Old karma, change and calming meditation

So what happens is lots of light comes in and everything changes, ouch.

Really I mean starts to change.

The New Age is coming in but not as people expected. A lot of people who wanted a New Age thought that it would be soft and cuddly, with lots of lovely feelings and gentle thoughts with wishful thinking.

What happens is that life goes topsy turvy with lots of upset, anger and war, and plenty of insecurity when people above all want to feel comfortable, secure and safe in a reliable world where they don’t have to change. People don’t like uncertainty and right now they don’t have a map to find their way around in this changing world (good news is a map is available, if you know where to find it).

We are still chomping through karma from the Lemurian, the Atlantean and the Aryan root races of humanity, and even more ancient karma at that. By karma I mean individual, group, national, and planetary karma, plus the karma from beyond the planet that affects us such as solar system karma, galactic and universal karma (hello ETs). This is all on the physical, astral (watch your feelings), and mental (notice your thoughts) levels.

As light and love flow in and pushes us through our individual and collective karma, as the light and love fragments and disintegrates all the old timelines that some people still try to cling to, and as New Law comes in and is challenged by the Old Law, life as we know it can seem very challenging. For a lot of people in the world right now, it is very difficult.

Years ago I recall reading about the seven Rays. The first one is Power, and the fourth one is Harmony through Conflict. So development in Life and Spirituality can occur in what seems to people as quite testing ways.

Also coming through and already there is the new, loving, life-filled, harmonious timelines and energy for us to get on, live and experience. There are new inventions, technologies and new concepts coming through, superseding the old. Spiritually, letting in the best of the new does mean being willing to let go of the old completely, and letting in the new completely. It does mean learning to think and feel in brand new ways.

The map. This is a special map that keeps on being updated as wave after wave of new energy flows in, as more and more refined spirit flows in, and as your capacity to receive and read the map increases.

This new love and light, and new spirit, is flowing down through the Divine Journeys and into the planes of consciousness, on which we are on. The new love and light and spirit filters down the planes where they touch us. We can access them in a more conscious way by meditating. As we tune into the new love, light and spirit we can absorb it by osmosis. It might be that we are picking up information and energy that helps us change consciously, but even if we are not aware, it will change us and influence us on a subconscious level. It will still help us to get on the best timeline for us. Plus the high level guides that are associated with this new energy can help us to, in the way they deem is the best.

So, eyes closed, roots down into the earth that has already changed, bring up new energy from the earth through your roots, and open up to the new love, light and spirit from the above. (Remember to get grounded afterwards.)

We will get through the old, out-dated karma at some point, and then with new spirit and new karma in us, then things will be better, but it will take a while.

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More about karma:

Karma, the law of opposites and experiences

Karma, gender and sexuality

Karma and mental illness

Karma and past lives

Karma, love and relationships