You can tell a lot by intuitively looking at the energy of a country

Each country has a spirit like a spirit of the landmass. Added to this is the spirit of the people living there. Where I live, in Britain, over thousands of years there have been different groups of people here. There were people here from the Iron Age. There have been Picts, Celts, the Britons, the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings, the Normans (who came from France but who were from the Vikings). People leave an energy on the land with what they thought, what they felt, and what they did, and what happened when they were there. This energy soaks in the land. Places of habitation will have their own atmosphere.

Battlefields have a particular feeling of fear, anger and survival, and often people who have died in battle are still earthbound there. Places where evil happened will have that feeling. Conversely, if a land has a people living there who abide by spiritual ideals the energy of their living will soak into the land.

In Britain, the number of people around was quite small until the past few hundreds of years. Britain tends to be quite stable in how things are done in this country and people with power generally are not prone to being dramatic or crazy, or wantonly evil. Fair play tends to be a British characteristic when it comes to how the British treat the British, though historically they have also shown ruthlessness and that is one reason why they created an Empire. Democracy and the rule of law, combined with a fair amount of respect for Royalty, and a Royalty that has tended to treat the populace with some respect rather than despotically, has lent itself to a way of life where people have rights and are positively regarded. The resulting energy input onto the land from the British way of life is OK-ish, though could always be better.

Also in Britain, there are some areas where the energy of the land is quite powerful and quite high, such as the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, and the nearby Stonehenge. Some of the stones for Stonehenge came from West Wales, and the area they came from is again quite high energy.

A place like India has a tremendous amount of spiritual energy soaked into the land. It was the place where Perfect Masters were usually born and lived for a very long time. It is the place where the Avatar usually incarnates again and again every 400 to 700 years. The population as a whole revered the spiritual people who lived amongst them. It was a spiritual country rather than a materialist one. The spirit of India was quite high.

Though now it has become much more materialistic, and the way too many men think about women and girls, and the way women and girls have been violently and sexually treated has darkened the spirit of the country. The energy from humanity soaking into the land is less bright, and sometimes dark.

The energy soaked into a land can go back ages, literally. Lands can have been places where there is a lot of old Lemurian energy. This isn’t always positive. For instance, paedophilia came about in Lemurian times. This and other Lemurian energies need to be cleaned up from landmasses.

Atlantean energy can leave a dark stain on the land, particularly when souls with strong Atlantean energy reincarnate again onto the land. The Atlantean root race had to be got rid of by a great flood because they misused their power and decided to invite in evil. That was the end of them, though their energy still needs to be cleaned up. (The Aryan root race came next, us, though this root race timeline is fragmenting – anyone noticed the world going slightly nuts? – and a new root race with more chakras and abilities is coming about.)

Countries holding remnants of old energy that are holding them back will have this mixed in with the spirit of the landmass, and importantly the spirit of the people. Some people carry more energetic clout than others.

If you look at old pictures of the Nazi political leaders, and the military leaders and use your intuition to look, you get to see the dark energy around them, their black heart centres, the negative power in their centres, and the occasional black bat’s wings effect of extreme evil. There might be a glow of glamour around these people to try and disguise them (you wouldn’t expect the dark lodge to be blatant and upfront about it as it would give the game away).

Now take a look at pictures of the leaders in North Korea. Rather a lot of dark lodge folk have incarnated there. You can take a look other  leaders of other countries. Best to do this without prejudging a particular leader, as sometimes the saying “life is not what it seems” applies.

If you have ever dealt with someone who is devious, a total liar, a psycopath, or basically someone who is a signed up member or associate of the dark lodge, you learn pretty quick (hopefully) that there is no levelling with them, no honest dialogue and you can’t expect them to be respectful or fair. That just isn’t in their chemistry.

A powerful group of dark lodge people can energetically swamp out a large number of ordinary people with less well developed centres and auras. A powerful dark lodge group will affect the overall energy of a country.

Events will also affect the energy of a country by darkening it, or making it brighter.

Countries (and cities and towns and organisations) have a chakra system just like a human and other living creatures do. You can intuitively look at these chakras to take a look at the health or the state of the country.

You can look at the overall energy of a country as a triangle. Point pointing up is good. Point pointing down is bad. A nice healthy, glowing and stable triangle is good, pointing up. Britain is vibrating a bit and letting off steam but has a mostly gold colour so things aren’t actually that bad, or maybe I’m biased.

Germany before the weekend looked like there was a bit of gold, but also some red (not good), and looked like it was inflated and ready to burst. The chakra centres look like they are tearing up a bit which doesn’t look good. Looks like a social struggle, a gap between the politicians and the people. This will knock the shine off the economy, and what is bad for Germany is bad for Europe and vice versa. Or alternative way of looking at it is that change is afoot and a new balance will be achieved.

Taking a look at another country: Hungary’s triangle is golden and fat, as the country is being supported by Europe, but the chakra system is black.

I’m not going to go on through each country though fair to say things aren’t as stable as they could be. Things are likely to get worse before they get better.

