Cleaning up your energy

Keeping your aura and centres clear and clean is a good idea in order to stay healthy and happy. In some jobs it can be too easy to accumulate negative, slow frequency energy and twists from others. There are also places that are littered with old energy that just hangs around, which can easily be absorbed into the aura and centres of people.

If someone works as a therapist or counsellor, or healer listening to other people’s problems, they have in front of them someone who is shedding negative energy. This can be absorbed by the therapist or counsellor, or it can simply fall on the floor.

If the intervention is more hands on, resulting in old negative energy being displaced from the client, it can also be absorbed by the person helping, or again end up in the space being used.

There are a number of simple ways of cleaning up the room, or the space used.  The simple physical act of vacuuming the floor, wiping and polishing objects, shaking cushions and so on can shift the energy. Having the window open to allow through a breeze is good. Having a tap (fawcet) open so that water is running seems to pull away negative energy and help clear a space. An open fire is great for burning off negative energy. A candle, lit with the intent of clearing negative energy can work well.

Below there is an meditative way of clearing negative energy from within and around a person. It’s worth mentioning though, that there are physical things that can be done to shift negative energy. A great way is to go for a swim particularly in the sea, especially if there is some surf. Physical exercise or dance gets the body and the energy within it to move. Or go and walk in the wilds when it is very windy to have the wind blow through your aura. A more sedentary way is to relax in front of an open fire, or have a sauna.

Sometimes though, the negative energy absorbed is very sticky and virulent. Sometimes an astral entity has jumped from one aura to another. Then a  powerful  meditation technique is required. This is one such. Read it first to familiarize yourself with it before trying it out.

In a comfortable position and with eyes closed, imagine yourself sitting on thick, verdant green grass. Rain falls on you, only it is rainbow coloured rain, that shines brilliantly. It lands on your skin, immediately soothing away negativity on the surface of your body. Any negative cordings with other people simply
fade away. Any shards of negative energy, or objects holding negative energy melt off. The rainbow rain washes away the negativity, like washing away clumps of black energy.

The rainbow rain washes through your head and body, bringing rainbow rain to wash through your blood supply, your nerves, muscles and bones. The rainbow rain washes through your organs, carrying with it any old, slow frequency energy and spirit.

Just let go and relax, let the rainbow rain wash you through.

The rainbow rain washes down your legs and arms, and down through your hands and feet. The water drips off, to fall onto the ground.

Imagine your aura that surrounds you is made up of three layers, an outer, middle and inner. Outside these, there is a layer like a skin that acts like a barrier. Use your imagination to take a look at each layer in turn. Look for blobs of loose energy, which can be the thoughtforms of others, or their emotions which have ended up being shared with you. Also look for shards of energy, like splinters, and any other spots of energy. Look for any holes or tears or doorways in the outermost skin-like layer.

The rainbow rain falls gently through your aura. Now comes down from above you, multiple flashes of lightning, touching and removing whatever it touches. The lightning flashes around the inner layer. It flashes through the middle layer. The lightning then flashes through the outer layer.

The sun comes out (a divine Sun), and shines brightly on the outermost layer of your aura, while a breeze (a divine breeze) also blows healing energy to close up gaps, holes and doorways.

A deep, rich light flows up from the ground and through the grass into your body. This brings about a balancing, and a harmonizing of your internal organs and nervous system.

Feel the green grass under you. Feel the sun shining on you and warming you. Feel the breeze on your face. When you are ready, open your eyes.


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6 thoughts on “Cleaning up your energy

  1. Wow this is an amazing post. I love the visualization with the aura. It’s synchronous that I’m finding this now, right after writing a post about my big Fall home-cleaning session. Lol

    Liked by 1 person

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