

There have been five root races of humanity going back into the dim and distant past. The first one was the Adamic root race, which was essentially etheric (plus astral) rather than physical, with a base centre and a sexual centre. Next came the Hypoborean, which would have had an additional chakra, the solar plexus centre. Then came the Lemurian root race, then the Atlantean root race. Not sure how many centres they had but I think the Lemurian could be telepathic, so that means they would have the heart centre, the throat centre, and the third eye at least. Possibly not the crown centre at the top of the head, because the Atlanteans showed they weren’t very good at spiritual direction, in that they got it wrong and ended up being wiped out in what is biblically called the Great Flood. (There are also sub-root races that incarnate usually to get specific things to happen in various parts of the world.) After the Atlanteans  the root race which then came in was the Aryan root race, named after a group of people that developed in northern India. This root race had the full seven major chakras that can been seen depicted in old pictures of chakras. Meditation techniques developed in Buddhism and the spiritual practices in India were well suited to this kind of chakra system.

This fifth root race, the Aryan root race is coming to an end. There is an energetic push to bring this to completion. This means fragmentation in societies, both global and national, upheaval, uncertainty as things break up and timelines suddenly seem to dissipate and end, emotional upheaval.

What is coming in is the sixth root race, and new timelines are starting with new energy. Sixth root race people have at least one hundred chakras or centres, possibly a lot more, whether they are aware of them or not. This means they can take in and receive as well as give out a bigger range of energy than the Aryan root race humans. They can process energy and emotions and thought in new ways, and handle more spiritual energies.

The sixth root race is the next step in humanity. To put it into perspective though, there will be, in the distant future, a seventh root race, and further into the future, an eight root race, and so on, Each root race will be able to handle more spiritual energy than the root race before and will have even more chakras or centres, and they will most likely call them something different by then, and may not even have to have a physical, sound based language, but might be telepathic. Humanity will evolve energetically, and in how their body looks.

How do chakras or centres appear or come about? The change makers in the world, and in creation are the five Perfect Masters, and these beings are responsible for making changes, following the plans of the Avatar who incarnates every 400 to 700 years in major and minor incarnations.

Doing the meditations presented on the blog, the gold, white and blue light ones for example, will open up your new centres. Have fun, meditate and transform.

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