North Korea’s triangle is ominously and angrily black. It is pointing down. When people, places or things develop a lot of unpleasant, negative, chaotic black zeroth plane energy (in contrast to lovely and nourishing black devic energy or earth energy), it has to be dissipated, often very quickly. This can happen by a release of energy through an accident, the destruction of a place, or in the case of a country, a war. After saturation point arrives the Law of Opposites which kicks in as some event happens and the triangle goes opposite and turns lighter (like what happened with Germany after the Second World War).

People in the world have mostly come to the idea that war is a horror and it leaves scars on the people involved, and can be damaging to all. This might hold things back, then again war might happen.

In meditation you can try for yourself using your intuition to check out the triangles and chakras for countries.

You might like to take a look at these:

Here’s a link to an article on the blog about fear and love and the energy of countries. When looking at a country in an energetic way we can use our third eye, or intuitive abilities, or clairvoyance which are similar in the result. We can look quickly or make it into a deeper technique or set of techniques. Going deeper, the process can be called psychometrising, and this is what can be done with countries. Here’s an article on this process. I took a look at the world altogether, and looked at what is going on with the energy on the planes of consciousness. I wrote this to explain why the world is the way it is at the moment: Today’s Spiritual Weather Report. Enjoy.

What if You Could Check Out Possible Futures? – The Wonder of Timelines

At the time of writing the UK is going through emotional and political turmoil about staying in or leaving Europe; saying “yes”, or “no” to Europe. The people of the UK are being presented with a choice between two timelines. One where they stay in the European Union, or one where they leave and act in their own right.

There is a huge amount of energy being expressed and spilling out as people give their opinions of what is best for the UK. There are lot of people trying to persuade or shock or frighten others into a particular choice. They say this will happen if the UK stays in Europe, or that will happen if we leave. It is amazing and predictable to see them being so certain as they try to get others to join them in their opinions.

With timelines, there are actual timelines that are happening, that we are on now. There are probable timelines, where given how things have been in the past, and how things are going now, the timelines are likely to happen. Then there are possible timelines, which can occur if there is a sufficient injection of energy following decisions being made, or events happening. Opportunistic karma can kick in and change matters.

With the UK and Europe, there are two basic timelines on offer. Following a democratic procedure where people get to vote and indicate their choice, one of the two timelines will get to be embarked on. That’s the theory anyway. You never can tell with UK politicians and the shenanigans they can try to get up to (key word is “try”).

It is also worth looking at the timelines from Europe’s point of view: what will the timelines be like for Europe? (I’m saying nothing!)

Looking at possible futures means looking at possible timelines. You can look at, and feel into the qualities of the possible timelines. You can look at timelines for a business, for countries, for members of a country, for the people who run the European Union, and so on, and look and feel into the timelines. Each country and organisation has a spirit. The strength and qualities of the spirit indicates the strength and quality of the timeline. The UK has a spirit, each country in Europe has a spirit, and the European Union itself has a spirit. It is worth remembering that on this planet and throughout creation negative and dark spirits are getting a hammering with the amount of light and love (which is also quite ruthless) pouring in. So a lot of negativity and nefarious happenings are being exposed and being stopped. This is ongoing. (As a further point, each country and organisation has a chakra system which you can look at intuitively or clairvoyantly to see how light or dark they are.)

One point that is worth mentioning is that Meher Baba, who proclaimed Himself as the Avatar of the Age, communicated before He dropped his body in 1969 that he had made all the major decisions for creation for the next three thousand years.

When looking at and feeling into possible timelines for right now and in the future, you are using your intuition, which is essentially you using your chakras or centres, particularly your third eye to connect with energy and explore it.

Ability to use your intuition to view timelines is enhanced by several factors.

One is having clear chakras and centres, a clear aura and clear space around you.

Secondly,  having a clean and powered up third eye.

Thirdly, having your heart centre open and fired up.

Good grounding when doing any energy work will help, and have confidence in yourself, and in what you feel and see. Be happy. Doing this helps you to observe and feel timelines with enough emotional detachment and clarity, coming from a point of love.

Just imagining you can sense a timeline helps you to do so.

Ask yourself questions such as how does this timeline feel, rough, smooth, happy, sad, desperate, angry, fragmented, and so on. Is the timeline strong or does it feel like it is falling apart? Does the timeline feel and look light, or does it look dark? Is the timeline filled with love, or something else? Is it straight or curved or does it branch off?

Does the timeline feel rough to start with and then improve, or does it look all great, or all awful?

Let yourself look at timelines for a few minutes to start with; don’t tire yourself out. Several minutes max is fine otherwise you can tire your third eye and end up with a headache.

As after any energy work, clear your centres and your space, close down doorways and get grounded. And have a rest.

There are some great meditations on the blog to enhance your ability to sense timelines. The all time basic is the “Getting Grounded Meditation”. The “Clean Up Your Energy”, “New Dawn, New Day” and “Gain That Inner Sparkle”, meditations are all good for clearing your centres and energy generally. The “Purple Light Meditation”, is very good for developing and healing the third eye centre. For developing the heart centre, “An Essential Meditation on the Heart” is excellent.

For FAQs about meditation, click here.

There is a great online course, the Intuition Program, that looks at sensing timelines and other things. If you are interested in more info, click on the link below.

If you would like to know about online meditation and courses that are available, click here.