Meditation to assess a sacred or spiritual site

This follows on from the post about Sacred Sites. (Here’s the link).

You might need to know about Planes of Consciousness for this meditation. There are articles on this in the blog. Here is one link.

Some sites will operate only on the zeroth plane of consciousness, and work on the physical body and nervous system. (They can still make you feel good.) There may be some input into the lower astral level. These tend to be based on crystalline structures and / or ley lines.

Sites created by 5th and  6th plane saints will hold energy up to those planes of consciousness and can operate on the physical, astral and mental levels. These sites give a good spiritual push.

Sites created by Perfect Masters will operate on the physical, astral and mental levels, and on the soul level. They can irradiate energy on all planes and also Divine energy. Such sites tend to be clean astrally as the mental energy from the 5th and the 6th planes and the Divine Journeys burns up and sees off any unwanted astral energy and entities. (The same applies to sites set up by 5th and 6th plane saints, though less powerfully so.) These sites have a very powerful effect and can alter your energy and karma for this lifetime and future ones, and effects people who you know, as your timeline and their timelines are improved.

Some sites that have a lot of visitors will also have around them astral energy. This can be the accumulated thoughtforms and emotions about the place left by previous visitors. This is astral glamour. When people meditate at such places, they end up tapping into this, rather than the energy of the place. They then produce more thoughts and emotions. This astral glamour can be seen like a coloured cloud or glass dome. On the astral level it feels and looks to some people quite attractive. Discernment in spiritual matters as with everything else, is important. Glamour and negative energy are burnt off at sites created by the mental light of the 5th and the 6th plane beings.  Divine energy at sites created by Avatars and Perfect Masters will dispose of glamour and negative energy immediately. Energetically, they are clean places.

Some old sites may hold a residue of the energy linked with what used to happen in them. If there was a lot of emotion involved, and strongly projected thoughtforms given out, these can still be experienced. An astral energy could have been built up that encourages similar thoughts and feelings in other people who visit. These astral energies can be located on the lower, middle or upper astral levels. They may present themselves as being quite attractive, but this doesn’t mean that they actually are.

Some older societies knew how to work with astral energy in positive and negative ways. (The knowledge of how to do this was stripped out of human consciousness at the end of the Atlantrean root race as they misused it.) There can still be patterns of strongly worked astral energy in the sites they used. These can be felt and seen clairvoyantly. It is mental energy that brings about spiritual development, not astral energy, though it may look colourful and feel exciting.

Where people gather, there you will find astral entities to feed on the people’s emotions and energy. If you have ever felt tired going to a department store, a supermarket, or metro or underground, you will know what I mean. Also, people do drop slow frequency energy, like litter, which accumulates unless the energy of the site is self clearing.

This meditation is about locating a site or place that is suitable and healing for you. This will depend on your karma. This often takes into account past lives, what bits of your energy that needs to be gathered up from these lives, what needs to be released, what needs to be healed, and what needs to be learnt, according to what you need for your spiritual development.

This meditation is about discovering what planes a site is on, and in some places, if there is any Divine energy. The meditation helps you know if the site is effective on the physical, astral and mental levels.

It will help you know if there is any astral glamour, and help you get a sense of any hungry astral entities that may be lurking around.


In a quiet, relaxed place, close your eyes. See yourself in an oval shaped energy representing your aura. Imagine you grow roots through your feet and the base of your spine, down, down, down into the ground. Allow rich, cleansing and nurturing Devic energy flow up from the earth, up your roots and into your legs. Allow the Devic energy to flow into your body. This is to cleanse and nurture your body and your chakras or centres. The rich Devic energy overflows into your aura, saturating it. It washes away anything that should not be in it, or on the surface of it.
Allow this Devic energy to flow in and around for a few minutes. It will help to ground you, and help you work with high frequency energy.

Now from directly from on high, flows silent and still, dark blue light that is soothing, and which once again clears anything that needs to be cleared from your aura.

Your space becomes clear, and you become cocooned in the soothing, smooth dark blue light. It expands your awareness, and enables you to be able to focus in a relaxed way.

Now, very much from on high, flows brilliant white light, which flows around your cocoon of dark blue light. The white light flows into the cocoon forming trails of intelligent and vibrant white light.

You are going to take a look at the earth in your cocoon. Imagine it is night time. In your cocoon you lift up and move upwards, higher and higher, a few hundred miles or kilometres up, so that you can see half of the earth’s surface in the night.

The intense white light in your cocoon gently pulses down to the earth, carrying a signal that holds your karma and your spiritual requirements. The white light energizes the earth, and an appropriate location or locations pulse back, with a white glow or spark. In your cocoon, you move in closer to identify the location better. You can come back in meditation to any site or sites later.

