Beware, exciting glamour about. Or remember to check carefully. A precautionary tale.

Some years ago I came across two people who had written about angels and who were in the UK to give some workshops on angels. This was great stuff, all very spiritual. It was exciting as well. They offered to use their expertise to guide people who came to their workshops to connect with their own special angel, receive healing from the angels and learn their very own angel name. Fantastic. We got to work with some special energies that no one else knew about. It was great to be becoming more spiritual.

I was so excited by all this I offered to find them a place to stay and organize a workshop for them. I was around them a lot.

Then something happened. I started to feel emotionally numb, my heart centre felt dead, I felt robotic, and apparently rushing around doing whatever they wanted me to do. Something was wrong.

So I asked a friend for their opinion. They happened to be quite clairvoyant. Their advice was to get out, get away, as they were doing something energetically they should not be doing. They were slowly trying to manipulate, control and take over.

So I confronted these people and told them my truth of what I felt they were doing. I got them to leave the place I had provided for them. I took off for a week out of London to get some grounding and healing in Nature.

I found out later they had left several others in  similar condition as they moved around the UK.

It should have all been so wonderful. It was a spiritual topic and about angels after all. It had sounded so new, and exciting. Reviewing the people and their workshops clairvoyantly, it all looked very glamorous, which is actually something that should be ignored or taken as a warning. The energy of the workshop had a bright and glamorous outer cover, but in the inside, it was dark and had twists in it. As people, they had an energy that looked the same as the workshops.

This was an important lesson for me about workshops and presenters. I had been naive and gullible, taken in by the glamour, and I paid a price for it. After that experience I always checked out the energy of people, workshops and therapies. I became more careful. I realized the negative Dark wasn’t going to advertise its true nature, but rather it would use glamour to trick the unwise, and derail them from their true spiritual path. Inside, the energy of those two people was really dark and twisted, but covered by shiny glamour.

At another time, I attended a talk by two people. The talk was small stuff to me, as they remembered moments in their past spent in the presence of someone called Meher Baba. I was getting bored. I thought this was a waste of my time, and these people were dressed so ordinarily, not at all like a workshop presenter would be expected to dress. Looking back, I realized I didn’t have much of a sense of what was trying to pass itself off as spiritual, and what was actually spiritual.

I decided to look at them through my third eye, in a clairvoyant way. I was literally blinded by the light. An intense laser bright white light was shining out of all their centres, bathing everyone in the room with spiritual energy. I hadn’t come across anything like this in any of the workshops I had been to before. I felt silly and humbled for expecting a Hollywood style approach. What I was receiving in the talk was energy like no other I had received before. It taught me that the really important spiritual energy didn’t need glamour, and it was likely to have a very ordinary looking cover.

It also taught me true spirituality was not concerned with with what people wore, or what they did or said, or their status or wealth or lack of it. External trappings or appearance are unimportant. You could tell their spirituality because of the light, love, silence and stillness within them.

3 thoughts on “Beware, exciting glamour about. Or remember to check carefully. A precautionary tale.

    1. Glad you found it interesting. I think in most areas of human activity there is “the good, the bad and the ugly”. having a negative experience can be a useful learning experience so long as it’s not massive, which in spiritual growth can set people back lifetimes, or even be fatal. What I put on this blog is ways for people to identify the good stuff, and avoid unneccesary negative occurrences.

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      1. Right, I’ve had the same sort-of suspicious feeling about spiritual teachers who seem too “corporate”…asking you to tweet or post about them constantly or pushing their products hard…I realize that it’s often necessary in today’s economy to always promote the business but sometimes I feel as if The Biz easily overtakes the message


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