Now go up high again, and move around to the other side of the earth. Again, let this be in the night so you can see any glow or spark from any site more clearly.

Once again, the white light from your cocoon pulses out down to the earth’s surface. Any appropriate site responds with its own glow or spark. Let your cocoon move down to the earth’s surface to get a closer look at the the site or sites that match your energy and karma. Again, you can repeat the meditation to get a closer fix on the location or locations.

Now let your cocoon travel back up high. Your cocoon then moves back above your present physical location. Your cocoon then smoothly descends back to earth. It rests around your physical self.

Still with the cocoon of blue and white light about you, if you have identified a site, imagine a vertical measuring tape with zero at the bottom and 7 at the top. Think of the site like a ball of light, place the ball by the measuring tape and notice which number the ball sits next to. This is the plane which it is on. Zero will mean earth energies. 5 and 6 will hold mental light. 7, means the site has Divine Journey energy radiating out of it. All the other planes may be active at that site too.

You can take a look at how old law or new law the site is. Imagine a key. If the key associated with the site is old and rusty, then the site is old law. If the key is sparkly crystalline, then the site is new law.

Think of the site as a ball of energy. If the ball appears to have a coloured, hazy layer around, there is astral glamour to be aware of.

Now imagine three other balls associated with it. One for the physical, one for the astral and one for the mental. Notice how large each ball is, symbolizing the effect the site will have on you physically, astrally and mentally. Balls can be coloured white or grey or black. If they are white, this represents the site as having a lot of order energy, if black, then chaos predominates, if the ball is grey, there is a mix of order and chaos.

Now let the images and feelings fade.

The white light and the dark blue light in the cocoon fade and the cocoon disipates. Your roots pulse, just to make sure you are back.

When you are ready, open your eyes.


Thanks to easily available maps of the earth, you can link up what you found out in meditation with physical locations. You can then repeated the meditation to get closer to a site’s location.

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What’s in a sacred site?

You might hear from someone that such and such a place is a spiritual site, or you might read about a place that people call a sacred site. You want to visit. You might feel drawn to go there due to your karma, or you decide to go because others are going.

We tend to like going to places that make us feel good, better than before, or where we find you get a healing. Plus it might be an adventure to go somewhere you haven’t been before. If you are sensitive to the energy, you will know that the place feels different to any other place you have been. The energy will feel quite heightened.

But what makes a place people call a sacred site a sacred site? (What does sacred mean for that matter?) What differences are there between such places? Where are the best places to go to?

Places are likely to have a strong positive atmosphere or energy. Or it may be the case that people go there simply because other people go there and people happen to say it’s a sacred site. Perhaps some old civilization carried out ceremonies there, and there may or may not be a residual energy.

Where there is a positive energy, perhaps meditation becomes heightened. You can feel the energy and it feels good and supportive.

A major cause of a positive energy is the earth energy. People through the ages have built temples or churches on places with a strongly positive earth energy and then used them for their religious or spiritual practices. Later on, some of these places get visited and called a sacred site.

The site could be built on top of a positive ley line, or be at a place where two or more ley lines cross, creating a point of powerful earth energy. An example of this is Stonehenge in southern England. Quite a few churches in Europe are built on top of ley line junctions. These positive places tend to be good for health and meditation.

Some sites could be on top of a crystalline deposit or structure. Again, this can create a strong positive energy that feels good to be on. The atoms in our bodies come from food and water derived from the earth; it’s our home. No wonder that there is a resonance between our bodies and the earth energy. The energy from positive ley lines and crystalline structures holds a lot of ordered energy, and with clairvoyance, can look quite beautiful. The energetic resonance will be on the physical, astral and a lesser degree, the mental levels.

There are also places where the ley lines, and the points they cross at are negative, and some crystalline structures can have a negative effect. If someone’s house or flat or place of work is on such a site then their health can suffer. Also, if people go to the Moon or Mars the ley lines and crystalline structures will most likely have an unfamiliar effect because it’s not “home”.

Earth energies are at a basic level. On this earth (and in creation) there are seven planes of consciousness, the zeroth, 0th, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,  4th, 5th, and 6th planes. Then on this planet there are the Divine Journeys, sometimes expressed as the 7th plane, though it is infinitely big. Then on each of the planes from the zeroth to the sixth, there are three levels or basic types of energy and substance. These are the physical level, the astral level and the mental level. On the zeroth plane there is physical substance and energy, some low, slow moving astral energy and light, and no mental light. Going up the planes there’s more and more astral light and energy, though none on the sixth plane or fifth plane, where there is bright mental light. On this earth, 90% of people are on the zeroth plane, so any positive energy from the first plane upwards will have a healing effect. Having said that, as our physical bodies are basically on the zeroth plane, they are affected by zeroth plane energy. The minerals in the earth are on the lower part of the zeroth plane, but now, more than ever, they hold some lovely, ordered energy that tends to be very beneficial for our physical bodies.

Where there is a positive ley line, or positive ley lines occurring, the energy holds a lot of ordered energy which affects our bodies and nervous systems. It feels good.

These sites can also hold spirit. The quality of this spirit varies from place to place. It can be old, as in old law from a bygone age or it can be new, as in new law energy that is up to date. The spirit can be astral, existing on the lower astral up to the higher astral, or it can be on the mental levels as well. In some instances the spirit has been introduced down from the Divine Journeys. That is when the energy is really special. Places don’t need to be on ley lines though to hold a Divinely inspired energy and spirit.

Fairies are pure order beings on the first plane. The order energy they give out can make a place feel magical and special. (Angels are 5th plane beings that are virtually all order energy, Archangels are sixth plane.) Places where fairies live are not easily found.

There are some sites that have been initiated  by people. In Sufism one name for a fifth plane saint is a wali. A sixth plane saint is called a pir. They can radiate fifth and sixth plane mental light, and they can be worked through by the Divine. Where they live can build up a residue of energy. Should they chose to deliberately charge up an object or space, these can radiate energy. The objects they use can be just everyday ones rather anything fancy. Which means they can be easily overlooked. This can also be a good thing as people who come near while going about their activities can receive an irradiation without noticing and without attaching any glamour to the situation. There can be some wonderful stillness and silence in a place they lived and worked in, which can be healing.

Saintly people on the third plane can do something similar but with a much, much lower energy, but still have some healing effect on people (and animals and plants) on the lower planes. Third plane activity looks a bit like magic or minor miracles. It is the kind of thing associated with India where such behaviour is normal. The activity isn’t necessarily spiritual, it’s just use of third plane energy.

Usually at any one time there are 56 God Realized beings on this planet, which means their consciousness is not on the planes 0th to the 6th, but their consciousness is on the lower Divine Journeys (usually). They are tend to be stationed on the 1st or 2nd Divine Journey. They act like spiritual generators, though they might not always be aware of the fact. Where they are and where they go is exposed to a strong spiritual energy. This absorbed energy can radiate a high frequency vibration, along with the silence and stillness that brings about change and healing. So there are around some very remarkable places that are not known about or talked about that can be noticed by being sensitive to the energy.

Five of the fifty six  God Realized beings hiwill be Perfect Masters, who in the past have been based on the first, second and third Divine Journeys, moving from one Divine Journey to another as they do their Universal work for creation and humanity. They each have 20% of God’s energy, which is very considerable. If they choose to create a site they can. It will hold whatever spirit they choose. The energy can be as complex and as fine as they want, to achieve whatever purpose they want. Unlike the energy of a sacred site based on ley lines or crystalline structures, the energy can be Divine, and energy can be structured into all the lower planes. This makes for some incredible healing and change. The energy and spirit can operate on the physical level, and the astral and mental levels. Perfect Masters command the Archangels and the Angels, so the sites can hold angelic energy. They can work on people’s karma. As Perfect Masters are at the centre of everything, they work at the soul level as well. Some Perfect Masters who work with the mineral kingdom can bring about profound changes in the rock and soil, too.

It is unlikely that Perfect Masters would advertise any site they make, preferring to draw to these places the people that can make best use of the energy. It is more effective to get the work done without publicity or the glamour that can get attached to the work by others. (They wouldn’t even say they were a Perfect Master in order to avoid attracting in the kind of person who would buy into any glamour about it. They like ordinariness.)

There are places where Perfect Masters have lived and worked which can be found through the Internet. Usually these places are in the region around India. One place is the cave that St. Francis of Assisi lived in, which was also visited by the last Avatar.

Where Avatars have lived, worked or been buried, there can be found profound spiritual energy. Avatars have access to all the Divine Journeys so the energy associated with them is extraordinary, or better put, Avataric. The effect on a person of this energy changes them for all of their lives.

Places where any objects, or articles of clothing associated with them are buried will also radiate Avataric energy. Also the energy of sites where clothing or objects used by their close followers, who would be used for the Avataric, Universal work, would emanate a spiritual energy that can create healing and change on all the planes.

How you can tell the quality of a sacred site, or a site with spiritual energy, I’ll write in another blog post.


Here’s the follow on blog post. You can use your intuition in this meditation to assess a sacred site. Click on this link.